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Ethiopia War: Evidence of Mass Killing Being Burned – Witnesses

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on May 7, 2022

💭 በምዕራብ ትግራይ የጅምላ ግድያዎችን የሚያሳየውን ማስረጃ ቃኤላውያኑ በማቃጠል ላይ ናቸው

እግዚኦ! እንግዲህ ሰሞኑን በጎንደር ድራማ የሚሠሩት ለካስ በምዕራብ ትግራይ የፈጸሟቸውን ወንጀሎች ለመደበቅና የወንድሞቼንና እኅቶቼን እሬሳ የማቃጠያ ጊዜ ያገኙ ዘንድ ነው። እግዚኦ! እነዚህ እምነት-ቢስ አረመኔዎች፤ እንደው “እግዚአብሔር አያይም!” ብለው ነውን? ወይንስ እንደ ቃኤል፤ “አላውቅም፤ የወንድሜ ጠባቂው እኔ ነኝን?” ሊሉት? እስከ መቼ እንዲህ እያታለሉና እየተቅበዘበዙ ሊኖሩ? ልጆችና ዘመዶች የሏቸውምን?

ለካስ የከንቱዎቹ አማራ ሜዲያዎች (እነ ዘመድኩን በቀለን፣ አባይነህ ካሴን እና የኦሮሞው ኤርሚያስ ለገሰ ባሪያ ሃብታሙ አያሌውን ጨምሮ) ሰሞኑን ደጋግመው እየተቀባበሉ የሚከተለውን ሲለፍፉ የነበረው ለወንድሞቼና እኅቶቼ ሬሳ ማቃጠያ የሚጠቀሙትን ኬሚካል መሆኑ ነው። ከክርስቶስ ተቃዋሚ ቱርክ ያገኙትን!

እንዲህ ሲሉን ነበር ፤

በቀናት በፊት አክራሪውና ፅንፈኛው ሀይል ጎንደር ከተማን ለማጥፋት እስከ 27 .ሜ ሬዲየስ ድረስ ማውደም የሚችል ተቀጣጣይ ኬሚካል ቦንብ ተራ አካባቢ ተቀምጦ መገኘቱን ቀድሞ ለሚያውቀው የፌደራልና የክልል ባለስልጣናት አሳውቀንንና ጎትጉተን መሳሪያው እጅ ከፍንጂ እንዲያዝ አስደርገናል። የሚመለከታቸው አካላት በጥምረት ባደረጉት ማጣራት ይህ አውዳሚ መሳሪያ በቱርክ ባለሙያዎች የተሰናዳ መሆኑን እና እስከ 500,000,000 የኢትዮጵያ ብር ግምት እንዳለው ገልፀዋል። ልብ በሉ ያኔ ያን ነገር ተረባርበን ባናስይዝ ኑሮ ዛሬ ጎንደር የምትባል ከተማ ጠፍታ ነበር።”

ዋይ! ዋይ! ዋይ!

አይ ቃኤል አማራ! እየጨፈጨፈህ ያለው አማሌቅ ኦሮሞ፣ አንተ ግን የኦሮሞ ገዳይህ አሻንጉሊት ሆነህ የምትገድለው ምንም ያላደረገኽን አክሱም ጽዮናዊ አቤል ወንድምህን። አይ አረመኔ ኦሮሞ፤ እግዚአብሔር እሳቱን ያውርድብህ!

❖[ኦሪት ዘፍጥረት ምዕራፍ ፬፥፰፡፲፩]

“ቃየልም ወንድሙን አቤልን። ና ወደ ሜዳ እንሂድ አለው። በሜዳም ሳሉ ቃየል በወንድሙ በአቤል ላይ ተነሣበት፥ ገደለውም። እግዚአብሔርም ቃየልን አለው። ወንድምህ አቤል ወዴት ነው? እርሱም አለ። አላውቅም፤ የወንድሜ ጠባቂው እኔ ነኝን? አለውም። ምን አደረግህ? የወንድምህ የደሙ ድምፅ ከምድር ወደ እኔ ይጮኻል። አሁንም የወንድምህን ደም ከእጅህ ለመቀበል አፍዋን በከፈተች በምድር ላይ አንተ የተረገምህ ነህ።”

💭 The remains of hundreds of people are being deliberately destroyed in an organised campaign to dispose of evidence of ethnic cleansing in the west of Ethiopia’s Tigray region, according to interviews with 15 eyewitnesses.

The allegations follow multiple reports of the targeting of the Tigrayan population during the civil war. They also come in advance of the possible deployment of a UN independent investigation team which will be led by former International Criminal Court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.

People belonging to security forces from the neighbouring Amhara region, which are occupying western Tigray, have been identified as digging up fresh mass graves, exhuming hundreds of bodies, burning them and then transporting what remains out of the region, the eyewitnesses said in telephone interviews.

The authorities have acknowledged that graves have been dug up but say that they show evidence that Tigrayan forces had been carrying out its own campaign of ethnically motivated killing in recent decades. Researchers from Gondar University have also been uncovering mass grave sites that they have linked to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

All sides in the on-going civil war have been accused of carrying out mass killings.

But in a recent report, rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch accused Amhara officials and security forces of being behind a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Tigrayans in the area.

Last December, the UN human rights council passed a resolution to establish an independent investigation into atrocities committed by all warring parties in the conflict.

The Ethiopian government objected to the resolution and vowed not to co-operate, saying the resolution was an “instrument of political pressure”.

In a vote in March, Ethiopia’s bid to block funding for the investigative panel failed. Russia and China had backed the Ethiopian government’s attempt to block funding.

Remains burned

Eyewitnesses have said that three days after the funding was approved, the campaign to destroy evidence of atrocities was launched in western Tigray.

“In the plot of land behind Hamele Hamushte school in Humera town, 200 bodies of ethnic Tigrayan civilians were buried in two mass graves. These were civilians massacred in the early months of the war,” said an eyewitness from the Welkyat ethinc group who lives in Humera.

Whereas Tigrayans either fled the area during the fighting or are in detention, members of the Welkyat ethnic group remained and have provided the eyewitness reports.

“On 4 April, the Amhara militias and the Fano [militia] youth group exhumed the remains. They gathered wood, sprayed something we never saw before and burned the remains they collected. The remains crumbled and turned into ash.”

This testimony was consistent with what other eyewitnesses said about the same incident .

Amhara militia and Fano youth destroyed the remains of bodies buried in another part of Humera, witnesses have said.

“The bodies belonged to civilians who were paraded from detention camps. There were around 100 bodies buried en masse behind the land of the public office of the Humera Agricultural Institute,” said another witness.

“They took the remains to the compound of the institute and turned them into ash using wood, fire, and chemicals that we don’t know. As they were doing that their faces were covered by masks and they wore gloves.”

Adebay is another town in western Tigray where eyewitnesses have described the disposal of evidence by moving human remains.

“On the morning of 10 April, the Amhara militias dug up the four mass graves in the St Abune Argawi church,” a resident of Adebay said.

“There were 150 bodies of civilians killed in the August wave of ethnic cleansing. They loaded the bodies into a lorry. We don’t know where they took the remains.”

Eyewitnesses said that on the same day another mass grave located behind the local government administrative office of Adebay was dug up. Thirty-nine civilians had allegedly been buried there in October 2021 after being rounded up in the town of Adi Goshu and then caught trying to flee.

According to the testimonies the remains were loaded onto a lorry and moved to an unknown place.

👉 Continue reading/ሙሉውን ለማንበብ

In another town, Beaker, which is located between Tirkan and Rawyan, other eyewitnesses described similar activity.

“The bodies belonged to 70 civilians who had been arrested in Beaker. They were massacred nine months ago,” a resident said.

“On 11 April the Amhara militia exhumed them and took them to Sanja, a town in the Amhara region.”

Witnesses said the campaign of the disposal of evidence started on 4 April and was supervised by experts from Gondar University, which is in Amhara region.

“It all started following the visit of experts from Gondar University. When they came, they came with trucks that were loaded with chemicals in white jerry cans. The experts were in the town for a few days giving training to the Amhara militia on how to dispose of the remains and then they returned,” an eyewitness said.

Three residents said that militia members had been publicly talking about the involvement of Gondar University and showing off about how the evidence of the killings would not be discovered.

The university has not responded to a request for comment on the allegations.

But last month, the state broadcaster reported that researchers from Gondar University had been working on 12 mass grave sites in the area and had found evidence that the TPLF had been involved in acts of genocide.

Experts have confirmed that it is possible to dispose of human remains using certain chemicals.

Andrea Sella, professor of inorganic chemistry at University College London, said cremation was possible as long as a high enough temperature was reached.

Gebrekidan Gebresilassie, a doctor in chemical engineering at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, also said it was possible to destroy forensic evidence with the help of chemicals that are readily available.

“These chemicals destroy the forensic evidence… But from a chemical point of view even the ashes can show some evidence. It is difficult to destroy it all,” he said.

The prime minister’s office has not responded to a request for comment, however a senior Amhara official and the speaker of the federal parliament, Agegnehu Teshager, denied the accusations that evidence was being systematically destroyed.

He did say that exhumations were going on but that the bodies that were being removed were those of ethnic Amharas who had been killed over the past 40 years.

“It was not possible to exhume the mass graves and show it to the world until these days because the TPLF was ruling the country,” he said. The TPLF had been the dominant party in the coalition that governed Ethiopia from the 1990s until 2018, when Mr Abiy came to power.

Mr Agegnehu also rejected the reports of ethnic cleansing in western Tigray including those from Amnesty and Human Rights Watch. He described them as a lie.

“They are sensational reports which do not take into account the reality on the ground,” he said.



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Imagine The Reaction Around The World if The Site of This Horrific Ethnic Cleansing Was in Ukraine

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 3, 2022

👉 The Ukraine war shows us:

😈 United by their Illuminist-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanist agendas The following Edomite-Ishmaelite entities and bodies are helping the genocidal fascist Oromo regime of evil Abiy Ahmed Ali:

☆ The United Nations

☆ The European Union

☆ The African Union

☆ The United States, Canada & Cuba

☆ Russia

☆ Ukraine

☆ China

☆ Israel

☆ Arab States

☆ Southern Ethiopians

☆ Amharas

☆ Eritrea

☆ Djibouti

☆ Kenya

☆ Sudan

☆ Somalia

☆ Egypt

☆ Iran

☆ Pakistan

☆ India

☆ Azerbaijan

☆ Amnesty International

☆ Human Rights Watch

☆ World Food Program (2020 Nobel Peace Laureate)

☆ The Nobel Prize Committee

☆ The Atheists and Animists

☆ The Muslims

☆ The Protestants

☆ The Sodomites


💭 Even those nations that are one another enemies, like: ‘Israel vs Iran’, ‘Russia + China vs Ukraine + The West’, ‘Egypt + Sudan vs Iran + Turkey’, ‘India vs Pakistan’ have now become friends – as they are all united in the anti-Christian, anti-Zionist-Ethiopia-Conspiracy. This has never ever happened before it is a very curios phenomenon – a strange unique appearance in world history.

✞ With the Zionist Tigray-Ethiopians are:

❖ The Almighty Egziabher God & His Saints

❖ St. Mary of Zion

❖ The Ark of The Covenant

💭 Due to the leftist and atheistic nature of the TPLF, because of its tiresome, foreign and satanic ideological games of: „Unitarianism vs Multiculturalism“, the Supernatural Force that always stood/stands with the Northern Ethiopian Christians is blocked – and These Celestial Powers are not yet being ‘activated’. Even the the above Edomite and Ishmaelite entities and bodies who in the beginning tried to help them have gradually abandoned them

✞✞✞[Isaiah 33:1]✞✞✞

Woe to you, O destroyer, While you were not destroyed; And he who is treacherous, while others did not deal treacherously with him. As soon as you finish destroying, you will be destroyed; As soon as you cease to deal treacherously, others will deal treacherously with you.

✞✞✞[ትንቢተ ኢሳይያስ ምዕራፍ ፴፫፥፩]✞✞✞

“አንተ ሳትጠፋ የምታጠፋ፥ በአንተም ላይ ወንጀል ሳይደረግ ወንጀል የምታደርግ ወዮልህ! ማጥፋትን በተውህ ጊዜ ትጠፋለህ፤ መወንጀልንም በተውህ ጊዜ ይወነጅሉሃል።”


Posted in Ethiopia, News/ዜና, War & Crisis | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

A. Ahmed’s Ethnic Cleansing Campaign Completed: Not a Single Tigrayan Left in West Tigray

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 3, 2022

👉 ገብርኤል 👉 ማርያም 👉 ኡራኤል 👉ጊዮርጊስ ✞ ተክለ ሐይማኖት 👉 ዮሴፍ 👉 መድኃኔ ዓለም

🛑 The ethnic cleansing is openly and clandestinely coordinated by:

😈 The Fascist Oromo Regime of Abiy Ahmed Ali

😈 The Fascist Arab stooge Iaias Afewerki in Eritrea

😈 The Fascist Amhara Fano Militia

😈 The Marxist TPLF

😈 The United Nations

😈 The Biden-Harris Administration of The U.S

😈 The European Union

Roughly a year ago, on Mar 10, 2021, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken described violence in Ethiopia’s Tigray region as “ethnic cleansing”. What has been done since then? Nothing! In fact, they continue encouraging and indirectly supporting those perpetrators of genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes.

🔥 Imagine the reaction around the world if the site of this horrific ethnic cleansing was in Ukraine!

😠😠😠 😢😢😢

አይ አማራ! ወደ ኦሮሚያ እና ቤኒሻንጉል ሲዖል ገብተህ “የኔ ናቸው” የምትላቸውን አማራዎች ነፃ እንዳታወጣ በኦሮሞው ቁራ ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ ስትከለከል ጸጥ ለጥ ብለህ እንዳልነበር፡ ታዲያ ዛሬ ሆን ብሎ ከውንድምህ ጋር ሊያጣላህ “ወደ ትግራይ ግባና እርስትህን አስመልስ እኔ ድጋፍ እሰጥሃለሁ” ብሎ ካታለለህ በኋላ አሁን “በሬ ሆይ! ሳሩን አየህና ገደሉን ሳታይ” ብሎ ተርተብህ። ታዲያ በምዕራብ ትግራይ ባለፉት ስምንት ወራት በፈጸምከው ግፍ ተጸጽህተህና ንሰሐ ገብተህ፣ በሠራኸው ወደር የሌለው ግፍ ሳቢያ ምንም ዓይነት የግዛት ጥያቄ በትግራይ ወንድሞችህ ላይ ሳታነሳ (ይህ ሲያንስህ ነው፣ ግዴታህም ነው!) በመጠናከር ላይ ካለውና ሊረዳህ ከሚችል ብቸኛው የትግራይ ተዋሕዶ ሕዝብ ጎን ቆመህ የዋቄዮአላህ ወራሪዎችን መዋጋት ሲገባህ ለዓመታት ካለሟቸው ከተማዎች እናቾንና ሕፃናትን ታፈናቅላቸዋለህ፣ የኦሮሞውቹ እና የመሀመዳውያኑ ወኪል፣ ደጀንና ደጋፊ ሆነህ ምንም ያላደረግኽን የትግራይ ክርስቲያን ሕዝብ አስርቦ ለመጨረስ ወደ ትግራያ የምግብ እርዳታ እንዳያልፍ ትከለክላለህ! ዋይ! ዋይ! ዋይ! ታዲያ አማራ ዛሬ በዳይም ተበዳይም የመሆን መብት አለውን?! ይህ መርገም አይደለምን?! እንግዲህ ይህን ያህል የትንቢት መፈጸሚያ የሆነከው የትውልድ እርግማን ደርሶብህ ሳይሆን አይቀርምና መጥፊያህን ዛሬውኑ አመቻች።

እንደው፤ አንድ ክርስቲያን ነኝ፣ ተዋሕዶ ነኝ” የሚል ሕዝብ ተዋሕዶ ክርስቲያን የሆነውን ሕዝብ አስርቦ ለመፍጀት መንገድ ሲዘጋ የቤተ ክርስቲያን “አባቶች” ፣ መምህራን፣ ዲያቆናትና አገልጋዮች ለምንድን ነው ወጥተው የማይናገሩት፣ የተቃውሞ ሰልፍስ የማያደርጉት? ከዚህ የበለጠ አስከፊ ነገር ምን ሊኖር ይችላል? እንዴት ነው ኦሮዶክስ ተዋሕዶ ክርስትና ከኢትዮጵያ ምድር እንድትጠፋ እና ክርስቲያኖች እንዳይኖሩ ይፈልጋሉን? በተለይ በአዲስ አበባ እና በአማራ ክልል ያሉ የቤተክህነት አገልጋዮች እግዚአብሔርን በጣም የሚያስቆጣ ሁኔታ ላይ ነው ያሉት። በየትም ዓለም ታይቶ ተሰምቶ የማይታወቅ ዝምታ ነው እያሳዩ ያሉት። በእኔ በኩል፤ ይህን ያህል ምንም ሰብብ ወይም ምክኒያት ሊኖር ስለማይችል ከላይ እስከ ታች ሁሉንም የክርስቶስ ተቃዋሚዎች፣ የተዋሕዶ ክርስትና እና የኢትዮጵያ ጠላቶች እንደሆኑ አድርጌ ነው የማያቸው።


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Joe Biden Must Hold Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed Ali Accountable | Bloomberg

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on January 6, 2022

💭A Nobel Peace Prize should not shield the prime minister from sanctions for war crimes and rights abuses.

👉 Courtesy: Bloomberg

Could Joe Biden become the first American president to sanction a Nobel Peace Prize winner for war crimes and human-rights abuses? As the U.S. steps up efforts to end Ethiopia’s bloody civil war, it must reckon with credible reports that the government of the 2019 laureate Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed instigated the conflict and covered up gross abuses.

Biden’s envoy for the Horn of Africa, Jeffrey Feltman, arrives in Addis Ababa today to advocate peace talks between the Ethiopian government and rebels in the northern region of Tigray. Now in its second year, the war has claimed thousands of lives and displaced millions. It is in a stalemate, with Abiy at a slight advantage: His federal forces have regained territory lost in early November but are unable to make headway into Tigray. The rebel leadership claims to have made a strategic retreat and has indicated a willingness to hold peace talks.

Abiy has ramped up air strikes, using drones acquired from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, which have killed scores of Tigrayans. A land offensive would be much bloodier, for both sides. But the prime minister will likely want a thrust deep into Tigray before agreeing to any meaningful parleys. For one thing, this would give him the upper hand in any negotiations. For another, having portrayed himself as a military leader — in the time-honored fashion, he visited the frontlines dressed in fatigues — he needs something that at least looks like a victory.

Feltman’s first order of business should be to restrain Abiy. The prime minister has thus far been immune to persuasion and to punitive economic measures, such as the suspension of European aid and the blocking of duty-free access to the U.S. market. But these, in effect, punish all Ethiopians for the actions of their leaders.

More targeted measures are called for. Biden has threatened to use sanctions to end the fighting, but has only imposed them on the third party to the conflict — the government of neighboring Eritrea, which entered the civil war on Abiy’s side. It is time to call out and sanction Ethiopians, on both the Tigrayan and government sides, who have enabled or committed crimes and abuses.

Despite the hurdles put up by the government, human rights agencies and humanitarian groups have been tabulating offenses by all combatants. Even as officials in Addis Ababa talk up war crimes ascribed to the rebels, they have suppressed information of wrongdoing — including mass rape and the recruitment of child fighters — by government forces and allied militias. Fislan Abdi, the minister Abiy tasked to document abuses, told the Washington Post last week that she was told to sweep inconvenient facts under the carpet. She resigned.

That brings up the question of Abiy’s culpability. His government claims the rebels sparked the civil war when they attacked a military base, but it is now becoming clear that the prime minister had been preparing an assault on the northern region long before then. As the New York Times has reported, Abiy plotted with the Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki against the Tigrayans even as the two leaders negotiated an end to decades of enmity between their countries in 2018 — the deal that won Abiy his Nobel.

The prime minister was apparently counting on the Peace Prize to draw attention away from the preparations that he and Isais were making for war against their common enemy: the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. Although the Tigrayans are a minority in multiethnic Ethiopia, the TPLF ran the government for the best part of three decades before Abiy’s accession to power. The Eritreans blame the TPLF for the war between the countries. Abiy is from the Oromo, the largest ethnic group, which was long denied a fair share of power by the Tigrayans.

Since he became prime minister, Abiy has systematically marginalized Tigrayans in the central government. The civil war has provided cover for crimes by government officials and forces. In the most recent example, says Human Rights Watch, thousands of Tigrayans repatriated from Saudi Arabia have been subjected to abuses ranging from arbitrary detention to forcible disappearance.

Abiy is hardly the first Nobel laureate to have brought dishonor to the prize. But, for obvious reasons, American presidents are leery about deploying sanctions against those who have been ennobled as peacemakers.

George W. Bush considered sanctioning Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, joint winner in 1994, but eventually thought better of it. For all his recklessness, Donald Trump could not bring himself to sanction Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi, winner in 1991, for her government’s gruesome treatment of the Rohingya minority, and targeted only the country’s military commanders. (Ironically, those same commanders would go on to overthrow the civilian government and imprison Suu Kyi.)

Biden might do well to follow Trump’s example and target senior Ethiopian officials while giving Abiy a Nobel pass. Still, if the prime minister doesn’t take heed, he may well find himself in an ignoble category all of his own.



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Smyrna Catastrophe: Genocide of Greeks in Antichrist Turkey/ Asia Minor

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 20, 2021

💭 The Destruction of Smyrna: How The Turks Ended The Greek Presence in Their Territory by Burning a City

💭 ቱርኮች የግሪኮች ከተማ የነበረችውን ስሚርኔስ/ኢዝሚርን በእሳት አቃጠሏት፤ ከዚያ ግሪኮች ቱርክን ለቅቀው ወደ ግሪክ ተሰደዱ

ኦሮሞዎችም በሻሸመኔ፣ አጣዬ፣ ትግራይ ወዘተ ተመሳሳይ ወንጀል በመፈጸምና ክርስቲያኖችን በማፈናቀል ላይ ናቸው !

This year marks 99 years since the Catastrophe of Smyrna, the modern-day city of Izmir on the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea, when Greeks were forced to flee the city due to a fire set by Turkish forces.

It was a cataclysmic event of such enormous importance for modern Greek history that it shaped generation upon generation after 1922, adding yet another unforgettable —and unutterably tragic — milestone to Greece’s long history.

Great Fire cause the Catastrophe of Smyrna

A terrifying blaze, called the Great Fire, destroyed much of the city, causing the majority of Greeks in Asia Minor to flee their homes and seek shelter primarily in Greece, but also in other countries.

Historians of the time period, taking countless eye witness and written accounts of the event, have agreed that Turkish mobs set the Greek section of the city on fire.

Turkey continues to deny this, claiming that it was Armenians, or even Greeks themselves, who set the city ablaze.

Smyrna was undoubtedly one of the wealthiest cities, not only in the Ottoman Empire, but anywhere Europe.

It was home to one of the largest populations of Greeks and Armenians in the Empire.

Together, they constituted the Christian community of the city, which lived peacefully side by side with the Muslim and the Jewish communities for centuries.

However, politics, and the competing interests of the main global powers, alongside the rising tide of nationalism and the outbreak of the First World War, were the factors that determined the fate of Smyrna and its citizens for the rest of the twentieth century and beyond.

As part of the Greco-Turkish War, which raged from 1919 to 1922, Greece’s armed forces went to Smyrna on May 15, 1919.

After major military and political errors made by the Greek government, the Turkish army regained control of the city on September 9, 1922.

Christian populations in Asia Minor in dangerous position

The future for the Christian population of Greeks and Armenians was perilous.

After a series of catastrophic events, the majority of them would end up dead as part of the Greek Genocide, which actually began with a series of confrontations in 1914 and would last until 1923.

Eyewitness reports state that the great fire of Smyrna began on September 13, 1922, and lasted for approximately nine full days, until September 22.

The fire’s results were catastrophic — the entire Greek and Armenian quarters of the city were completely wiped off the map.

Churches, ornate villas, and mansions of great architectural importance, as well as schools and entire market areas, were gone forever, without a trace.

Catastrophe of Smyrna has lasting impact

Official data about the number of the victims of the Smyrna Catastrophe and Greek genocide does not exist.

Experts believe that the number of victims lands somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000, while the number of refugees who were forced to leave Asia Minor numbered in the millions.

The city suffered such enormous damage to its infrastructure that much of it literally had to be rebuilt from the ashes.

But the Greek neighborhoods, which had the most beautiful homes, churches and other buildings — the entire 40 hectares of what was once the most elegant part of the city, and then became a hellish inferno — has no buildings whatsoever on it.

Today the area is an enormous park, known as Kültürpark in Turkish, which serves as Turkey’s largest open-air exhibition center.

There are no reminders there of the glory which once was Smyrna.

14 መስከረም፤ በቱርክ ግዛት በአናሳዋ እስያ የግሪኮች የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል የመታሰቢያ ቀን

የግሪክ ጭፍጨፋ1922. ታላቁ የሰምርኔስ እሳት በመስመር 1922 አብዛኛው የሰምርኔስ ከተማ (ዘመናዊው İzmir) የወደብ ከተማን ያጠፋ እሳት ነበር።

የዘመኑ የግሪክ ታሪክ ከሚያሳዝኑ በዓላት አንዱ በወታደራዊ ሽንፈት እና በመቶ ሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ግሪኮችን ከትንሽ እስያ መነቃቃቱ ምክንያት የሆነው ትንሹ እስያ ግንባር መውደቁ ነው።

የነሐሴመስከረም 1922 ታሪካዊ ክስተቶች “ትንሹ እስያ አደጋ” በሚል ርዕስ ሙሉ በሙሉ ተመዝግበዋል።

1922 ሽንፈት ከ 1453 ጋር ሊወዳደር ይችላል እና በአይዮኒክ ምድር ውስጥ ለረጅም ጊዜ የቆየውን የግሪክ ማህበረሰብን ከሥሩ ነቅሎ ስለሄደ እንደ ትልቅ ሊቆጠር ይችላል።

በቱርክ ግዛት በአናሳዋ እስያ ግሪኮች የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ብሔራዊ የመታሰቢያ ቀን መስከረም 24 ቀን 1998 በግሪክ ፓርላማ በአንድ ድምፅ ውሳኔ የተቋቋመ ሲሆን በየዓመቱ መስከረም 14 ቀን ይከበራል።

የአናሳዋ እስያ ድብቅ ውበት ወደ እናት ሀገር ግሪክ ለማዛወር የቻሉት አንድ ሚሊዮን ፣ 1.5 ሚሊዮን ስደተኞች!


እሳቱ በተነሳበት ቀን አመሻሹ ላይ ፣ ከሃቲስታሞው ጎዳና ጎን ለጎን ከሚገኘው ቤቴ ወጥቼ ፣ ምን እየሆነ እንዳለ ለማወቅ ወደዚህ ጎዳና ሄድኩ።

እሳቱ ወደዚህ ወረዳ ገና እንዳልተስፋፋ ልብ ሊባል ይገባል። እዚያ ከሁለት መቶ እስከ ሦስት መቶ የታጠቁ ቱርኮች ቡድን አገኘሁ። ፈረንሳዊ መሆኔን ከነገርኳቸው በኋላ ምን እንደሚፈልጉ ጠየኳቸው።

በሰፈሩ ውስጥ ያሉትን ቤቶች ለማፈንዳት እና ለማቃጠል መመሪያ እንዳላቸው መለሱልኝ። ከዚያ እነሱን ለማሳመን ሞከርኩ ፣ እነሱ ግን ‘ፋይዳ የለውም ፣ ሂድ!’ ብለው መለሱልኝ። እና በእርግጥ ከቤቴ እንደወጣሁ ብዙም ሳይቆይ ተቀጣጣይ ቦምቦች መውደቅ ጀመሩ። ጁበርት ፣ የዓይን ምስክር ፣ የፈረንሣይ ባንክ ጸሐፊ።

ይህ ጥፋት የተጀመረው የመጨረሻው የግሪክ ወታደራዊ ክፍል ከትንሽ እስያ ከተነሳ እና የቱርክ ጦር ከገባ በኋላ ሙስጠፋ ከማል እራሱ እና በከተማው ውስጥ የማይለወጡ ናቸው።

በቱርኮች ከተከበቡ በኋላ ሴቶቹ እና ሕፃናት መጠጊያ የወሰዱበትን የቅዱስ ኒኮላስ የአርመን ቤተ ክርስቲያን ፍንዳታ ተከትሎ እሳቱ መጀመሪያ በአርሜኒያ ሰፈር ውስጥ ተቀሰቀሰ።

ግሪኮች ወደ ቤተክርስቲያኑ ገብተው ለተከበቡት ውሃ እና ምግብ ሰጡ ፣ ነገር ግን በጣም ብዙ ቱርኮች በፍጥነት ተሰብስበው እንደገና ቤተክርስቲያኑን ከበቡ እና አፈነዱት።

ለቱርኮች (በቱርክ ሰፈር በማፈንዳት) እና ቱርኮች ቤቶችን በመርጨት ቤንዚን በሚመች ነፋስ እርዳታ እሳቱ ከሙስሊም እና ከአይሁድ ሰፈር በስተቀር ከተማውን በሙሉ አቃጠለ እና ከ 13 እስከ መስከረም 17 ቀን 1922 ድረስ ይቆያል። (በጁሊያን የቀን አቆጣጠር መሠረት ከነሐሴ 31 እስከ መስከረም 4)

ምን ሆነ

የወቅቱ የአንደኛው ጦር አዛዥ አዛዥ ፣ ሌተና ጄኔራል ኒኮላዎስ ትሪኮፒስ ፣ እና የግሪክ የጉዞ ኃይል ከአፍዮንካራሳይሳር (በነሐሴ ወር 1922 አጋማሽ) ኃላፊነት የነበረው ግንባሩ ከወደቀ በኋላ እ... አብዛኛው የክርስትያን ሕዝብ (ግሪኮች እና አርሜኒያውያን) ወደ ትንሹ እስያ የባህር ዳርቻ በመነሳት ፣ ይህም በኢኩሜናዊ ፓትርያርክ ግምቶች መሠረት 250,000 ደርሷል።

እንዲሁም በሰምርኔስ ውስጥ በተለያዩ የአርሜኒያ ማህበረሰብ ተቋማት እና ቤቶች ውስጥ የተሰበሰቡ 15,000 አርመናውያን መጠለያ አግኝተዋል።

ሆኖም ወታደራዊ ቅሪቶችን እና ስደተኞችን (በቀን 30,000 ይገመታል) ወደ ሰምርኔስ ተሸክመው ባቡሮች ያለማቋረጥ መምጣታቸው ፣ እንዲሁም ስለ ግንባሩ አጠቃላይ ውድቀት ጠንካራ ወሬዎች የግሪክን ህዝብ ጥንካሬ እና ስጋት ጨምረዋል ፣ የግሪክ አስተዳደር ለ መነሳት ከእንግዲህ ስለ ቀጣዩ ልማት ትንሽ ጥርጣሬዎችን አይተውም።

የግሪኩ ከፍተኛ ኮሚሽነር አሪስቲድስ ስቴርጊዲስ ለቀድሞው የሌስቮስ ጠቅላይ ግዛት እና ለቺዮስ ጆርጅ ፓፓንድሬው ገዥ የሰጠው ምላሽ ፣ ሁለተኛው ስለ ግጭቱ ሕዝብ ወዲያውኑ እንዲያሳውቅ ሲመክረው።

አሪቲስስ ስቴሪያዲስ ለፓፓንድሮው “ወደ አቴም ከሄዱ ሁሉንም ነገር ስለሚገለብጡ ለማረድ እዚህ ቢቆዩ ይሻላቸዋል” ብለዋል።

የመጨረሻው የግሪክ ወታደራዊ ክፍል ነሐሴ 24/መስከረም 6 ሄደ። በሚቀጥለው ቀን ፣ በሰሚርና ታዋቂ የውሃ ዳርቻ “ኩዋይ” የተሰበሰቡ በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ የግሪክ እና የአርሜኒያ ስደተኞች የግሪክ መርከቦች ወደ ጎረቤት የግሪክ ደሴቶች እንዲጓዙ በከንቱ ጠበቁ።

ሆኖም የአሜሪካው ቆንስል ገ / ሆርቶን ጠንካራ ጣልቃ ገብነት ከተከተለ በኋላ ሁለት የአሜሪካ አጥፊዎች ስደተኞችን እንዲያገለግሉ ተልከዋል። በማግሥቱ ነሐሴ 26/መስከረም 8 (1922) የስምርኔስ የግሪክ ባለሥልጣናት ሄዱ። እስካሁን ድረስ የስምርኔስ ከፍተኛ ኮሚሽነር አርስቲደስ ስቴርጊዲስ ለቆስጠንጢኖስ የእንግሊዝ የጦር መርከብ ተሳፈረ።

ለስምርኔስ ከተማ ቆጠራ ተጀመረ

ረቡዕ መስከረም 13 የህዝብ ብዛት ወደ 700,000 አድጓል። የቱርክ ወታደሮች መጀመሪያ በአርሜኒያ ሰፈር ውስጥ እሳትን አቃጠሉ ፣ እስከ እኩለ ቀን ድረስ በእሳት ነደደ። በእራሳቸው ወታደሮች ጥበቃ አውሮፓውያን እና አሜሪካውያን ዜጎቻቸውን ከስሜርና አስወጡ።

ሲጨልም እሳቱ በስደተኞች ተሞልቶ ወደ ባህር ዳር ተሰራጨ። እኩለ ሌሊት የእንግሊዝ አድሚራል ብሮክ የሕይወት ጀልባዎች እንዲላኩ አዘዘ እና በሌሊት በባህር ዳርቻው ውስጥ ያሉት ሁሉም የጦር መርከቦች በ 20,000 ሰዎች ተሞልተዋል።

ሐሙስ ፣ መስከረም 14 ፣ ግማሽ ሚሊዮን ሰዎች አሁንም በውሃ ዳርቻ ላይ ነበሩ።

እሳቱ የተረፈውን አቃጠለ እና ከማል ከኦክቶበር 1 በኋላ የቀሩት ወደ ማዕከላዊ አናቶሊያ እንዲባረሩ ትእዛዝ ሰጠ።

ቅዳሜ ፣ መስከረም 16 እና እሑድ ፣ መስከረም 17 ፣ በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ግሪኮች እና አርመኖች በግዴታ ዕድሜ ውስጥ ገብተዋል።

እሁድ ፣ መስከረም 24 ፣ አዛ ጄኒንዝስ ከግሪክ መርከቦች ጋር ሰፊ የመልቀቂያ ሥራውን ጀመረች።

መስከረም 30 ቀን ቅዳሜ ከ 50 ሺህ ያላነሱ ስደተኞች የቀሩ ሲሆን የስምንት ቀናት ማራዘሚያ ሲኖራቸው ሁሉም ጥለው ወጥተዋል።

💭 “የመሬት መንቀጥቀጡ በዮሐንስ ራዕይ ላይ በተጠቀሱት ሰባቱ የእስያ አብያተ ክርስቲያናት | ድንቅ ነው!“


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Is The International Community Failing Ethiopia?

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 18, 2021

💭 UN approves independent investigation into suspected war crimes in Tigray conflict.

Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace Prize-winning Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed promised the conflict in Tigray would be resolved quickly.

However, 13 months later, the fighting has intensified amid multiple reports of torture, rape and other atrocities taking place in Tigray.

The conflict has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises.

The UN’s Human Rights Council has voted to set up an independent investigation into war crimes.

Ethiopia’s government says it will not cooperate with investigators and has accused the council of being used as “an instrument of political pressure”.

Why are international efforts to stop the war failing?


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Influential Ethiopian Social Media Accounts Stoke Violence Along Ethnic Lines

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 18, 2021

Proliferation of hate speech on social media has the capacity to cause real-world harm amidst an increasingly violent civil war.

Disclaimer: this article contains examples of hate speech.

In response to a recent proliferation of hate speech on social media platforms, Twitter announced on November 5, 2021 that it had disabled its trends list for Ethiopia to “reduce the risks of coordination that could incite violence or cause harm.” Facebook, meanwhile, published an update of its security protocols for protecting people in-country and curbing the spread of hate speech on November 9. This came in the wake of Facebook removing a post by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for violating the platform’s policies against inciting violence. The post called on citizens to take up arms and “organise and march through [any] legal manner with every weapon and power… to prevent, reverse and bury the terrorist TPLF.”

According to Facebook’s current policies regarding violence and incitement, the platform removes content containing language that “incites or facilitates serious violence.” Additionally, users are not permitted to post “threats that could lead to death (and other forms of high-severity violence) targeting people or places.” This includes “aspirational or conditional statements to commit high-severity violence.”

Despite these policies, Facebook has received repeated criticism for failing to take down violent posts in local Ethiopian languages, including Tigrinya and Amharic, as noted in Washington Post coverage of internal Facebook documents leaked by whistleblower Frances Haugen. Information from the leaked document suggested that Facebook teams had flagged a network of accounts promoting disinformation about the conflict and inciting people to take up arms. The network was linked with the Amhara militia Fano group, which has been accused of human rights abuses during the current conflict.

Facebook ultimately de-platformed Fano-linked assets in early December for violating its Violent Non-State Actor (VNSA) policy. According to a spokesperson for Meta, Facebook’s parent company:

The designation of any organization as a VNSA will result in a removal of content that supports or represents the organization or its members as well as the removal of their presence from our family of apps. Under this policy, praise for the group will be allowed except for content that praises violence, which will be considered violating.

Meanwhile, on December 14, the Oversight Board ruled on a post that was automatically flagged by Facebook’s Amharic language systems. The post, which made unverified claims that the TPLF and Tigrayan citizens committed atrocities in an Amhara village, was restored despite being labeled as hate speech by two of the company’s Amharic-language content moderators. The Board ruled that Facebook should remove the post again, saying “rumors alleging that an ethnic group is complicit in mass atrocities, as found in this post, are dangerous and significantly increase the risk of imminent violence.” According to the ruling, the user who created the post did not “even provide circumstantial evidence to support his allegations.”

This is not the first time Facebook in particular has come under fire for allowing hate speech to fester; in 2020, a dedicated disinformation campaign was used to vilify prominent Ethiopian musician Hachalu Hundessa, who was later assassinated. Following his death, rampant hate speech and incitement to violence sparked mobs that led to hundreds of deaths. Since then, Facebook has released community standards guidelines in both Oromo and Amharic.

The DFRLab identified 27 examples of possible hate speech and incitement to violence and shared them with Facebook. After an internal assessment, Facebook removed 15 of them for violating policies on inciting violence. According to a statement released to the DFRLab by Meta:

A number of the posts that were flagged by DFRLab and included as examples in the article had already been actioned, and removed by Meta over the last few months. We have taken additional steps and will continue to leverage our proactive tools to find any duplicates of violating content which we will remove. Of the separate 27 pieces of content shared by DFRLab and reviewed by Meta, 15 were actioned and deleted for Violence & Incitement violations. The remaining 12 were found to be non violating as some were shared in condemnation or in an awareness raising context, whilst others either targeted institutions and/or had no obvious threat. Our Community Standards make clear what is and isn’t allowed on Facebook, and as soon as we become aware of violating content, we will remove it.

Additionally, Meta noted some of the actions it has recently taken in response to the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia and in the lead-up to the general election last June. These include expanding its capacity to review content in Amharic, Oromo, Somali, and Tigrinya; developing technology to automatically identify hate speech and ethnic slurs, resulting in more than 92,000 pieces of content being taken down between May and October 2021; removing coordinated inauthentic behavior in Ethiopia; releasing political transparency tools; and running a media literacy billboard campaign across 43 locations in Addis Ababa, “the first of its kind for Facebook across Africa.”

Online violence in Ethiopia

In March 2020, Ethiopia enacted the Hate Speech and Disinformation Prevention and Suppression Proclamation, which gave the government recourse to fine and imprison citizens for comments made on social media. Civil society groups, including Human Rights Watch, criticized the proclamation for its violation of the freedom of speech and its broad-sweeping definition of hate speech. Under the legislation, if the offense of hate speech or disinformation offense has been committed through a social media account having more than 5,000 followers or through a broadcast service or print media, the person responsible for the act could be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine up to 100,000 birr (approximately USD $2,120).

However, the DFRLab has identified multiple accounts on both Twitter and Facebook with over 5,000 followers that recently posted hate speech without repercussion from the government. Some of these accounts are themselves operated by government employees or are government-aligned organizations. It is unknown whether the lack of prosecution of these accounts is a sign of selective enforcement or a general lack of resources to pursue those in violation.

A post that received severe backlash online was created by pro-government activist Dejene Assefa, whose Facebook account has over 121,000 followers and whose posts regularly receive thousands of likes and hundreds of shares. In late October 2021, Dejene published a Facebook post stating, “the war is with those you grew up with, your neighbor,” and calling on people to act against the “traitors” even if they do not want to do it.

The post was called out by social media users, including by algorithmic bias expert Timnit Gebru, and subsequently removed by Facebook. However, the DFRLab identified an additional ten pages, with a combined following of over 382,000 followers, that had reposted copied version of the text. According to Facebook, the company is working to remove duplicates and prevent further sharing.

Example of tweet demanding that Facebook remove a post by Dejene Assefa. The post was subsequently removed. (Source: sirarwa/archive)

In another post that was shared nearly 1,400 times, Dejene stated there was still time to cut the necks of the “traitors” and sing victory songs on their graves. The post was flagged by the DFRLab and removed by Facebook for inciting violence.

Violent rhetoric has also been documented from TPLF leaders and supporters. On November 12, Getachew Reda, advisor to TPLF leader Debretsion Gebremichael, tweeted an official press statement from the Tigray regional government on “nefarious foreign actors.” The post referred to Abiy’s government as “parasitic” and “predatory,” language similar to Abiy’s July 2021 claims that the TPLF were a “cancer” and an invasive “weed.” The press release also said, “The Government of Tigray and Tigray Armed Forces are not liable for any harm that foreign citizens knee-deep in Abiy Ahmed’s criminal enterprise suffer as we exercise our legitimate right of self-defense by taking proportional measures to ensure our people’s safety and security.” At the time of writing, the original tweet remained active on the platform.

On Facebook, Getachew, who has almost 174,000 followers, regularly posts updates corresponding to the Tigray defense forces capturing of different cities. These posts often contain demands for opposing forces to give up or face retribution.

Calls to arms

Posts similar to Prime Minister Abiy’s November 2021 call to arms, which Facebook removed for inciting violence, have appeared on the platform. Many of these posts, however, were less overtly violent. While Abiy called for citizens to arm themselves in order to “bury” the TPLF, other prominent users were more subtle in their calls to arms.

On September 15, 2021, Taye Bogale Arega, an historian who has been vocal in his support of the Ethiopian government, called for the TPLF and supporters to be “eradicated.” The following day, he posted two images of himself holding a rifle. While his post on eradicating TPLF supporters has been removed, the images of him posing with a rifle remain on Facebook at the time of publishing. Taye has over 263,000 followers on the platform.

Screencap of photos posted by historian Taye Bogale Arega of himself holding a rifle a day after calling for the “eradication” of the TPLF. (Source: Taye Bogale Arega/archive)

Another profile posted a blurry image of Amhara militants on November 2 asking for supporters from abroad to donate weapons, saying “give us at least one weapon.” The post, which Facebook has now deleted, was created the same day Abiy announced a six-month state of emergency and authorities in Addis Ababa called on citizens to ready themselves to defend the capital by registering their own firearms. The state of emergency requires citizens to carry identification at all times, allows for random raids by security forces, and gives police the ability to detain without a warrant anyone suspected to have connections to the “terrorist group” — i.e., the TPLF.

A post flagged by the DFRLab and deleted by Facebook called for foreign nationals to donate weapons to Amhara fighters. (Source: Facebook)

Following the implementation of the state of emergency, Addis Ababa Mayor Adanech Abiebie congratulated residents of the capital for taking the initiative to patrol the streets. She said the “Junta” would be buried as a result and encouraged citizens to continue acting as police and peace guards.”

Screencap of photos posted by the mayor of Addis Ababa alongside text encouraging citizens to patrol the streets after the implementation of a state of emergency that allows for arrests without warrants. (Source: Adanech Abiebie- አዳነች አቤቤ/archive)

Since the state of emergency was announced, the BBC reported that thousands of Tigrayans in Addis Ababa have been arrested under “suspicion” of supporting the TPLF, raising concerns among human rights groups.

Influence from abroad

The DFRLab also found significant amounts of online hate speech originating in diaspora communities located outside of Ethiopia.

Zehabesha, an influential Minnesota-based broadcasting company with over 1.5 million Facebook followers, posted an image of a devil and the Tigray flag alongside text calling the TPLF derogatory names. The post remained active at the time of publishing. In early November, Zehabesha also published a video interview with a Fano leader that called for all Tigrayans to be placed in concentration camps. Facebook removed the videos, though copies of it shared in the context of condemning the remarks remain on the platform.

Tweet referencing concentration camp remarks by a Fano militia leader as hate speech. (Source: TranslateET/archive)

Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT), based in Washington, DC, has also been accused of spreading hate speech against Tigrayans as far back as 2016. In late October, digital rights activist Berhan Taye reported a Facebook post by ESAT broadcaster Mesay Mekonen that also called for all Tigrayans to be placed in concentration camps. Facebook initially told Taye that the content did not violate its community standards policy. The post was eventually taken down, although it had been shared over 6,000 times and the same text has been copy and pasted elsewhere on the platform. (Source: btayeg/archive)

Multiple videos posted by Mekonnen Kebede, a US citizen with 69,000 followers on Facebook, were removed for hate speech and inciting violence after being flagged by the DFRLab. In one video, Mekonnen, who has close links with the Fano militia and has posted photos and videos from the front lines, called for the death of 7 million Tigrayans. Before being removed, the video had received over 182,000 views. Another now-deleted video promoting the removal of the Oromia region from Ethiopia’s map and inciting violence against members of the Oromo ethnic group was viewed more than 91,000 times. A video used to raise funds prior to Mekonnen joining the war effort was also removed, although it is unknown whether the requested funds were directed specifically to the Fano militia.

On November 2, the verified Twitter account for Kenyan writer Dikembe Disembe, which has over 330,000 followers, tweeted in English, “Ethiopia must annihilate Tigray just like Rwanda humbled the Hutus.” The post was reported and quickly removed, to which Disembe tweeted the response, “TPLF bots. TPLF is a terror group Ethiopia must rid.”

According to the BBC, posts written in local languages other than Amharic, the most widely spoken language in Ethiopia, “are less vulnerable to being reported and blocked.” This has allowed social media users across the board to demonize war refugees and call for genocide against ethnic minorities. Although recent media attention has focused on Amharic content, violent rhetoric has persisted on social media since the war broke out in 2020, and continues to spread across multiple platforms.



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Ethiopia’s Air Force Has Killed At Least 28 Civilians in an Airstrike | #Alamata Massacre

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 17, 2021

😠😠😠 😢😢😢

Alamata Massacre /የአለማጣ እልቂት ✞

Togoga Massacre, June 2021/ የቶጎጋ እልቂት፤ ሰኔ ፳፻፲፫ ✞

Like a hell’: Survivors recall massacre

Ethiopia’s air force has killed at least 28 civilians in an airstrike on a town in the troubled region of Tigray, according to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. A total of 76 others were wounded in the attack on the market in the town of Alamata, regional Tigray TV reported in the evening. Both military aircraft and drones were involved in the attack. TPLF spokesperson Getachew Reda confirmed on Twitter that the victims were all civilians. The central government in Addis Ababa did not comment at first. Human Rights Watch had earlier said Tigrayan forces battling the Ethiopian government executed civilians in two towns located in the country’s Amhara region earlier this year. In a report released Thursday, the rights group said the killings took place between Aug. 31 and Sept. 9.

💭 My Note: Of course, this barbaric strike comes ahead of a U.N. Human Rights Council session Friday on Ethiopia. Is CIA agent-war-criminal Abiy Ahmed Ali paving the way for this?::


While many in the Horn of Africa clearly need help, the Biden administration’s idea of “help” might not be exactly what they had in mind.

Amid a bloody civil conflict and increasing great-power competition between the United States and China, there are a number of alarming signs that Ethiopia will become the next Libya—an African nation where the US intervenes militarily under the pretext of stopping an impending genocide.

A considerable military buildup is now underway. Last week, the US military announced it was sending over 1,000 National Guard members to nearby Djibouti. This is on top of the special operations forces already sent in November. Perhaps most notably, a government official told CNN that the aircraft carrier USS Essex⁠—along with two other large amphibious vehicles⁠—was steaming towards the Horn of Africa and standing by for further orders.

For weeks, the drums of war have been growing louder in our nation’s media. “Ethiopia’s civil war is a problem US troops can help solve,” Admiral James Stavridis, former supreme allied commander of NATO, wrote in Bloomberg and The Washington Post. “Sending peacekeepers to the pivotal nation of East Africa wouldn’t be popular domestically, but may be the only way to stop the conflict,” he added. Meanwhile, former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer argued that the West should establish a “no fly zone” across Ethiopia⁠—a country of 115 million people and twice the size of France.

When it comes to Ethiopia, said head of USAID Samantha Power, one of the architects of the US intervention in Libya, “every option is on the table”⁠—using a phrase that has long been understood to be a threat of war. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also refused to rule out sending troops into Ethiopia when directly asked.

Given its bloody record, the talk of a “humanitarian” invasion has many Ethiopians worried. “The US is looking for a pretext for military intervention in Ethiopia. The play books of interventions in Iraq, Syria, Yugoslavia, and Libya are being referred to,” Dr. Berhanu Taye, an Ethiopian physician and member of the Global Ethiopian Advocacy Nexus, told MintPress.

The military buildup comes on the back of economic actions already taken. In September, President Joe Biden labeled Ethiopia a national security threat as he imposed sanctions upon government officials. Last month, the US also placed sanctions on Eritrea, whose troops are also heavily involved in the fight against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

The White House is currently withholding over a quarter-billion dollars of aid from Ethiopia and has ended the country’s special trade status under US law, which had allowed it to export goods freely to the United States. Critics say that this could have the effect of crashing the already shaky economy, threatening over a million jobs.

Last week, a number of Western governments (including the US) signed a statement condemning the Ethiopian government for its human rights violations while fighting the TPLF, which they did not censure. The State Department is reportedly considering labeling the actions in Ethiopia a “genocide,” a word that would have considerable implications, given NATO’s self-declared “right to protect” doctrine, whereby it claims it has the right to intervene anywhere in the world to stop ethnic cleansing.


Continue reading…


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The Fascist Oromo Regime’s Genocidal Campaign against Tigrayan Mothers & Children

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 16, 2021


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New Wave of Abuses in Ethiopia’s Western Tigray | በምዕራባዊ ትግራይ አዲስ የግፍ ማዕበል ተፈጠረ

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 16, 2021

‘I cannot escape’ /’ማምለጥ አልችልም’

አይ ኦሮሞ! አይ አማራ! ለ፩ ዓመት ያህል ይህ ሁሉ ግፍ! ሥላሴ ይፍረድባችሁ! 😠😠😠 😢😢😢

“The global paralysis on Ethiopia’s armed conflict has emboldened human rights abusers to act with impunity,” Human Rights Watch’s Laetitia Bader said.

By The Associated Press

New witness accounts allege that thousands of ethnic Tigrayans have been forcibly expelled, detained or killed in one of the most inaccessible areas of Ethiopia’s yearlong war in the latest wave of abuses carried out with machetes, guns and knives.

Thursday’s joint statement by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International is based on interviews with more than 30 witnesses and relatives.

It comes ahead of a U.N. Human Rights Council session Friday on Ethiopia, whose government objects to what it considers meddling by the West over the war that has killed tens of thousands of people.

Ethnic Tigrayans have been targeted throughout the conflict as Ethiopian and allied forces battle the Tigray fighters who long dominated the national government before Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took office three years ago. Some of the worst abuses have been reported in the western Tigray region, which has been occupied by authorities and fighters from the neighboring Amhara region and soldiers from neighboring Eritrea.

The latest alleged abuses appear to be linked to the Tigray forces’ recent momentum, which Ethiopia’s government asserts has been blunted after the prime minister, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and former soldier, went to the battlefront himself. Witnesses told the AP that authorities in western Tigray warned in public meetings against supporting the Tigray fighters, who themselves have been accused of a growing number of abuses in the war.

The new joint statement by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International says Amhara security forces are responsible for the latest wave of expulsions, detentions and killings, and it warns that Tigrayans in detention are “at grave risk.” It says security forces systematically rounded up Tigrayans in the communities of Humera, Adebay and Rawyan, separating families and expelling women and children.

“They separated the old from the young, took their money and other possessions. … Older people, parents were loaded on big trucks (going) east. They let them go with nothing, while the young remained behind,” one witness in Rawyan told the human rights groups. In Humera, witnesses described seeing as many as 20 trucks carrying people away. It’s not often clear where they are taken.

A spokesman for the Amhara region, Gizachew Mulluneh, and Abiy spokeswoman Bellene Seyoum did not immediately comment.

The United Nations has estimated that 20,000 people were recently evicted from western Tigray, most of them women, children and the elderly. The U.N. has said more than 1 million have been displaced from there since the war began in November 2020.

But not all can leave. Witnesses have alleged that hundreds, if not thousands, of Tigrayans are held in makeshift, overcrowded detention centers in western Tigray, part of thousands being held elsewhere across Ethiopia amid suspicions fueled by hate speech by some senior government officials. The government has said it is targeting only the Tigray forces.

Witnesses told the AP, and the human rights groups, that some people trying to flee the roundups in Adebay were attacked and killed, with some Amhara fighters searching house-to-house with axes. “The whole town smelled” with dead bodies, one man said.

The human rights groups are calling on Ethiopian authorities to end the attacks on civilians and immediately grant access to western Tigray for aid groups. They also call on the U.N. Human Rights Council to establish an independent mechanism to investigate the war’s abuses, including by Tigray forces, and urge the U.N. Security Council to put Ethiopia on its formal agenda.

“The global paralysis on Ethiopia’s armed conflict has emboldened human rights abusers to act with impunity and left communities at risk of feeling abandoned,” Human Rights Watch’s Laetitia Bader said.


👉 „Failure on Ethiopia Sanctions ‘My Biggest Frustration’ This Year, Says EU’s Top Diplomat”

💭 My Note: In other words, Mr. Borrell is telling us: “As long as war criminals Abiy Ahmed Ali, Isaias Afewerki, the Oromo & Amhara special forces continue blocking Tigrayans (potential migrants to Europe heading for EU) from crossing the Ethio-Sudanese border in whatever possible form: By rounding them up, mutilating & dismembering — at the border within Africa – and throwing their dead bodies to the Tekeze river across the border, EU won’t issue sanctions against Abiy Ahmed, Isaias Afewerki and their partners in crime. The are doing a good job in preventing undesired ancient Christian Ethiopian migrants (We saw that when the UN The US and EU all blocked ancient Christians of Syria. Read this: No Christians Allowed: Muslim UN Officials Block Syrian Christian Refugees from Getting Help.

Mr. Borrell said it clearly, albeit concerning Belarus and Ukraine: “We cut the flowing of migrants to Europe…for me this is a source of satisfaction”

May be now The EU is giving money to the dictators of Ethiopia and Eritrea as a reward, instead of sanctioning them?!

After all, EU countries have awarded and honored to those evil monsters with the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, and just two months ago, one of the enablers of the #TigrayGenocide, Daniel Bekele with the German Africa Prize. Just unbelievably cruel – the world upside down, isn’t it?!


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