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Female European Ministers Meet Black Hitler Who Massacred Over a Million Orthodox Christians

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on January 12, 2023

💭 Germany and France are providing armor to the Neo-Nazi regime of Ukraine and advocate for war 24/7 – whereas in Ethiopia, they suddenly style themselves as angels of peace. The attempt of America’s and Europe’s governments to rehabilitate the fascist Oromo regime that massacred more than one million Orthodox Christians, whose evil army brutally raped up to 200.000 Christian women and girls, even monks, is highly irresponsible, heartless and cruel. Where is the humanity left nowadays? Where is the empathy?! This moment in history will never be forgotten!!!

💭 Russian Missile Storm Thunders Kharkiv; Blitz Hours After German Minister Analena Baerbock’s Visit


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አንድ ምስል የአንድ ሺህ ቃላት ዋጋ አለው፤ ወስላታዋን ኤሊዛቤል ሳህለወርቅ ዘውዴን አውሮፓውያኑ እንዲህ ነው የተጠየፏት

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on January 12, 2023

ሳህለወርቅ ዘውዴ ከተቀሩት ኤሊዛቤላውያን እኅቶቿ ከጀርመንና ፈረንሳይ የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚንስትሮች ጋር። ጀርመንና ፈረንሳይ ለዩክሬይን ታንክና ሮኬትን ያቀብላሉ፤ በኢትዮጵያ ደግሞ “የሰላም አምባሳደሮች” ለመምሰል ይሞክራሉ። ከአንድ ሚሊየን በላይ ኦርቶዶክስ ክርስቲያኖችን ከጨፈጨፈው የፋሺስት ኦሮሞ አገዛዝ ጋር እንዲህ መሞዳሞድ በታሪክ በጽኑ ያስጠይቃል። ግብዞች! ቅሌታሞች!


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Qatar 2022: England Fans Dressed as ‘Christian Crusaders’ are being Persecuted by The Enemies of The Cross

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on November 26, 2022

💭 England fans dressed as ‘Christian Crusaders’ at the World Cup were widely derided on social media after being prevented by security staff from entering a stadium in Doha.

England fans dressed as “Christian Crusaders” were seen being prevented by security staff from entering a stadium in Doha during the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

Footage on social media showed two male fans – dressed in fake armour and covered in sheets showing a red cross on a white background, commonly associated with the Crusades – being spoken to by security staff outside a stadium gate.

The stadium was the Khalifa International Stadium, according to British media reports.

The fans appeared in the clip to be walking away from the stadium after discussions with security staff.

There were unconfirmed reports online the two ‘Crusaders’ were later detained, while others said that they were allowed to enter the stadium but their swords were confiscated.

Another clip of an England fan dressed as a “crusader” and telling reporters that “fans are the essence of the game” also drew scorn online. The video was from an interview for UK news channel TalkTV. “We are what makes football,” he said.

The Crusades Were a Reasonable Response to Unchecked Islamic Aggression

The Crusades were a measured, rational response to violent and unchecked Islamic invasion and colonization.

People who believe the Crusades were somehow bad inevitably are wrong about both Christian and Muslim histories, and about the infamous and barbaric treatment of Christians under invading Muslim armies in Spain, Portugal and France between 711 and 1492.

The Crusades weren’t started by Christians or the Church. Instead, they were slow, measured, moral, reasonable and rational responses to violent and unchecked Islamic invasion and colonization. If anything, the Crusades were supremely holy when compared to the egomaniacal, selfish and hate-filled wars started by atheists between the 18th and 21st centuries. The Crusades were started to protect innocent Christians from being killed. Atheists start wars because they hate, are jealous and because they desire power. To be clear, every war started by Muslims has been, indeed a religious-inspired carnage but this doesn’t mean that every other war was religious in nature. Islam teaches that war is perfectly in keeping with Allah’s capricious and vindictive nature.

By the time the Crusades had started in 1099, invading Muslim armies had slaughtered countless thousands of Christians in the Levant, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. A full 90% of Christian territory had been unjustly invaded and annexed. And under the lash of their “peaceful” Muslim overlords, Christians were enslaved, raped, forced to pay the extortionist tax known as the jizya, forced to convert to their peaceful religion, and summarily executed for no other reason than they were Christians in a formerly Christian country unjustly taken over by Muslims. In fact, Muslims had controlled Spain and Portugal for 400 years before the Catholic Church came to realize that Muslims not only wanted Christian lands and wealth, but also wanted to enslave and destroy Christian souls.

To reinforce this point, let us consider the behavior of Muslims in Spain two centuries before the First Crusade. The 9th-century Christian Martyrs of Cordoba died as a result of a nonviolent campaign during the early Carolingian period in Cordoba, Spain, the seat of power of the Muslim invading forces. At the time of their martyrdom, most of the Iberian Peninsula had been under Muslim control for a century. As a response to outrageous human rights violations, a group of Christians living in Cordoba initiated a pacifistic movement that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Islam has never been a “religion of peace.”

Despite widescale administrative efforts on the part of the invading Muslim armies of forcing Christian Spaniards and Portuguese to convert to Islam but by threats of violence and the jizya, only the very poor were swayed — simply because they couldn’t afford the exorbitant taxes imposed on them and they were fearful for the safety of their children being sold into sexual slavery by Muslims.

The evil perpetrated by Muslim spurred a Christian revival within Muslim-occupied Spain and Portugal. However, by AD 850, the Cordoba-based government met this Christian resistance with a horrific pogrom — but, despite the terror unleashed against the Christians, very few converted to Islam.

In April 850, Muslims arrested a Catholic priest named Perfectus and accused him of insulting Mohammed and subsequently murdered him. St. Perfectus’ murder resulted not in violent riots but rather in widespread displays of Christian non-violence and noncooperation. Christians took to the main plazas of Cordoba and denounced Islam and its founder Mohammed, pointing out that the religion wasn’t based in peacefulness. Many of these Christians, clerics, monks, nuns, lay people, Muslim apostates (repentant Christians who had converted to Islam and then reverted back to Christianity) were arrested and tortured but the nonviolent protests continued through 852.

It was in this same year when local invading ruler Emir Abd al-Rahman died. Emir Mohammed I (AD 852-56) succeeded him but the Christian pacifists gained momentum. Church leaders, faced with the out-of-control nonviolent revolt in Cordoba and by a fiercely violent one in Toledo, called a council at Cordoba to end the confrontation. In December 852 the council honored the fallen as martyrs but called on Christians to avoiding any more confrontations that would result in their deaths. Church historian Eulogius of Cordova composed his Memoriale sanctorum (Memorial of the Saints) and Alvarus the first part of the Indiculus luminosus (The Remarkable List).

In June 853, five additional Christians came forward to proclaim their faith. The emir was overwhelmed by the Christians’ faith and threatened to massacre all Christian men and to sell Christian women into prostitution. Though he backed down from this initial threat, the emir purged all Christians from the government, imposed severe taxes (i.e., jizya) destroyed churches, monasteries and schools and launched a massive forced conversion of the Christian populace to Islam.

In 854, however, Alvarus published the second part of his Indiculus luminosus which condemned Mohammed and equated him with the Antichrist of the Apocalypse (1 John 2:18-22, 4:3, 2 John 1:7, Revelation 16:13, 19:20, 20:10). In 855, Christians again spoke out against the Islamic invaders in the public squares and before the magistrates, urging Muslims to convert to Christianity. For this, they were martyred out of hand, but this didn’t stem the flood of Christians eager to witness to the Faith. Eulogius was executed in 859 and with his death came the end of the martyrdom movement. However, the deaths of thousands of Christians served to reinvigorate the Crusaders fighting in the Reconquista in the unoccupied lands of Spain and Portugal.

Thus Christians, natives of their own country, chose to bless and pray for their persecutors, peacefully and nonviolently as the Master himself taught us (Luke 6:27-33):

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you. If anyone hits you on one cheek, let him hit the other one too; if someone takes your coat, let him have your shirt as well. Give to everyone who asks you for something and when someone takes what is yours, do not ask for it back. Do for others just what you want them to do for you. If you love only the people who love you, why should you receive a blessing? Even sinners love those who love them! And if you do good only to those who do good to you, why should you receive a blessing? Even sinners do that!

To fully understand the difference in mentality between the pacifist, non-violent attitude of the Cordoba Martyrs and their violent, oppressive Muslim overlords, we should juxtapose the Muslim legalist al-Razi’s defense of the jizya, the exorbitant and oppressive tax levied against Christians and Jews, to the wise words of the Redeemer quoted above:

The intention of taking the jizya is not to approve the disbelief of non-Muslims in Islam, but rather to spare their lives and to give them some time; in hope that during it; they might stop to reflect on the virtues of Islam and its compelling arguments and consequently converting from disbelief to belief. That’s why it’s important to pay the jizya with humiliation and servility, because naturally, any sensible person cannot stand humiliation and servility. So if the disbeliever is given some time watching the pride of Islam and hearing evidences of its authenticity, then apparently this might carry him to convert to Islam and that’s the main rationale behind the enactment of the jizya. (Tafsir al-Kabir. Koran 9:29)

“Because naturally, any sensible person cannot stand humiliation and servility.” Thus, by this Muslim scholar’s own admission, Islam is not open to the possibility of humility and humble service to others — these aren’t virtues extolled by Islam since no “sensible person” would practice them — the very two virtues Christ demands of his followers.

Islam and Christianity have little in common other than their monotheism, and Islam is certainly the cause of many wars. Christianity isn’t.

💭 Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades

👉 Which was worse? Watch the data and you decide. This video is part of Bill Warner’s astounding lecture: “Why we are afraid. A 1400 years secret”


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Ex-Fifa-Boss Blatter: Qatar World Cup ‘Is a Mistake,’ | Qatar World Cup of Shame, Slavery & Genocide

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on November 9, 2022

የቀድሞው የፊፋ ፕሬዚደንት ሴፕ ብላተር፤ “የኳታር የዓለም ዋንጫ ‘ስህተት ነው’ | የኳታር የአለም ዋንጫ፤ የውርደት፣ የባርነት እና የዘር ማጥፋት ዋንጫ

🐺 እርጉሟ አቴቴ ሳህለወርቅ “ኤልዛቤል” ዘውዴ ደግሞ “በድሬዳዋ እግር ባህልን ለማጠንከር” በሚል ስልቂያ ከፊፋ ገንዘብ መቀበሏን ዛሬ የወጣው መረጃ ይጠቁመናል

  • ☆ Genocide in Tigray: Over a million Christians Massacred
  • ☆ 200.000 Women, Girls Raped in Ethiopia’s Tigray
  • ☆ Violence in Tigray is Causing Starvation for Millions

⚽ Sepp Blatter says choosing Qatar to host World Cup was ‘a mistake’

  • Former Fifa president claims country ‘too small’ and ‘bad choice’
  • Blatter blames votes of Platini and UEFA colleagues for outcome

Handing the World Cup to Qatar was a “mistake” and a “bad choice” according to the former Fifa president Sepp Blatter, who has repeated claims the decision was a result of secret political pressure.

Blatter says the tournament was handed to the Gulf state because of the actions of the former Uefa president, Michel Platini, under pressure from France’s then president, Nicolas Sarkozy. “For me it is clear: Qatar is a mistake. The choice was bad,” Blatter told the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger. “At the time, we actually agreed in the executive committee that Russia should get the 2018 World Cup and the USA that of 2022. It would have been a gesture of peace if the two longstanding political opponents had hosted the World Cup one after the other.”

Asked why Qatar was a bad choice, Blatter made no mention of the human rights concerns that have hung over the tournament, but said: “It’s too small a country. Football and the World Cup are too big for that.”

Blatter said that Fifa’s plans were disrupted by Platini, claiming the Frenchman was instrumental in directing four votes from European countries to Qatar, after pressure from Sarkozy.

“Thanks to the four votes of Platini and his [Uefa] team, the World Cup went to Qatar rather than the United States. It’s the truth,” Blatter said of the 14-8 voting result against the US in the final two.

“Platini told me he had been invited to the Élysée Palace, where French president Sarkozy had just had lunch with the Crown Prince of Qatar,” Blatter said. “Sarkozy said to Platini: ‘See what you and your colleagues from Uefa can do for Qatar when the World Cup is awarded.’ I then asked him: ‘And now?’”

According to Blatter, when he queried this, Platini’s response was: “‘Sepp, what would you do if your president asked you for something?’ I then told him that the question didn’t arise for me because we don’t have a president in Switzerland.”

👉 Just In: FIFA

FIFA Secretary General Fatma Samoura concluded two days of meetings with stakeholders from government and sport in Ethiopia today, in the company of a delegation from the Horn of Africa.

On Sunday in an audience with Sahle Work Zewde, the President of Federal Republic of Ethiopia, along with CAF Vice President and Djibouti Football Federation President Souleiman Waberi, Ethiopia Football Federation President Esayas Jira and Secretary General Bahiru Tilahun Limenih, discussions centred around FIFA Football for Schools Programme. In particular, the importance of playing sport, both for the benefits of personal health, as well as the learning of life skills such as teamwork, fair play and communication was highlighted.

👹 President Jezebel Sahle-Work Zewde and Mass Rape in Tigray, Ethiopia

The troops of the evil Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and cruel President Sahel Work Zewde and their allies are deploying rape and famine in their war in the Tigray region. Tigray is the cradle of Ethiopian Christianity and civilization.

Many Christian Tigrayan women have courageously come forward to tell the world their stories of how they have been raped. They tell how their families were killed and homes destroyed, how they are trying to save their children from starvation.

The female president of Ethiopia Jezebel Sahle-Work Zewde, who visited the safe house in Mekelle in 2021 (her only visit) where thousands of vicitims and survivors are receiving medical care, Christian women of Tigray were scared:

When soldiers providing security for President Sahle-Work Zewde came to inspect the facility before her arrival, rape survivors gathering in the television room cried out in horror, fearing they would be assaulted again, staffers told AFP. Most refused to meet with Ms Sahle-Work.

It was “like they were fetching water”, 40-year-old Tirhas recalls. Once a day, she says, Ethiopian soldiers would line up outside her cell in a military camp, sometimes as many as 10 men waiting their turn to rape her.

According to Tirhas, the group assaults lasted for two weeks – from the afternoon soldiers picked her up off a street in Mekele, the capital of Ethiopia’s conflict-hit Tigray region, until the day they drove her home.

But her nightmare was not over. Two nights later, a soldier barged in during the evening curfew and raped her as her three children – ages 11, seven and three – cowered in terror in an adjacent room, she said.

“I don’t feel safe in Tigray anymore. Even the sight of the military uniform frightens me very much,” Tirhas, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, told AFP during a tearful interview at the safe house where she is now recovering.

“Even now I’m shocked, and I’m wondering: What did the women of Tigray do to deserve this?”

‘We cried, we screamed’

That statement, though, told only part of the story of the president’s visit, which witnesses describe as openly confrontational.

When soldiers providing security for President Sahle-Work Zewde came to inspect the facility before her arrival, rape survivors gathering in the television room cried out in horror, fearing they would be assaulted again, staffers told AFP. Most refused to meet with Ms Sahle-Work.

“When she came, we cried, we screamed, we didn’t want to talk to her,” recalled Ms Abrehet, who told AFP that Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers raped her for eight days in a military camp after pulling her off a bus near the Tigray town of Wukro. “We never want to talk to her,” Ms Abrehet added.

💭 A “Feminist” Government: And It’s Repulsive Rape Cover-ups

In 2018, Ethiopia appointed it’s first & Africa’s only serving female head of state. It also got the first female Supreme Court president. A female politician was now a chairperson of National Election Board. It even created a brand new ministry, named it Ministry of Peace & handed the leadership over to a woman. Out of 20 cabinet members, 10 of them were women. A notably male dominated post, the Defense Ministry, was also to be lead by a woman for the first time.

Ethiopians rejoiced, the rest of the world applauded and media covered this change with flying compliments. Representation mattered. This was seen as something that can level the gender field. Having a 50% women led cabinet was impressive by any standard since the global average for female government ministers is 18.3 percent . More than a dozen countries have no women cabinet members at all.

Desperate for answers, concerned citizens turned to the gender reformed government & its women “Leaders”. Surely they are here to speak for their sisters, mothers and children. They said so. The world thought so.

Days, weeks, and months passed. The ladies in high places chose the the age old technic of avoiding responsibilities related to rape & women grievance — Silence. There was no direct or indirect addressing of such horrific victims account. There was no urging of an immediate investigation into the matter. There was no expression of absolute outrage. There was no message to families of alleged victims to stay calm or that they are with them.

The last time the Press secretary mentioned rape was back in 2018 – right after she was appointed. The post was of a generic lip-service type she had come to be known for.

Four months into this war, The President decided to travel to the war torn region. Part of her photo-op visit was to include a stop at a hospital were rape victims were also being treated. At the entrance, the President was politely asked by doctors and other stuff members to not go in with military men who accompanied her. The victims were traumatized & the sight of men in uniforms was additional trauma. The president took a personal offense to being morally lectured. So she refused. She demanded that the military men be allowed in with her. The hospital stuff reported that on catching sight of the soldiers, the victims began screaming, crying and shaking with fear. The president had to remove herself from the spot immediately since no amount of comforting or assurance could calm the victims down. She left — leaving the victims a little worse than she found them.

Her office then released statements & pictures. Showing her interacting attentively & kindly with locals. This would surely get her boss the good PR he very much needed. Still no mention of rape allegations. Continued silence. The president warned at the beginning of her term that she will exhaust the men by speaking up for women issues. Two years into her seat & tested with real life challenge, the world could see she has no intention of delivering on that promise.

Can an autocrat be using a gender reform movement and the feminist agenda?

It has become obvious now that the ladies in position of influence and power in Ethiopia have chosen to politicize the suffering of women. They too have decided to utilize the same weapon of covering up rape allegations just like men in history had. If you don’t talk about it, it has not happened. Some of their supporters believe them. Many more others are left wondering if this gender reform was genuine or if it was implemented merely to strengthen the power of the men behind this reform.

Amidst such horrifying moment, they all found time to stay connected on social media discussing everything but the war and war crimes. The Supreme Court President posted a glossy picture of herself with other women “leaders” of the country in the President’s office. She said she was so proud. Proud of the recognition the president had secured from Forbes as the only African woman to be listed The World’s Most Powerful Women 2020” were the likes of Vice President Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, Sheikh Hasina Wajed & Rania Nashar were featured. The picture was clean. The office was modern. The ladies were smiling. On the pictures they share and topics they chose to discuss — Their male colleagues don’t need to be nudged, everything is under control & all is well in the land of the feminists.


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