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Posts Tagged ‘Petrodollar’

Joe Rogan: ‘Biden Doesn’t Exist, Mysterious Cabal of Humans Running The Country’

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on June 14, 2024

💭 ታዋቂው አሜሪካዊ የሜዲያ ስብዕና፣ ጆ ሮጋን‘:- ‘ባይደን እኮ የለም ፣ አገሪቱን የሚመሯት በምስጢራዊ ቡድኖች ሥር የተሰባሰቡ ሰውመሰል ሮቦቶች/AI’ ናቸው

💭 አረጋዊው የግራኝ ሞግዚት ጆ ባይደን በጣሊያን ፶/50ኛው የቡድን ሰባት ጉባኤ ላይ የጠፋ እና ግራ የተጋባ ይመስላል።

ባይደን ለሳውዲው የግራኝ ሞግዚት ለመሀመድ ቢን ሳልማን፤ “የት ነህ ጃል? አንተ የሙታ ልጅ የ፶/50 አመቱን የፔትሮዶላር ውል ለምን ትተወዋለህ?

ሳዑዲ አረቢያ እሁድ እ.አ.አ በሰኔ ዘጠኝ/9 ቀን ከዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ጋር የነበራትን የ፶/50 ዓመት የፔትሮዶላር ውል ላለማደስ ወሰነች።

  • ☆ በጣሊያን ፶/50ኛው የቡድን ሰባት ጉባኤ ፥ ለሶስተኛው የዓለም ጦርነት ዝግጅት መሆኑ ነው
  • ☆ የ ፶/50አመቱ የአሜሪካ እና የሳዑዲ ፔትሮዶላር ስምምነት ያበቃል ፥ ሁለቱም ባቢሎኖች አሜሪካም ሳውዲም ያበቃላቸዋል!

💭 Biden appears to be lost and confused at the 50th G7 summit in Italy.

Biden: “Where are you MBS (Mohammad bin Salman) ? Why are you ditching the 50 year Petrodollar deal, you son of Muta?”

Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 50-year Petrodollar deal with the United States, which expired on Sunday, June 9, as per media reports.

This agreement, originally signed on June 8, 1974, had been a key part of US global economic influence.

The deal set up joint commissions for economic cooperation and Saudi Arabia’s military needs. Back then, American officials hoped it would encourage Saudi Arabia to produce more oil and strengthen economic ties with Arab countries.

  • ☆ The 50th G7 Summit in Italy – Preparation For World War III
  • ☆ The 50-year-old US-Saudi Petrodollar Pact expires

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A Global Competition For Influence In Ethiopia

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on April 24, 2017

Source: La Stampa (Italy), April, 2017

  • Islam making major inroads in the east African nation. China pumping millions into infrastructure and industry. An Italian reporter gauges changes in the former colony.
  • Other Ethiopians claim they have never seen so many imams and people wearing the Islamic veil as they do now.
  • While China focuses on business interests, the Arab states seek to indoctrinate ordinary Ethiopians
  • The fear now is that protesters and farmers will see radical Islam as a source of hope against the Orthodox Christian elite that rules the capital

On the flight from Rome to Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, flight attendants hand out Chinese-language magazines. And in the city’s Bole International Airport, the only cigarettes available are of the made-in-Chinese variety. Marlboros aren’t an option.

Outside the airport, at the first traffic light, my taxi jockeys for position with a economy car driven by a man who appears to be Chinese. “Since they began arriving a few years ago I see them everywhere,” my Ethiopian taxi driver complains. “We used to call white people ferenji, which means foreigner, but now we mainly use it for the Chinese. They built everything here: the African Union (AU) headquarters, the new light rail system, the Modjo-Hawassa highway, even the railway to Djibouti.”

Here in Ethiopia, where the Italian Empire went to ruin in the ashes of World War II, China is building a new empire of its own.

Heading out from the capital of one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies, another feature of the landscape catches the eye. A minaret soars over every urban center, community, or village that appears in the distance — many have even more than one. “Those are all financed by oil money,” the driver explains. “For the last 20 years Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait have been building mosques here.

Money And Influence

It doesn’t take long upon arriving in Ethiopia to understand the forces at play. While China builds roads and highways in exchange for access to the country’s lucrative natural resources, the monarchies of the Arabian Gulf establish their influence in rural areas by building mosques and spreading Sunni Islam.

Journalist and Africa expert Howard W. French says that Chinese “neocolonialism” began in Ethiopia about two decades ago, in 1996. That year, in a visit to Addis Ababa, then-Chinese President Jiang Zemin proposed the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Upon his return to China, Zemin urged industrialists to invest in Africa. Since then the Chinese presence on the continent has grown and become ever more visible, with Chinese-built roads, railroads, and industrial hubs popping up across Africa.

Buckling under the pressure of a food crisis and an influx of refugees escaping long-running instability in the Horn of Africa, the Ethiopian government sold the country’s best land to Chinese investors, who used it to produce grain for export.

The new railway linking Addis Ababa to the port of Djibouti, 750 km away, grants the landlocked nation access to the sea and was built by the China Railway Group (CREC) and the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation, a subsidiary of the China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC). The three-lane Modjo-Hawassa highway, at a cost of $700 million, is also being built by the Chinese, as was the $500 million light rail system that cuts through Addis Ababa’s traffic. The two-line system is the first to be built in sub-Saharan Africa.

But Beijing isn’t solely interested in business investments on the world’s second-largest continent. China is building its first overseas military base in neighboring Djibouti, which will include an air force base, lodging for thousands of soldiers, and a deep-water port that can host large warships.

Investing In The Future

The expropriation of land for these projects has run into intense opposition from local tribes in Ethiopia. Last summer, protests erupted across Oromia, the country’s largest and most populous region, spurring a brutal crackdown that killed thousands and forced the regime to declare a state of emergency.

The fear now is that protesters and farmers will see radical Islam as a source of hope against the Orthodox Christian elite that rules the capital,” says a youth who asks to remain anonymous.

Other Ethiopians claim they have never seen so many imams and people wearing the Islamic veil as they do now. Ethiopia has ancient ties to Islam and was the site of the first ever hijra — the journey undertaken by the prophet Muhammad’s earliest followers to escape persecution in Mecca. It is also home to Negash, the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa.

Experts claim that despite this long history, the Gulf monarchies embarked upon a targeted “Islamization” of the country after the fall of the Soviet Union and Ethiopia’s communist dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1991. This was done by building mosques in Muslim-majority areas and spreading their version of the Sunni faith in Islamic schools.

“In 1991 Riyadh took 2,000 young Ethiopians to study the Koran in Saudi Arabia, sending them back as imams two years later,” says an anonymous source. “That’s when burqas and minarets began to appear everywhere, and the Gulf monarchies want to build two mosques for every community.”

While China focuses on business interests, the Arab states seek to indoctrinate ordinary Ethiopians. Ethiopia has one of the highest population growth rates in Africa and is projected to reach 210 million people in 2060, up from the current 99 million. Their goals and tactics vary. But Beijing and the Arabian Gulf both see Ethiopia, whose global importance will only continue to grow, as an area full of promise.

The Destabilizations In Djibouti And Ethiopia Are Being Exploited Against China

Attention! What can the above video tell us?

Turkish Schools Handed Over To German Investors

Germany And Turkey Are Creating The Migration Crises In Europe To Bring Back Nazism And To Destroy Christendom. In The End The Muslim Ottoman Empire Will Unite With Protestants To Butcher Catholics And Orthodox Christians


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Secular Warriors Teaming up With Islamic Jihadists in an Act of War Against The Christian World

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on August 3, 2016

This is our world today:

FRANCE: Buses Under Attack In Europe’s Migrant Terror Areas: ‘Allahu Akhbar’ Torching, Regular Stoning

A viral video has captured a mob shouting “Allahu akhbar” stopping a bus before torching it, in what was the latest in a series of attacks on public transport in France. Services in migrant suburbs of France have been beset for years by regular attacks, stonings, violence, and threats.

On the 27th of July a group of men blocked a road in Saint-Denis, forcing the oncoming bus to stop. The mob then torched the bus, apparently shouting “Allahu akhbar”. It took three water cannons for firefighters to quell the flames, and the bus route has now been re-routed.

Such incidents are not uncommon in the northern Paris suburb, where 36 per cent of residents were born overseas. The weekend before the “Allahu akhbar” torching, a bus driver and his passengers had to vacate the vehicle after people blocked it with a barricade of burning garbage. Windows of the bus were broken but no one was hurt.


HUNGARY: Financial support from Arab banks driving the migration from Muslim lands into Europe

PetroDollarOne of the most important prelates in the Catholic Church in Hungary has warned that the enormous waves of migrants rolling into Europe are due in no small part to a Muslim “will to conquer,” by expanding their territory into the continent.

Jihad is a principle for Muslims that means they must expand,” said Archbishop Gyula Marfi in an interview Wednesday. “The earth must become dar al-Islam, that is, Islamic territory, by introducing Shariah—Islamic law.”

The archbishop of Veszprém said that although there may be other motivations, the conquest of European territory for Islam plays a significant role in the unusual pressure to migrate to Europe.

There have always been wars and environmental disasters, but the fact that there is now so much pressure on Europe cannot be a coincidence,” he said, adding that the Muslims’ “will to conquer” is also a key factor.

Beyond the migrants themselves, Marfi said that there has been an economic push, with financial support from Arab banks driving the migration from Muslim lands into Europe.

They do not let them come into Qatar or the United Arab Emirates, but they give them money and incite them to immigrate here,” he said.

Migration does not only have causes, it also has a purpose,” the archbishop said, “such as the destabilization of Europe and the Euro.”

Asked about recent declarations from Pope Francis about welcoming migrants in Christ’s name, Marfi said that the Pope had to be careful not to come out strongly against Islamic violence, because otherwise Muslims could take out their revenge on Middle Eastern Christians.

Marfi said that in the face of the current attack, it is urgent that Europe rediscover its Christian roots.

If we look around us at architecture, the arts, literature or music, we find everywhere that the most determining values are born from the Christian faith. If we throw this all away there will be nothing left, and our culture will lose its meaning,” he said.

The loss of meaning goes beyond culture, Marfi said, and extends especially to moral values. “When sexuality, love, affection and life are detached from each other, we are left with an ideological vacuum as well as a demographic vacuum.”

I have never dishonored the Muslims but their morals are completely different from ours,” Marfi said.

“What for us is a sin, for them is a virtue. What we consider a minor fault, for them is a mortal sin,” he said. “For example, for them to deceive a kafir (infidel) is a particularly good action. We have to consider this, without judging. Nobody wants to harm them, nor do I hate them. I love and respect them. I pray for them every day.”

At the same time, Marfi said, “just because we love the wolves, as God’s creatures, doesn’t mean we let them enter among the sheep, even if they come in sheep’s clothing.

It is not their fault if they want to occupy Europe,” he said. “It is our fault” if we allow them.

Jesus told us to be as gentle as doves, but also as astute as serpents,” Marfi said.


In Turkey, Christians and churches are increasingly targeted during and after the attempted “coup”.

Turkey: Turkish Imams Provoke A Riot And Destroy A Church In Malatya- Christians In Turkey Need To Leave NOW If They Want To Live

breaking-the-cross-coverIf you are a Christian living in Turkey, you need to leave right now. Your life may depend on it.

In a recent story, a church was destroyed by pro-Erdogan Muslims. Christians on the ground are reporting that both the government and local Imams are encouraging attacks against Christians and heterodox Muslims in the name of purifying Islam and ‘defending’ Turkey

Turkey has a long history of murdering Christians going back to the first says that the then-pagan Turks rode down from the Altaic plains and into the Anatolian peninsula. They have never embraced Christianity in mass, but did so consistently for Islam, and they see themselves as both the guardian of Islam and even more Arabized than the very Arab peoples themselves. The Turk is the temporal menace who serves the Mohammedan demon and as such his hatred of Christianity is as overpowering as it is unnatural. Once temporarily stopped during the early 20th century, the Turk has embraced his old ways again and is planning yet another massacre of Christians as he has done in the past.


The moment an awakened section of the French society forces the government to close around 20 mosques, the secular Jihadists counter with the demolition of Christian churches.

FRANCE: Church demolition: Police quash Paris protest over ‘parking lot’, day after slain priest’s funeral

“I think it’s like killing the priest who died last week for a second time,”

Soldiers-patrol-Paris-to-guard-against-Muslims-620x387Twelve riot police cars have arrived to crack down on the sit-down protest in Paris’s 15th district, as dozens demonstrate against the demolition of the local Church of Sainte Rita. Many took to social networks to vent over the situation.

The church has been mined and the demolition is ready to begin, but the protesters – some of them local councilors – refuse to leave. Videos of police dragging protesters emerged online.

A photo from the scene shows police dragging the priest from the church as he refused to leave the mass he was holding.

About 30 people occupied the building, protesting against the demolition. The evacuation was carried out without any incident,” Paris police prefecture said in an official statement.

A parking lot is set to be built in place of the church. Parisians also took to Twitter to speak out against the demolition, and to emphasize how symbolic the events look, especially after the chilling murder of the priest last week.

The leader of the right-wing National Front party Marine le Pen has tweeted, “And what if they built parking lots in the place of Salafist mosques, and not of our churches?”


If you defend your nation from barbarians like China, Russia and Myanmar are doing you’ll be allowed to share the precious seed, by becoming one of the followers of Jesus Christ to receive the Crowns of Life, Glory, Rejoicing, Righteousness – the Victor’s Crown.

Myanmar: Myanmar’s Christian population grows to 6.2 per cent

6bba0aa28aMyanmar’s Christian population has increased dramatically, according to the latest figures in a supplement to the 2014 Population and Housing Census, conducted by the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

Christianity remains the second most popular religion. Buddhism had a fall of one per cent since the 1983 census, but with almost 88 per cent of the population identifying as Buddhists, it remains the dominant religion. Hinduism showed small gains, while animism and Islam showed a decline,


Otherwise, if you don’t protect yourself from the barbarians you will end up like the 52 majority Muslim nations, or like the ungrateful mutants in the follwoing stories:

Rapefugee DEMAND: Refugees in Serbia stage hunger strike, demand Hungary opens border

Hundreds of refugees from Asia and Middle East marched through the Serbian capital, Belgrade, on their way to the Hungarian border, launching a hunger strike to demand free passage to Western Europe.

A group of migrant men, mainly from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, consisting of 200-300 people, according different estimates, marched through Belgrade’s city center and crossed the bridge to the Novi Beograd district, escorted by a police car.

There were no women or children in the group which started the march to the Hungarian border, about 200km to the north, according to a Ruptly producer at the scene.

UNGRATEFULNESS: Syrian refugees settled on the remote Scottish island of Bute complain they are now depressed because it’s ‘full of old people and where people come to die’

  • Families from wartorn Syria have started their new life in Rothesay on Bute

  • They have been struggling to learn English and feel isolated on the island

  • Refugees praise people of Scotland for helping but are struggling to settle

  • Abd, 42, said: ‘I am depressed now. I feel like I have one option now – to die here. Only die here, nothing else’

  • Wife Rasha said island ‘full of old people’ and ‘where people come to die’

Refugees on the rampage: Shocking moment asylum seekers start brutal brawl at German migrant centre

  • Fight broke out among asylum seekers at a centre in Dortmund, Germany

  • Chairs were smashed over heads, punches thrown and people kicked

  • Five people needed medical treatment and three youths were arrested

  • Police are so far at a loss to explain the eruption of violence on Tuesday


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Has Hillary Clinton Sold Her Soul to Babylon?

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on May 25, 2016

How corporate America bought Hillary Clinton for $21M

Follow the money.” That telling phrase, which has come to summarize the Watergate scandal, has been a part of the lexicon since 1976. It’s shorthand for political corruption: At what point do “contributions” become bribes, “constituent services” turn into quid pro quos and “charities” become slush funds?

Ronald Reagan was severely criticized in 1989 when, after he left office, he was paid $2 million for a couple of speeches in Japan. “The founding fathers would have been stunned that an occupant of the highest office in this land turned it into bucks,” sniffed a Columbia professor.

So what would Washington and Jefferson make of Hillary Rodham Clinton? Mandatory financial disclosures released this month show that, in just the two years from April 2013 to March 2015, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state collected $21,667,000 in “speaking fees,” not to mention the cool $5 mil she corralled as an advance for her 2014 flop book, “Hard Choices.”

Throw in the additional $26,630,000 her ex-president husband hoovered up in personal-appearance “honoraria,” and the nation can breathe a collective sigh of relief that the former first couple — who, according to Hillary, were “dead broke” when they left the White House in 2001 with some of the furniture in tow — can finally make ends meet.

No wonder Donald Trump calls her “crooked Hillary.”

A look at Mrs. Clinton’s speaking venues and the whopping sums she’s received since she left State gives us an indication who’s desperate for a place at the trough — and whom another Clinton administration might favor.

First off, there’s Wall Street and the financial-services industry. Democratic champions of the Little Guy are always in bed with the Street — they don’t call Barack Obama “President Goldman Sachs” for nothing, but Mrs. Clinton has room for Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice and their 10 best friends. Multiple trips to Goldman Sachs. Morgan Stanley. Deutsche Bank. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. UBS Wealth Management.

Continue reading…

Movie exposing secrets of how Clintons became rich after quitting the White House to be shown on eve of Hillary getting her party’s nomination

Mohammed Al-Amoudi, a billionaire businessman who lives in Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia donated between $5 million and $10 million to the Clinton family foundation


Another donor, Sheikh Mohammed H. Al Amoudi, an Ethiopian immigrant to Saudi Arabia, has donated between $5 million and $10 million, including while Mrs. Clinton served in the State Department. Mr. Al Amoudi has built an empire of construction, agricultural and energy companies across Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. He also has endowed a breast-cancer institute at the government-run King Abdulaziz University and is a participant in Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Food Security Program.

His U.S. lawyer, George Salem, said his client “is a private Saudi citizen, and not a government official in Saudi Arabia.” He said there was “nothing inappropriate” about the donation, which was to fight AIDS in Ethiopia.

They dearly love Hillary in Arabia…

Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million

Clinton Foundation Donors

Now, who let the dogs out?


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Terrorist and Ethnic Ripples in the Balkans: Republika Srpska, Kosovo, Macedonia and distant Syria

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on May 13, 2015

The Balkans in the last few days is showing further signs of a growing Salafi Islamist menace and the usual traits of Albanian nationalism. Ironically, the “old battleground in Kosovo,” whereby the Orthodox Christian Jerusalem was taken away from Serbia, is now showing a hidden danger to both Muslim Albanian dominated Kosovo and Republika Srpska in Bosnia. Therefore, terrorist sweeps took place in Albanian ruled Kosovo and the Republika Srpska.

In Macedonia the current crisis is hitting the headlines because of the numbers of people killed in clashes between the security forces of this nation and ethnic Albanians. Indeed, the government of this nation is at pains to keep information rather secretive because of fears of stoking the fire. However, it does appear that the terrorist attack in Macedonia was based on Albanian nationalism.

Macedonia should worry the most because in Bosnia, Cyprus, and Kosovo, the West sided with the Muslim side on each occasion against Orthodox Christians. On top of this, just like in the current crisis in Syria, it was clear that in Bosnia the governments of America and Turkey – and others – understood the need to utilize international jihadists. This is because these two nations, and others, enabled the international Islamist menace to military arm itself in order to butcher Orthodox Christian Serbs in Bosnia. Not surprisingly, revenge attacks against internal Bosnian Islamist forces and international jihadists was met by brute force (this reality took place alongside ethnic nationalism). Also, beheading people became an Islamist calling card just like Takfiri forces in Iraq and Syria are beheading Alawite Muslims (Syria), Shia Muslims (Iraq and Syria) and loyal Sunni Muslims in both nations.

Meanwhile, in Muslim Albanian controlled Kosovo security forces arrested many Islamist Albanian Takfiris. The Special Court acknowledged that 32 individuals were arrested based on having direct or indirect links to ISIS (IS – Islamic State) and al-Nusra in Syria.

Balkan Insight reports: “According to the Special Prosecution, some of the suspects joined armed groups in Syria, deemed to be terrorist organizations by the United Nations. The Kosovo daily Koha Ditore published the names of those accused on Friday.”

The seriousness of the Takfiri Islamists threat towards Albanian Muslim dominated Kosovo was made abundantly clear by elites in Pristina last year. This was based on a statement released by Pristina whereby militant Islamists were deemed a “threat to national security.” In this ironic sense, militant Islamist forces utilizing Syria based on Gulf petrodollars – and the intrigues of nations like America, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – are now a threat to indigenous Islam in Albanian and the Orthodox Christians of Kosovo (this embattled Christian community is also threatened by Albanian nationalism) and Bosnia.

Similar to Muslim Albanian led Kosovo, the Republika Srpska is also clamping down on Takfiri Islamists. Balkan Insight reports: “Police in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, RS, have arrested 30 persons suspected of involvement in Islamist radical activity and of posing a possible security threat, RS police confirmed on Thursday.”

Dragan Lukac, Interior Minister of the Republika Srpska, stressed “the entity police raided 32 locations across Republika Srpska and seized quantities of weapons, ammunition, bullet proof vests, uniforms and other military equipment.”

Once more, the arrests by the Bosnian Serb entity of suspected Takfiri Islamists is also linked to the destabilization policies of outside nations aimed towards the secular government of Syria. Clearly, the Takfiri Islamist menace towards secular Syria based on the intrigues of the usual players is creating terrorist and sectarian alarm bells throughout parts of the Balkans.

Recently a Takfiri Islamist killed a police officer in Zvornik on April 27, 2015. This reality, and security sweeps in Republika Srpska and in Albanian Muslim dominated Kosovo, is highlighting the terrorist and sectarian ripples emanating from Syria because of the intrigues of outside nations. Sadly, this reality is based on the intrigues of international jihadist networks, several NATO powers and major Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Obviously, for the people of Bosnia – irrespective if Catholic, Muslim or Orthodox Christian – the hands of outside nations aimed at overthrowing the government of Syria also draws major parallels to nations involved in the Bosnian crisis that erupted in the 1990s.

Returning to the crisis in Macedonia the BBC reports: “Last month, about 40 ethnic Albanians from Kosovo briefly took over a Macedonian police station in the village of Gosince near the border, demanding the creation of an Albanian state in Macedonia.”

Currently in Macedonia it appears that Albanian nationalism is the main component but Takfiri Islamist forces will be waiting for vacuums to emerge. Therefore, the recent violence in Macedonia needs to be dealt with immediately before sinister forces enter the equation to a much higher degree. Also, the Takfiri terrorist ratlines entering Syria based on the intrigues of Turkey must be eradicated and the same applies to keeping Gulf petrodollars out of the Balkans when based on religious militancy.



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Christians Killed by ISIS While Western States That Defeated Gaddafi Just Watch: Gulf States and Turkey

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on May 13, 2015

Takfiri Islamist barbarians have killed 30 Ethiopian Christians. This follows on from an earlier massacre of Coptic Christians from Egypt by ISIS Islamists that kill in the name of Allah – contrary to the political correct version by President Obama. America, France and the United Kingdom – and a host of other nations – involved in the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi are just standing by and enabling this to happen. After all, the Sunni Islamist Takfiri vacuum was opened by NATO powers and some Gulf feudal powers that participated in creating a failed state in Libya.

The Libya model of manipulating language was implemented but the reality was yet another Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Syria is bravely fighting the same Western and Gulf intrigues that sprout empty words like “justice,” “freedom” and “democracy.” Similarly, the Shia Houthis in Yemen now face a similar style of “humanitarian bombing campaign” based on a Sunni Muslim coalition being led by Saudi Arabia.

However, in Afghanistan it was America, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom – and other Gulf feudal monarchies – that ushered in the international jihadist brigade by training these brutal Sunni Islamist Takfiri barbarians. Covert agencies like the CIA, ISI and MI6 from America, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom respectively, helped to train and give military support to international jihadists in the 1980s and early 1990s. In Libya and Syria (notably applies to Turkey) the CIA, DGSE, MI6 and MIT have all been involved – and continue to be involved in Syria – in brutal intrigues that are helping to create vacuums for al-Qaeda affiliates and ISIS. It matters not if this is an intended or unintended reality because ultimately al-Qaeda and ISIS are filling the vacuums that are being created.

Therefore, the brutal slaughter of Ethiopian Christians by ISIS was paved by the nations that destroyed Libya. Of course, the mantra of “democracy,” “freedom” and “liberty” ushered by America, France and the United Kingdom was always propaganda. Sadly, this propaganda was fully backed by major Western and Gulf media outlets and the same forces especially played the same card against Syria during the first few years of destabilization. Recently, more media outlets are questioning Ankara, Doha London, Paris, Riyadh and Washington in their co-conspiracy against secular Syria. After all, it is clear that the government of Syria is protecting the religious mosaic comprised of Muslims, Christians and the Druze from the utter barbarity of the intrigues of Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia (assisted by America, France and the United Kingdom).

The Guardian reports on the latest massacre of Christians by ISIS Takfiri barbarians by stating: “Islamic State has released a video purporting to depict the massacre of 30 Ethiopians, the second incident of mass slaughter of Christians by the terror group in its redoubt in Libya.”

This media agency continues “The beheadings and shootings publicised by the group are the latest assault on minorities across the Middle East, thousands of whom have been forced to abandon ancestral homes to flee the group’s broadening reach in the region.”

It should be noted that Egyptian and Ethiopian Christianity are much older than Islam therefore the “crusader” claptrap is just pure religious hatred and clear racism. Indeed, the one thing that binds certain Western countries, Turkey and Arab states together is that in history Arabs, Europeans and the Turks enslaved the continent of Africa. Therefore, the indigenous Coptics of Egypt and the various communities that exist in Ethiopia are truly sons of Africa. Despite this, ISIS continues with its anti-Christian, anti-Shia and anti-humanity crusade, in order to destroy many civilizations that are a million times higher than the barbaric Islamist Takfiri barbarianism that they peddle.

ISIS states openly in their brutal video that: “To the nation of the cross, we’re back again… We swear to Allah…you will not have safety in your dreams until you embrace Islam.”

ISIS continues: “We tell Christians everywhere that the Islamic State will spread, God willing… It will reach you even if you are in fortresses. Those who embrace Islam or jizya will be safe. But those who refuse … will have nothing from us but the edge of the sword. The men will be killed, the women and children enslaved, and the money seized. That is Allah and the prophet’s judgment.”

The above comments and the obvious reality of ISIS, Boko Haram, al-Nusra, AQAP, the Taliban, al-Shabaab – and an array of other Sunni Islamist Takfiri groups – are all clearly Islamist. Their binding realities are Islamic Sharia law and their utter hatred towards the Shia and religious diversity. This reality, and the fact that Saudi Arabia will not tolerate one single Christian church and supports killing apostates, makes a mockery of President Obama and other international leaders who keep on claiming that the problem doesn’t have religious dimensions. On the contrary, systematic persecution of religious minorities takes place in nations like Pakistan while all non-Muslim faiths are banned in Saudi Arabia.

Indigenous Sunni Islam in nations like Bangladesh, Libya, Iraq, Somalia and Syria are also on the frontline. This is based on Salafi Islam and the “year zero end game of Takfiri mindsets” that emanate in Saudi Arabia based on the austere and brutal versions of Islam that they follow. Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are nations whereby Gulf petrodollars are spreading hatred far and wide irrespective if state sponsored, organizations, false charities or based on wealthy individuals. If this reality isn’t challenged – alongside the brutal intrigues of powerful Western nations and Gulf monarchies – then more parts of the world will face the Islamist Takfiri sword.


Saudi Arabia, Eritrea agree to boost Red Sea security

A Saudi war fought with Eritrean troops?

France and Petrodollars: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Killing the Shia and Christianity

PetroDSyria once was a land of unhindered Christian churches just like Iraq prior to outside meddling. However, the Christian faith now in Syria is facing the Gulf petrodollar abyss that is being assisted by NATO Turkey. Despite this, and in the full knowledge that Christianity is illegal in Saudi Arabia, President Hollande of France once more decided to turn everything upside down. Therefore, Hollande, who is on the alleged side of democracy based on terrorism and sectarianism by stealth in Syria, is now lauding the unity of France with the most despotic Gulf monarchies in the world.

The mirror of despotic Saudi Arabia is being replicated in Syria. After all, various Takfiri terrorist groups are crushing Christianity in Syria therefore this faith faces being eradicated and made illegal just like in Saudi Arabia. Of course, Hollande knows full well what is happening to the Christian minority in Iraq and Syria. Similarly, the leader of France knows that ISIS (Islamic State – IS) is beheading Christians for video campaigns in Libya, despite the promise of democracy by France, America and the United Kingdom in post-Gaddafi Libya.

Equally alarming, Hollande who is hyping the Iran threat in order to obtain much needed Gulf petrodollars, fully understands that recent terrorist attacks in France belongs to the forces of Sunni Islamist militancy. Therefore, the leader of France knows that the internal threat is being inspired by the Salafi year zero Gulf version of Islam. Given this, then why is Hollande sleepwalking into the internal and external threat against secularism that is being eulogized by many in nations like Qatar and Saudi Arabia?

The Shia Houthis are at a loss to why America, France, and the United Kingdom, are selling their collective souls by supporting the Saudi Arabia led coalition against this religious community in Yemen. Similarly, in Syria the religious mosaic is being threatened by powerful NATO powers that have sided with feudal Gulf monarchies in the destabilization of this nation.

This reality means that religious minorities in Syria including the Alawites, Christians, the Shia, and the Druze, all face the same reality of what is happening in Iraq. Indeed, it is notable that while the Sunni dominated Saudi Arabia led coalition can bombard the Shia Houthis in Yemen daily; the same Saudi Arabia doesn’t care much about al-Qaeda affiliates and ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Of course, this isn’t surprising because various sectarian and Takfiri terrorist groups are being propped up in Syria with NATO Turkey being the open conduit for international jihadists alongside Gulf petrodollars.

Hollande, not too concerned by the Sunni Islamist Takfiri threat at home based on his open arms to feudal nations that fuel Salafi indoctrination, is now showing his true colors by siding with Gulf feudal states against the Shia Houthis in Yemen. Indeed, while the UN (United Nations) is increasingly becoming disillusioned by the Saudi led bombing of Yemen, the government of France merely seeks to make more military sales to feudal Gulf powers. This shocking behavior says much about the foreign policy objectives of France in recent times.

The current UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, Johannes Van Der Kaauw, stated “I strongly urge the coalition to stop targeting Sanaa international airport and to preserve this important lifeline – and all other airports and seaports – so that humanitarians can reach all those affected by the armed conflict in Yemen.”

On top of this, reports stress that the Saudi Arabia led coalition is now using cluster bombs in the ongoing bombardment of Yemen. Irrespective of this, and the role of nations like Qatar in Libya and Syria involving the funding of various Takfiri Islamist sectarian groups, France is closing its eyes to this reality. Therefore, while Christians, and other minorities are being cleansed in Syria, the only concern for France is to support feudal Gulf monarchies that are behind this reality alongside other nations like Turkey.



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Kuwaiti Columnist: The Arabs Need to Have Large Portions of their Brains Examined

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 22, 2014

In this video, Mr. Fouad Hashem also says: “in my view, on judgment Day, 90% on inhabitants will be Arabs and people who pretend to be pious Muslims.

Why Have The Islamic Countries Failed To Develop Even With Resources Like Oil, While Countries With No Resources Like Switzerland Have Flourished?

Answer by Ryan Lackey, Technology Entrepreneur,

It’s true. Outside of oil and gas projects and a few specific infrastructure projects (ports like Jebel Ali and airports like Dubai), far less real economic development has happened in the oil-rich parts of the Arab world than would be expected based on their great endowment of human and natural resources. The Islamic world isn’t monolithic, and it’s probably worthwhile to address relatively stable oil-rich states separately from Iraq, Iran, and Libya, again separately from other Islamic states without much oil separately from Asian Islamic countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Let’s look specifically at the stable oil rich Arab Islamic states for now. I’m not an academic economist, political scientist, or cultural expert, but I lived in the region from 2004-2010, ran several businesses there, and have experience as a tech entrepreneur in the US and Europe, so I can comment directly on some of the challenges.

(There are some really interesting aspects of Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Malaysia, and Indonesia which would be interesting to address separately — they demonstrate what happens when some of these trends are reversed and taken too far the other way. Those countries deserve another question.)

Overall, the local standard of living has improved dramatically — walking around Dubai or even a moderately sized city anywhere in the region shows a reasonable standard of living, especially compared to a few decades ago. All those shiny new condo buildings, huge hypermarkets, highways, etc.

However, it’s all consumption of energy wealth, not evidence of other productive economic activity. While the economic theory of comparative advantage says you maximize efficiency by going all-in on areas where you have the greatest comparative advantage, economic efficiency isn’t the ultimate goal of life, and there are serious consequences to blindly maximizing current economic efficiency to the exclusion of all else. There is a huge qualitative difference between an economy built on natural resource extraction, where the populace is a cost center, and an economy built on productive labor by the population, where increasing capabilities of the society leads to more wealth. If you look at western countries, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and increasingly, China, they largely developed through manufacturing, initially low cost, low value add manufacturing, moving up the chain, and ended up with vibrant, well-educated, and diverse economies (even though Japan has demographic challenges, it will still be the #3 economy in the world in 2030). The alternative is an extractive economy like Argentina, which went from 10th in the world in 1930 to a basketcase for the past 80 years. That’s not to say that natural resource endowment hasn’t helped some countries (like the US), but natural resource economies in the absence of local value creation don’t tend to lead to well developed societies.

Wealth in a resource-based economy is distributed much more unequally and more inefficiently. It goes to a small number of people at the top, and they’re at the top due to tribal, family, or political connections, not due to skill or productivity. In a vibrant, competitive manufacturing economy, wealth tends to accrue to innovators and efficient operators, and someone with a new idea or better way of doing things has a chance to get to the top. Admittedly, this is imperfect even in the US, but it’s a better system than political patronage.

And, someday, the oil will run out (or won’t be burned because of global warming).

Outside simple products and services for local consumption (consumers spending income directly from energy related jobs, or from government redistribution of energy wealth), and development, funded by energy wealth, of local transportation, power, and water infrastructure (starting from a very low base), what local development there has happened has been economically inefficient — building empty skyscrapers in the desert. This has been largely directed by government, or influential families affiliated with government, and financed by huge capital flows from oil/gas and foreign investment from Russia, South Asia, and other parts of the Arab or Muslim world, and not the product of real free enterprise. Essentially, these investments don’t produce wealth; they’re just a way to store wealth generated elsewhere, as a form of regulatory arbitrage. Even crazier, most of the labor, including skilled labor, to build buildings and operate companies is imported, too — labor from China and Pakistan, accountants from the Philippines, advertising executives from the Levant, and engineers and architects from the UK and US.

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Driver ploughs into pedestrians in France’s second ‘Allahu Akbar’ attack


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Appeasing Gulf Arab Sponsors, Soccer Giants Real Madrid Remove Cross From Club Logo

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 3, 2014

Satan’s design is to buy your Soul – at the very foundation of every scheme of Satan is the hidden effort to buy your soul.

SellSoulDevilIf spreading religious intolerance is the goal, a Middle Eastern bank has scored by prompting Real Madrid to alter its world-famous logo so that a small cross does not appear on an officially-licensed credit card.

The Spanish soccer giant unveiled the adjusted logo that will adorn a new credit card issued by the National Bank of Abu Dhabi, reported The Algemeiner. The new logo looks exactly like the club’s 83-year-old trademark, except for the absence of a tiny Christian cross that normally sits at the top.

The logo change was agreed to by the world’s wealthiest sports team, valued at nearly $3.5 billion, in order to avoid offending Muslim sensibilities as the team and the bank enter a three-year “strategic alliance,” according to Real Madrid President Florentino Pérez.

“I know that the local people experience every match in a special way and that our links with the UAE are constantly growing stronger,” Perez said recently. “This agreement will help the club to keep conquering the hearts of followers in the United Arab Emirates.”

Noted Spanish soccer website Marca: “from the looks of things, the club is willing to compromise on aspects of its identity in pursuit of these new fans.”

However, it was not the first time the soccer juggernaut tweaked its crest to avoid offending Islamic sensibilities.In the oil-rich Emirates in 2012, Real Madrid made the same change to smooth the way for a partnership with a UAE resort.

Real Madrid’s most recent decision to cave into Muslim religious intolerance comes at a time of growing concern for Christians in the Middle East, where Islamic State terrorists have massacred and ethnically cleansed ancient Christian communities in Iraq and Syria, noted The Algemeiner, citing a recent State Department report highlighting several violations of international standards on religious freedom in the United Arab Emirates, of which Abu Dhabi is a part.

The government prohibits proselytizing and the distribution of non-Islamic religious literature under penalty of criminal prosecution, imprisonment and deportation,” the report observed. “The law prohibits churches from erecting bell towers or displaying crosses on the outside of their premises; however, the government does not always enforce this law, and some churches display crosses on their buildings.”

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Selected readers’ comments:

“El Cid Campeador is turning over in his grave. The collapse of western civilization, brick by brick. Talk about selling your soul !!!!“

“Real Madrid’s most recent decision to cave into Muslim religious intolerance comes at a time of growing concern for Christians in the Middle East, where Islamic State terrorists have massacred and ethnically cleansed ancient Christian communities in Iraq and Syria„

“If this is not the worst kind of “prostitution” and an example if greed before principles, than I don’t know what it is! The Real Madrid is no longer part of the Western civilization! „

“Just one more indication of how the West is on a path to commit cultural suicide. Islam hardly ever misses an opportunity to exercise its “Islam ueber alles” supremacist ideology.„

“Looks to me like the Middle Eastern bank, rather than scoring a victory for ‘religious tolerance’, is lacking in ‘religious tolerance’. If a Western bank had asked an Islamic organization to remove an Islamic symbol, that would certainly be called religious intolerance. Tolerance would be allowing it.„

“I would have told the UAE to stick it in their ear. They expect everyone to respect and obey ALL their religious mores, symbols and laws so why can’t they reciprocate

“Since money is now their god, they should have replaced the cross with a dollar sign.“

“It is not yet clear whether the UAE will require Ronaldo, Real Madrid’s top striker, to change his Christian name – which is, appropriately, “Cristiano.” „

Real Madrid and The Offense of The Cross

It was a really tiny cross. Honestly, it was barely noticeable in all that pearly pizzazz and gaudy gold. The Crown of Alfonso XII has been a sacred symbol of the Spanish Monarchy for more than 300 years, and that symbolism is reified by the Christian cross which sits at the crest of majesty. God has appointed; Christ is the source of wisdom; the Church proclaims its earthly sovereign. Europe still resonates with the echoes of Christendom: our history is undeniable; the fons et origo of our law, morality, freedom and fraternity are irrefutable.

But not for Spain’s supreme football team Real Madrid, who, despite proudly bearing the ‘Royal’ epithet, have excised the cross of Christ’s regency from their iconic crest after securing a sponsorship deal with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi. Apparently it’s only the sponsored credit card which carries the theologically-emasculated emblem. But that credit card doubles as the Real Madrid club membership card, so escaping sharia sensitivities censorship would appear to be impossible.

This brand variation is to accommodate the club’s Muslim fans in the United Arab Emirates, where the cross might be considered something of a stumbling block. But the new new design is therefore likely to apply to the crest’s reproduction throughout the entire Middle East, for the crucifixion of Jesus is a scandal of faith to all Muslims: their Jesus is no “suffering servant” but the prophet of miracles: He did not suffer the shame and degradation of death on a cross. Those who hang on a tree are cursed by God.

It is ironic – is it not – as the Islamic State is rampaging throughout the region, desecrating churches, destroying ancient tombs and tearing down all icons and crosses in a systematic programme of ‘religious cleansing’, that Europe is becoming complicit in this cultural conversion. While ISIS is busy crucifying Christians and cutting off their heads, Real Madrid is denying Christ by cutting off the symbol of salvation, justification and saving grace. They might as well replace it with the black Islamic flag (they haven’t, of course: the apex of the modified crown is left bare. The revision above is simply symbolic of our political acquiescence, economic deference and religious passivity which only bolster the Islamist zeal for the Caliphate and world domination).

The National Bank of Abu Dhabi may be politically prestigious, mighty powerful and filthy rich, but quite why Real Madrid’s historic monarchism and the Spanish King’s unashamed Christian profession should bow in worship of sharia fascism is the €90 million (“strategic alliance”) question (over three years). It isn’t as though Spain isn’t sensitive to the evils of autocracy and the injustices of totalitarianism. Perhaps in the globalisation of sport the market transcends morality: the cross of Christ must be subject to Sharia Mammon where it is expedient to do so. If Real Madrid seeks to conquer the hearts of potential new followers in the UAE, the National Bank of Abu Dhabi is more than happy to sponsor their conversion.

But it is curious that the cross should be excised to avoid giving offence to Real Madrid’s Muslim fans without, it appears, much consideration at all of the offence this might give to its Christian fans. How many Spanish Roman Catholic followers of ‘Los Blancos’ are disquieted if not aggrieved at the eradication of the club’s historic Christian identity in order to appease Islam? What is the point of winning hearts in the UAE if you’re losing them in the EU?

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Christian Blood For Saudi Arabia is Big Business

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 30, 2013

የሚከተለው መረጃ ዘግናኝ፣ ረባሽ እና ለማመን የሚያቅት ሆኖ ሊሰማን ይችላል። ሆኖም እውነት መውጣቷ አይቀርምና የዓለማችን አለቃ፡ ሰይጣን በልጆቹ አማካይነት የሚፈጽመው አጸያፊ ተግባር ከቀን ወደቀን በፈጠነ መልክ እየተገለጠ / እየተጋለጠ በመውጣት ላይ ስለሚገኝ ማወቁ ግድ ነው።

ከዚህ በፊት ደጋግሜ እንደገለጽኩት፡ ኃያላን የሚባሉት ምዕራባውያን አይሁድክርስቲያናዊ ማንነታቸውን ስለካዱ እና አሳልፈው ስለሸጡ፡ በዲያብሎሳዊው የሳዑዲ የማፊያ ቡድን ተጽእኖ ሥር ለመውደቅ በቅተዋል።

የሉሲፈር ዋና መቀመጫው፡ መካ ከተማ እንደመሆኑ በከተማዋ የሚገኘውን ጥቁር ድንጋይ እንደ ቤተአምልኮው እና እንደ ጽሕፈትቤቱ አድሮ ይጠቀምበታል። (በቅሌት ላይ የሚገኘው የአሜሪካ የ ኤን ኤስ ኤየስለላ ድርጅት ዋናው መሥሪያ ቤት ሕንፃ ይህን የካባ ጥቁር ድንጋይ ቅርጽ እና ቀለም የያዘ ነው) የካባው ጥቁር ድንጋይ ፈቃድ ካልሰጠ በስተቀር እንደ ነዳጅ ዘይት የመሳሰሉትን ነገሮች አውጥቶ መጠቀም አይቻልም። በመላው ዓለም ነዳጅ አምራች እና በዶላሩም ተጠቃሚ የሆኑት አገሮች እስላም አገሮች ብቻ መሆናቸው ይህን ያሳያል። ክርስቲያን የሆኑ አገሮች የሚያመርቱ ከሆነ የሳዑዲ ሊሲፈራውያን ቅጥረኞች ቀውጡን እና ብጥብጡና ይፈጥሩባቸዋል። ደቡብ ሱዳን፣ የናይጀሪያ ደልታ አካባቢ ወይም ቤኔዝዌላ የሚታየው ይኽው ነው። ኢትዮጵያ አገራችንም ዘይት ማውጣት ያልበቃቸው በዚሁ በሳዑዲ ጫና መሆኑ አያጠራጥርም።

ባለፈው ነሐሴ ወር ላይ የሳዑዲ ባለሥልጣን ጥብቅ የኦርቶዶክስ ክርስትና እምነት ተከታይ ለመሆን የበቁትን የሩስያን ፕሬዚደንት፡ ፑቲንን፡ ነዳጅን እና የሶሪያን ወቅታዊ ሁኔታ በሚመለከት ከሳዑዲ ጥቅም ጋር ካልተስማሙ በ ሶቺ ከተማ የሚካሄዱትን የክረምት ኦሎምፒክ ጨዋታዎች በሽብር ፈጣሪዎች አማካኝነት እንበጠብጣለን ብለው አስፈራርተው ነበር፤ እዚህ ላይ ይመልከቱ

ፈጠነም ዘገየም፡ ሳዑዲ አረቢያ፡ ወይ በአሜሪካ ወይ በሩሲያ በኑክሌር መመታቷ አይቀርም። ወገኖቻችን ሳዑዲን ለቀው እንዲወጡ መደረጋቸው / መገደዳቸው ታላቅ በረከት መሆኑን በኋላ ላይ የምናውቀው ይሆናል። የተቀሩትም፡ ፈቃድ ኖራቸው አልኖራቸው፡ በፍጥነት ይህችን የዲያብሎስ መዲና ለቀው እንዲወጡ ቅስቀሳ መደረግ ይኖርበታል።

ቅድስቷ አገራችን ሆነው ለሳዑዲ ልባቸው ለሚመታው እና ወደዚያም ለመሄድ ለተዘጋጁት የሚከተለውን ዘግናኝ ተግባር ማስተዋወቅ ተገቢ ነው።

Christians blood sold for $100,000 a bottle to Muslims in Saudi Arabia

My Note: It’s all clear by now, obviously, Saudi Arabia is that “woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus” (Revelation 17:6), and the kings of the earth are fornicating with her, trading with this harlot the wine (oil) for the obliteration of the saints

Reporters found themselves shocked when they attended a press conference in Vienna on 10th of December. Though they should be well informed on the persecution of Christians and, moreover, should inform their readers on this matter, they were caught by surprise. Sister Hatune, an Aramaic nun who fled Turkey in 1985, told what she had witnessed during her aid campaigns in the Middle East.

She revealed that Muslims are butchering Christians, draining their blood in bottles, and selling each bottle for $100,000 to Muslims in Saudi Arabia who take it to wash their hands in Christian blood, with the belief that it atones for their sins.

Sister Hatune was awarded the German Cross of Merit for her selfless commitment. Here is what she reports:

Saudi Arabia Pays $2 Million Bail in Missouri Sex Assault Case

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has posted $2 million bail for two men who were jailed in southwest Missouri in June after being charged in the kidnapping and sexual assault of a woman.

Rayan Mohammed A Alqabbaa, 21, and Ahmed Ayed A Alanazi, 27, are charged with kidnapping and forcible sodomy stemming from an alleged attack June 1 in Springfield. They each had been held on $1 million bail. The cash bond was wired to the Greene County Circuit Clerk’s Office on Tuesday, court records show.

The men, who were students at Missouri State University, must wear GPS ankle bracelets and their lawyers will keep their passports while they await trial, The Springfield News-Leader reported. They also can’t go to the nightclub where they met the woman and or any place where alcohol is the primary item served.

The men are scheduled for trial Feb. 3.

A cab driver called police because he was suspicious of how the men were treating the woman after he picked them up at Zan, a Springfield nightclub. Officers who found the woman at an apartment said she was partially clothed, crying, vomiting and asking for help, according to court documents. The woman later told police she had been abducted from Zan and someone might have put a drug in her drink, the documents said.



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Hillary Clinton: Riyadh Biggest Funder of World Extremist

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 3, 2013

My Note: The whole world knew about it before 9/11. It was known when President Bush paraded in Washington holding the King’s hand, and it was known when Obama bowed down in an embarrassing fashion to the same cruel Saudi King a couple of years later. Secretary of State, John Kerry said last month: “I have great confidence that the United States and Saudi Arabia will continue to be the close and important friends and allies that we have been” . Well, may be Americans think like: “keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer”… hopefully!

cartoon-oil-vultures-graytoneSaudi Arabia is the sole biggest funder of extremism in the world and is unwilling to cut off the money supply, according to a leaked note from Hillary Clinton.

The former US Secretary of State says in a secret memorandum that donors in the kingdom still “constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide” and that “it has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority”.

In a separate diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks, the militant group which carried out the Mumbai bombings in 2008, Lashkar-e-Toiba, is reported to have secured money in Saudi Arabia via one of its charity offshoots which raises money for schools.

Saudi Arabia is accused, along with Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, of failing to prevent some of its richest citizens financing the insurgency against Nato troops in Afghanistan.

However, it is Saudi Arabia that receives the harshest assessment. The country from which Osama bin Laden and most of the 9/11 terrorists originated, according to Mrs Clinton, “a critical financial support base for al-Qa’ida, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Toiba and other terrorist groups, including Hamas, which probably raise millions of dollars annually from Saudi sources, often during the Haj and Ramadan”.

These pilgrimages, especially the Haj, are described as a “big problem” in another cable dated 29 May 2009. Detailing a briefing from the Saudi interior ministry to Richard Holbrooke, the US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, it notes: “The Haj is still a major security loophole for the Saudis, since pilgrims often travel with large amounts of cash and the Saudis cannot refuse them entry into Saudi Arabia.”

It also quotes one of the officials admitting that the Haj is “a vacuum in our security”. The huge annual influx of Muslims from around the world offers a prime opportunity for militants and their donors to enter the kingdom to exchange funds, launder money through front companies and accept money from government-approved charities.

The memo underlines that the US supports the work of Islamic charities, but is frustrated that they are so easily exploited to fund terrorism.

“In 2002, the Saudi government promised to set up a charities committee that would address this issue, but has yet to do so,” Mrs Clinton’s cable reads, before seeming to admit with disappointment that merely “obtaining Saudi acknowledgement of the scope of this problem and a commitment to take decisive action” has proved hard.



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