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Posts Tagged ‘Tommy Robinson’

Canada: Anti-Jihad Activist Tommy Robinson Arrested By Justin Castro After Giving Address on Free Speech

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on June 26, 2024

😇 ገብርኤል 🧕 ማርያም ❖ ኡራኤል ❖ ጊዮርጊስ ❖ ተክለ ሐይማኖት ❖ መርቆርዮስ ❖ ዮሴፍ ❖ መድኃኔ ዓለም

💭 እንግሊዛዊው የፀረ-ጂሃድ አክቲቪስት ቶሚ ሮቢንሰን በነጻ ንግግር መርሃ ግብር ላይ ንግግር ከሰጠ በኋላ በካናዳው ጠቅላይ ሚስትር በኤዶማዊው የጂሃዳውያኑ አጋር በጀስቲን ‘ካስትሮ’ ትሩዶ ታገተ

👹 ጀስቲን… ጀማል…መሀመዳውያኑ የዋቄዮ-አላህ ባሪያዎች ጋኔናቸውን/ ጂኒያቸውን የሚጠሩት፤ “ጀ ጁ ጂ ጄ ጅ ጆ” የተባሉትን ፊደሎች በመጠቀም ነው። ጅጅጋ + ጅማ + ጃዋር + ጂራ + ጂጂ + ጃራ + ጂሽታ + ጃማ + ጃኖ + ጃሉድ + ጃል መሮ + ጃንጃዊድ + ጀዝባ+ ጅል + ጀነት + ጅሃድ + ጅብሪል + ጅኒ + ጀበል + ጀበና + ጀማል + ጃራ + ጆሞ + ጁማ + ጁነዲን + ጁንታ + ጁላ + ጅል፣ ጅላንጅል፣ ጅላንፎ…ጃዊሳ”

💭 English political activist Tommy Robinson was arrested on Monday evening in Canada after delivering an address in Calgary on the importance of free speech following which around 10 plain-clothed under-cover police officers detained him.

Tommy Robinson, an outspoken critic of mass migration, and commentator on the incongruity of Islamic beliefs with Western society, particularly majority-Muslim child rape gangs in England, was arrested on an alleged immigration offence after giving a speech to around 150 people in Calgary during his planned three-stop tour of Canada hosted by Ezra Levant’s Rebel News.

Footage posted on social media showed Robinson being handcuffed and put in the back of a police car by what appeared to be undercover officers in street clothes. The right-wing activist was seen laughing while describing his arrest as “absolutely insane”.

“What have I got a warrant out for?” Robinson was heard questioning, to which an officer replied: “You’ve got an outstanding immigration warrant, we’ll talk about it in the vehicle.”

At the time of this reporting, Calgary Police have not made any statement on why the English political campaigner was arrested. However, Robinson has previously been convicted of entering the United States with a friend’s passport.

After spending several hours behind bars, Robinson was released, but said that he had his passport seized and was told to not leave the province of Alberta, potentially preventing him from continuing his speaking tour, which had planned stops in Edmonton and Toronto.

“OK I’m free, well, sort of. None of this makes sense, I’m now detained in Calgary, prevented from leaving the city, these conditions stop me from continuing my tour of Canada and meeting with guests for podcasts. I’m not even allowed to leave to travel home,” Robinson wrote on social media following his release.

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YOU Won’t BELIEVE What’s Happening in “Free and Democratic” Britain

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on August 4, 2018

This is what happens when Britain doesn’t stop from intervening in internal affairs of Ethiopian sociopolitical, cultural and religious communities. This is what’s occurring when they bring two Pakistani Muslims to key political power; Sadiq as Mayor of London, and Sajid as Home Secretory.

Watch the Sajid and Sadiq show:

Tommy Robinson Was Abused And Tortured With The Complicity Of The British State

Unless Robinson is lying – which I doubt – this is the only logical conclusion to be drawn from the accounts he gave to Rebel Media’s Ezra Levant and Fox News’s Tucker Carlson.

How else do you explain the perverse decision to move this outspoken critic of Islam into the Category C prison with the highest proportion of Muslim inmates in Britain?

Why was he put in a ground floor cell, opposite the prison mosque, which enabled the inmates to spit and throw excrement through his window – to the point where his only option was to keep it shut and suffer in the stifling heat?

And why was his food allowed to be prepared and served by Muslim prisoners when the authorities would undoubtedly have known that it would be deliberately contaminated with excrement and heaven knows what else?

No one is suggesting that Tommy Robinson should have been given special treatment by the prison authorities. Just the same rights as any other prisoner serving a short sentence for a non-violent crime.

The right, for example, not to have to spend your sentence in solitary confinement so as to protect you from all the prisoners on a mission to kill you.

The right not to be half-starved – as Robinson was because the only safe food he was able to eat on his limited personal allowance (which the prison refused to increase) was one tin of tuna and a piece of fresh fruit a day.

Whatever happened to the duty of care the state owes to prisoners in its custody?

If this kind of abuse were handed out to any other kind of prisoner – be he a child-murderer or a terrorist – can you imagine the fuss that would be made by all the civil rights groups, all the activist lawyers, all the left-leaning newspapers, the BBC?

A society is only as good as the treatment it gives to its lowliest citizens,” they’d argue – or some such virtue-signalling piety.

But apparently when you’re a white working-class bloke who rocks the multicultural boat and embarrasses the Establishment’s bury-your-head-in-the-sand appeasement policy, you lose all right to fair treatment and a fair hearing.


Selected Comments:


Hard to believe it’s GB. What ever happened to that beautiful country with it’s green rolling hills? Globalism, greed, and scumbag politicians.

The Home Secretary, who is in charge of the entire prison system, is a Muslim. That explains Tommy’s transfer. And these people are appointed by Labour in all strategic places, they are everywhere, they run our country. But their allegiance is not with our country, it is with their political ideology called Islamism. Like putting a shark in charge of a swimming pool!

The UK government run by satanic pedophiles, Starting with the Royal” family

And the Left EVERYWHERE is the same. Closet totalitarians until they gain full power, then they “transform” into murdering totalitarians.

Scumbag human rights lawyers. They are quite happy to see those they don’t like being tortured. They will bend over backwards for islamists and child killers but when it’s a political prisoner on the right they actually support the mistreatment. Absolute hypocrites.

I hope the Government realise what they have done here, this is not justice or the sort of thing we expect in a free democratic society, it is tyranny and there is no exuse for this, Theresa May is guilty of tyranny. What is his crime, telling the truth, that is now a crime in the UK, this will not end well and if there is no justice anymore then we will have anarchy.


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Ethiopia Releases British anti-Ethiopia Conspirator, While Britain Arrests and Jails a Briton for Exposing Muslim Grooming Gangs

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on June 4, 2018

For defending young British girls who were victims of Pakistani-Muslim grooming gangs.

Amazing, isn’t it!

If we compare the two cases we clearly see that Ethiopia is freer and more just than Britain – which has become a police state.

Theresa May Thanks Ethiopia For Release Of Briton From Death Row

A British national who was kidnapped and imprisoned in Ethiopia has been released from death row.

Prime Minister Theresa May has thanked her Ethiopian counterpart for the release of Ethiopia-born Andargachew Tsege, as well as other prisoners, during telephone talks covering a range of issues.

Mr Tsege was accused by the Ethiopian authorities of being a terrorist and was tried with others in his absence in 2009 before being sentenced to death.


Tommy Robinson: Trials, Protests, a Media Blackout, and Global Attention

The imprisonment last week of citizen journalist and right-wing activist Tommy Robinson came to worldwide attention and resulted in protests outside 10 Downing Street, with half a million people signing a petition for his release.

However, a temporary media ban, which was lifted after legal challenges by the left-wing Independent website and local news outlet Leeds Live on Tuesday, prevented details of his arrest and sentencing hearing from being reported in the United Kingdom.

Where Did It All Start?

In the early hours of May 10th 2017, Tommy Robinson — real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon — was arrested in his home in Luton, Bedfordshire, for contempt of court.

On May 8th, the citizen journalist and two cameramen from Rebel Media had filmed at Canterbury Crown Court, looking to interview one of four male suspects accused of raping a 16-year-old girl in Ramsgate, Kent.

(The four suspects, Tamin Rahmani, 37, Shershah Muslimyar, 20, Rafiullah Hamidy, 24, and Hamid Mohamadi, 18, were all found guilty of gang-raping the teen three weeks later.)

Crown Courts are open to the press, but any filming and recording in court buildings is illegal under section 41 of the Criminal Justice Act 1925 and the Contempt of Court Act, with judges now claiming that this can extend to “court precincts” — although mainstream press regularly congregate outside court buildings without sanction.

Robinson was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment, with the sentence suspended for 18 months.

One year later, Robinson was detained outside Leeds Crown Court on Friday 25th of May 2018 after using social media to broadcast details of an ongoing trial which had been reported by the local press initially, but was later subject to blanket reporting restrictions.

The activist pleaded guilty to contempt of court on Friday and was handed a 13-month prison sentence: 10 months for contempt of court, and a further three months for breaching the suspended sentence — to be served consecutively rather than concurrently, which is unusual.

In what Leeds Live called a “rare move”, Robinson had been arrested, brought before a judge, and sentenced within five hours.

Media Silence

However, details of Robinson’s arrest and imprisonment had all but been wiped from the British media after publications such as Breitbart News, the Scottish Daily Record, local press Birmingham Live, the left-wing Mirror, and others were forced to delete their articles throughout the day.

Leeds Crown Court had issued a UK media ban following the 35-year-old’s arrest, the reporting restriction put in place, the judge said in the order, to avoid “a substantial risk of prejudice” in the proceedings of the case the right-wing activist was reporting on. This ban was to be active until the end of the trial.

However, media outlets outside Britain began to report on the strange case of Tommy Robinson falling down the memory hole, with social media becoming an alternative news platform for Britons to access details of the case.

Breitbart London posted a copy of the reporting restrictions — heavily redacted, in what the U.S. Gatestone Institute said “proved to be a perfect illustration of Western Europe’s encroaching tyranny”.

Worldwide Reaction

The story came to prominence on a global scale after being covered by right-wing U.S. news network Fox News, Alex Jones-owned Infowars, and was featured as the lead article on the highly-influential news aggregator Drudge Report on Saturday. The case also came to the attention of President Donald J. Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr.

Support came from figures including anti-mass migration Australian political firebrand Pauline Hanson and German populist MP Petr Bystron, who told Breitbart London he wanted to try to help Robinson claim political asylum in Germany.

Robinson’s former employer, Canada-based Rebel Media chief Ezra Levant, accused British authorities of hypocrisy for imposing such a lengthy sentence in prison, claiming other reporters on the left had received lighter sentences for Contempt of Court.

Within Britain, UKIP leader Gerard Batten tweeted about the arrest, asking: “What kind of police state have we become?




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Al Jazeera ADMITS Editing Tommy Robinson Interview To EXCLUDE Criticism of Muhammed, Claims ‘Not Acceptable Broadcasting Standard’

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on February 8, 2016

My Note: I remember the wicked former BBC presenter Peter Dobbie outing as “a proud atheist” mocking Christianity on BBC World. I’ve contempt and abhorrence for these British journalists who willfully sold their soul to the Arab devil. It’s only the devil who likes using deceptive tricks and tactics. How small and foolish they all look! The redundant anti-Christian/anti-Ethiopia BBC-franchise, Al Jazeera is to Jihadism what Goebbels was to Nazism. These propaganda outlets could always find willing whores to do their bidding. Atheism = Islam = Atheism.

Arabic news channel Al Jazeera has admitted to selectively editing an interview with Tommy Robinson, one of the organisers behind PEGIDA UK, to remove critical references to Muhammed, the prophet of Islam, as well as to Israel and the death penalty in Qatar.

The host of the ‘Inside Story’ programme, former BBC presenter Peter Dobbie, initially attempted to trick Mr. Robinson, stating: “I just want to put one fulsome point to you if I may. We are in Doha… in the heart of Islam… let me just read something to you from ‘the holy book’ and I want you to react to that. You can’t see me but I’ve got a copy of the Quran in front of me.

There are part of a holy book about people being persecuted and killed,” Dobbie said, before going on to quote the Old Testament from a piece of paper to the left of him. Dobbie then asked Mr. Robinson: “When you hear those quotes, what do you think that speaks to?”

But the ruse failed, leaving Dobbie audibly embarrassed. Mr. Robinson replied instantly: “I’d ask you why you’re reading the Old Testament to me. I’m not stupid. You’re sitting quoting verses from the Old Testament thinking I’m a moron that would think that’s from the Quran. I know the Old Testament and I know the Quran.”

Mr. Robinson’s panel debate was unavailable to view on the Al Jazeera website, and it was not shown again on television as previously scheduled.

But perhaps the most revealing part of the interview was the 50 seconds that were cut from the interview, during which Mr. Robinson reeled off a series of statements about the life of Muhammed, about the treatment of Israelis by the Qatari government, and about the policy of apostasy or freedom from Islam in Qatar.

Mr. Robinson asked the presenter if he was “free to criticise the prophet Muhammad”, to which the answer was “Yes” before the clip cut to 50 seconds later. But Mr. Robinson was recording the interview himself, from his desk, which reveals the cut made by Al Jazeera producers.

During the lost 50 seconds, as originally noted by the IsraellyCool blog, Mr Robinson says: “So you know of the life of Muhammed, yes? You know that he murdered 600 people. You know that he raped…[inaudible interruption] people in the Bible are different to the messenger of god, who is the most moral compass for every Muslim in the world. And when he is the moral compass for every Muslim in the world and he married a six year old child called Aisha and he raped her when she was nine, I have a problem with that. And when people wish to live as Muhammed did in my country [inaudible interruption].

The country you’re sitting in now… people from Israel are not even allowed to enter. If we want to talk about fascism? The country you’re in now… people with Israeli passports… [inaudible interruption]”.

This is the moment at which the main Al Jazeera video resumes, when Mr. Robinson asked, “Can someone in Qatar leave Islam?” to which Dobbie responds: “You don’t have to be Islamic to be in Qatar”.

On the back foot, now defending Qatari government policies based on Shariah law, Dobbie states: “We have to move the debate on. I do have to move the debate on. You and I will have to have a conversation down the pub next time I’m in London”.

An Al Jazeera spokesman told Breitbart London: “Inside Story is a pre-recorded programme, and on many occasions our editorial staff make decisions on what to include or omit based on what is editorially relevant and acceptable to broadcasting standards to the particular debate being aired in the episode in question.”

Apostasy from Islam is in fact a crime in Qatar, punishable by death.

Attempting to convert Muslims to another religion is also a crime in the country, and the penalty for committing blasphemy in Qatar is seven years in jail, and there is a 1-year prison sentence for defamation of Islam by producing or promoting defamatory imagery.

Religious criticism on websites is censored and the censorship office of the Qatar General Broadcasting and Television Corporation monitors all imported foreign broadcasting for religious content show in the country.



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