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Archive for March 5th, 2024

Half of Members of the Conservative Party Believe Islam is a Threat to The British Way of Life

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 5, 2024

❖ ገብርኤል 🧕 ማርያም ❖ ኡራኤል ❖ ጊዮርጊስ ❖ ተክለ ሐይማኖት ❖ መርቆርዮስ 😇 ዮሴፍ ❖ መድኃኔ ዓለም

💭 ከግማሽ በላይ አሁን ሥልጣን ላይ ያለው የብሪታኒያ ወግ አጥባቂ ፓርቲ አባላት እስልምና ለብሪታኒያ የህይወት መንገድ ስጋት እንደሆነ ያምናሉ

💭 58% of Conservative Party members think Islam is a threat to the British way of life

Opinium polled 521 Conservative Party members asking questions about Islam, immigration, multiculturalism and attitudes towards minority communities. The polling firm found that 58% of Tory members think that Islam is a threat to the British way of life.

Meanwhile, 52% agreed that parts of many European cities are under the control of Sharia Law and are ‘no-go’ zones for non-Muslims.

Opinium also asked whether Conservative Party members had a positive or negative view of various minorities and political groups. The pollster found that many more Tory members have a negative view of migrants, Muslims, and Roma and Traveller people. It found:

  • ☆ 20% of members have a positive view of immigrants, 45% have a negative view.
  • ☆ 19% of members have a positive view of Muslims, 40% have a negative view.
  • ☆ 13% of members have a positive view of Roma/Travellers, 49% have a negative view.
  • ☆ 57% of members have a positive view of Jews, 7% have a negative view.
  • ☆ 28% of members have a positive view of LGBT+ people, 30% have a negative view.
  • ☆ 21% of members have a positive view of feminists, 28% have a negative view.

😈 “Elites Have Allowed This To Happen!” Ayaan Hirsi Ali

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France Deports Imam For Calling French Flag ‘Satanic’

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 5, 2024

ገብርኤል 🧕 ማርያም ❖ ኡራኤል ❖ ጊዮርጊስ ❖ ተክለ ሐይማኖት ❖ መርቆርዮስ 😇 ዮሴፍ ❖ መድኃኔ ዓለም

💭 የፈረንሳይን ባንዲራ ‘ሰይጣናዊ’ በማለት የጠራውን ቱኒዚያዊ ኢማሙን ፈረንሳይ ከሀገሯ አባረረችው።

😈 This imam had lived in France since he was 12. But after he called the French flag ‘satanic’, he was arrested and deported back to Tunisia within eight hours. He tells the Mail: It would never happen in Britain!

The swoop was made with ruthless speed and stealth. It came just as the Muslim preacher was settling down to read his newspaper after enjoying a family lunch.

Shuffling to the front door to see who was banging so loudly, Imam Mahjoub Mahjoubi found himself confronted by 15 plain-clothes police officers.

They had emerged from a convoy of cars and descended without warning on his home in Bagnols-sur-Ceze, a quaint, 13th-century town near Avignon where British tourists often stop off en route to the French Riviera.

Mahjoubi, who runs a building firm and gives popular Friday sermons at his local mosque, claims they did not explain the small print contained in this form.

But after he had put his name to it they arrested him, giving him a few moments to collect his belongings before they took him away, ignoring the tearful entreaties of his wife, Almira, and their weeping children, the youngest of whom, a seven-year-old boy, is being treated for cancer.

It was only that evening, after he had been flown to Paris and processed at a police station, Mahjoubi tells me, that he realised he had signed a governmental order bringing an abrupt end to his four decades of residency in France.

Issued by Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin — the equivalent of our Home Secretary — under powers bestowed by a tough new Immigration Act which came into force last month, it authorised the imam’s immediate expulsion from his adopted country.

And at 8.30pm, on Thursday, February 22 — just eight hours after that first knock on the door — he was bundled under guard onto an Air France plane bound for Tunis.

So what had this bespectacled, scholarly-looking man done to warrant being exiled with guillotine-like swiftness and finality?

‘One word. Just one, small word,’ he repeated time and again this week, when I posed him that question at his temporary refuge — his in-laws’ house in Soliman, a rundown Mediterranean resort, 15 miles south of the capital.

‘It’s such an injustice!’ he wept, head in hands. ‘For speaking one word my entire world has been destroyed. They have separated me from my wife and children, ruined my business, thrown me out of the country I have lived in for 40 years. A country I love.’

The small word to which he referred is ‘Tricolore’ (or tricolour in English) the name, of course, for the French national flag, with its vertical blue, white and red stripes.

During his weekly sermon, three Fridays ago, Mahjoubi described this unassailable banner — an emblem of Republican democracy since the French Revolution — in terms that would shock and offend many proud Gauls.

Addressing 500 male congregants crammed into a nondescript breeze-block mosque in Bagnols-sur-Ceze (and 12,000 more Facebook followers who watch his weekly sermons, delivered in Arabic and French) he insulted the flag as a devilish symbol that causes division among Muslims.

To translate his exact words, he said that one day, when the world ends, all ruling authorities would fall, and then ‘we will no longer have these Tricolore flags that gangrene us . . . the only value they have is a Satanic value, in the eyes of Allah’.


😈 ለነገሩማ እንደተለመደው ኢማሙ የራሱን ጉድ እያንጸባረቀ መሆኑ ነ። የሙስሊም ሃገራት ባንዲራዎች ናቸው ሰይጣናዊ‘!

በዮሐንስ ራዕይ ላይ የተገለጹት አራቱ የምጽአት ፈረሶች 🐎 እና ቀለማቸው (ነጭ፣ ቀይ፣ ጥቁርና አረንጓዴ)እነዚህ ቀለማት የአብዛኛዎቹ እስላም ሃገራትና ኦሮሞዎች የመረጡት ባንዲራ ቀለማት ናቸው፤

  • የኦሮሚያ፣ ሶማሌና ሌሎች ክልሎች
  • የግብጽ(ነጭ፣ ቀይ፣ ጥቁር)
  • የቱርክ (ነጭና ቀይ)
  • የሱዳን
  • የሊቢያ
  • የቱኒሲያ (ነጭና ቀይ)
  • የምዕራብ ሰሃራ
  • የፍልስጤም
  • የዮርዳኖስ
  • የሶሪያ
  • የኢራቅ
  • የኩዌት
  • የሳውዲ አረቢያ (ነጭና አረንጓዴ)
  • የየመን
  • የተባበሩት አረብ ኤሚራቶች
  • የኢራን
  • የፓኪስታን (ነጭና አረንጓዴ)
  • የአፍጋኒስታን
  • የእስልምና 666 ሸሃዳ (ነጭና አረንጓዴ)
  • የአይሲስ (ነጭና ጥቁር)

🐎 በተጨማሪ በዚህ ቪዲዮ ላይ ያከልኩበትና በመጨረሻው ክፍል ላይ ገብተን ማየት ያለብን አስደናቂ ክስተት፤የአራቱ ምጽአት ፈረሰኞች መሀመድና ሦስቱ ካሊፎቹ መሆናቸውን የሚያወሳ ነው ፥ ድንቅ ነው፤

  • መሀመድ (ነጭ ፈረስ)
  • 😡 አቡባከር (ቀይ ፈረስ)
  • 🌚 ኦማር (ጥቁር ፈረስ)
  • 🤢 ኡትማን/ኡስማን (አረንጓዴ ፈረስ)

እንግዲህ ቅዱስ ዮሐንስ እንደጠቆመን ከምድር በአራተኛው ላይ ሥልጣን የተሰጣቸው የእስላማውያኑ ካሊፎች ናቸው።

የክርስቶስ ተቃዋሚው የእስልምና አውሬ በጽዮናውያን ላይ ይፈጽም ዘንድ የተሰጠውን ሥልጣን እየተገበረ መሆኑን ዛሬ በግልጽ እያየነው ነው፤ የኦሮሞ እስላሞችና መናፍቃን ጥንታውያኑን የአክሱም ጽዮናውያንን በሰይፈና በራብም በሞትም እየገደሏቸው ነው። ሰብሎቻቸውን፣ ከብቶቻቸውን፣ ንብረቶቻቸውን እና ገንዘባቸውን ሁሉ እየነጠቋቸውና እያወደሙባቸው ነው። ከሺህ አራት መቶ ዓመታት በፊት እነ አቡባከር በስደት ወደ ውቅሮ አካባቢ ሲመጡ እስልምናንና የዋቄዮአላህ መንፈሱን ለማሰራጨት/ለማስፋፋት ነበር ተል ዕኳቸው። ነገር ግን የአስኩም ጽዮናውያን መሀመዳውያኑን በእግድነት እጃቸውን ዘርግተው ከማስተናገድ ውጭ የክርስቶስ ደቀ መዛሙርት ናቸውና እስልምናን ለመቀበል ፈቃደኞች አልነበሩም፤ እግዚአብሔር የተመሰገነ ይሁን እንኳንም አልተቀበሉ፤ በተቃራኒው፤ የእስልምና ነቢይ መሀመድ እና የአሊ የመጀመሪያ የአጎት ልጅ ኡበይድአላህ ኢብኑ ጃህሽ እስልምናን ትቶ ክርስትናን የተቀበለው ኢትዮጵያ በነበረበት ወቅት ነበር። ክርስትናን የተቀበለ የመጀመሪያው ሙስሊም። ይህ በጣም ያስቆጣው የክርስቶስ ተቃዋሚው የእስልምና አውሬ ዛሬ ጽዮናውያንን በመበቀል ላይ ይገኛል!ለአጭር ጊዜ ቢሆንም። መከራው ሲያበቃ ጽዮናውያን የቀረውን “አል ነጃሺ” የተሰኘ የሰይጣን ማደሪያ ማጥፋት ግድ ይሆንባቸዋል። መቻቻል የሚባል ነገር የለም፤ እንዳለፈው መኖር አክትሞለታል!

እንግዲህ ይህን የመሰለ መስተንግዶ የተደረገላቸው መሀመዳውያን አረቦች ግን እስልምናቸውን ሲያስፋፉም ሆነ ሲገድሉ፣ በመሬት ንጥቂያም ላይ ሲሰማሩ ርኅራኄ ያደረገችላቸውን ኢትዮጵያ በርኅራኄ አይን አይተዋት አያውቁም። ብዙ አረቦች “ኢትዮጵያ ስላስጠጋቻችሁ እሷን አትንኩ” ብሎ መሀመድ ተናግሯል ሲሉ ይደመጣሉ። ይሁንና ከእስልምና በኋላ አረቦች ኢትዮጵያን ሳይነኩ የሰነበቱበት ዘመን የለም። ከእስልምና ማንሰራራት በኋላ ኢትዮጵያ በእስልምና የደረሰባትን ውድቀት ሲመለከቱ ንጉሠ ነገሥቱ ለነዛ ለተሰደዱ አረቦች ያደረጉላቸው መስተንግዶ ከደግነትም አልፎ የየዋህነት/የሞኝነት/አጠንቅቆ ያለማወቅ እንደነበር አዙሮ ለሚያይ ሁሉ ግልጽ ሆኖ ይታያል። ንጉሠ ነገሥቱ እጃቸውን ዘርግተው አረቦቹን መቀበላቸው ለኢትዮጵያ ተናዳፊ እባብን እጅ ዘርግቶ እንደመቀበል ነው የሆነባት።

😈 ልብ እንበል፤ የፋሺስቱ ኦሮሞ አገዛዝ ጂኒ ጃዋርን ወደ መካ ልኮታል። ለሚያልሙላትና፤ ግራኝ ተልዕኮውን ሁሉ ከጨረሰ በኋላ ቢወገድ…” በሚል እስላማዊቷን የኦሮሚያ ኤሚራቶች ይመራ ዘንድ ዝግጅት ለማድረግና በባቢሎን ሳውዲ ቃልቻዎች እንዲቀባ ነው የተላከው። ድንጋይና ወራዳ ትውልድ እነዚህ አውሬዎች እየተቀባበሉና እያምታቱ እንዲህ ተጫወቱብህ! 😠😠😠

👉 ወራሪዎቹ ኦሮሞዎች (እባብ ገንዳዎች) ከአምስት መቶ ዓመታት በኋላ በአዲስ አበባ

🐎 እና የሊቢያው ባንዲራ….ነጭ፣ ቀይ፣ ጥቁር እና አረንጓዴ በራዕይ መጽሐፍ ውስጥ ካሉት 4 ፈረሶች ጋር ተመሳሳይ ቀለሞች።

🐎 And the Libya Flag….White, Red, Black and Green – Same Colors as The 4 Horses in The Book of Revelation

ልክ ጌታችንና መድኃኒታችን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ለቅዱስ ዮሐንስ እንደገለጸለት፤

❖❖❖[የዮሐንስ ራእይ ምዕራፍ ፮፥፰]❖❖❖

“አየሁም፥ እነሆም፥ ሐመር ፈረስ ወጣ፥ በእርሱም ላይ የተቀመጠው ስሙ ሞት ነበረ። ሲኦልም ተከተለው፤ በሰይፍና በራብም በሞትም በምድርም አራዊት ይገድሉ ዘንድ ከምድር በአራተኛዋ እጅ ላይ ሥልጣን ተሰጣቸው።”

🛑 በሌላ በኩል፤ ፬/ 4 ቍጥር የሚቆመው በሰዎች እና ኃጢአቶቻቸው ላይ ለመፍረድ ነው፤

  • ☠ ነጭ ሽብር እና ጦርነት
  • 😡 ቀይ-ግርግር እና ግድያ
  • 🌚 ጥቁር – ረሃብ እና በሽታ
  • 🤢 የመጨረሻው የታመመ ፈዛዛ አረንጓዴ – ሞት እና ሲኦል ነው።

😈 As usual The Imam is just PROJECTING: It’s the Flags of Muslim countries that are ‘satanic’!

The Ishmaelites hate everyone and everything – specially 3/ Three, like in The HOLY TRINITY.

😈 THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE & Colored Flags of Islamic Countries & Oromos of Ethiopia


  • ☠ White – Mohammed / Baphomet
  • 😡 Red – Abu Bakar
  • 🌚 Black – Umar
  • 🤢 Pale Green – Uthman

🔥 4 stands for judgment of men and their sins.

  • ☠ White – terror and war
  • 😡 Red – chaos and murder
  • 🌚 Black – famine and disease
  • 🤢 Pale sickly green is DEATH and HELL

This is exactly what’s taking place in Northern Ethiopia. The Islamic Oromos of Abiy Ahmed Ali starving ancient Christians of Tigray, Ethiopia to death.

❖❖❖ [Revelation Chapter 6:8] ❖❖❖

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

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German City of Essen Fines Ex-Muslim Taxi Driver For Bible Text On Vehicle

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 5, 2024

ገብርኤል 🧕 ማርያም ❖ ኡራኤል ❖ ጊዮርጊስ ❖ ተክለ ሐይማኖት ❖ መርቆርዮስ 😇 ዮሴፍ ❖ መድኃኔ ዓለም

💭 የጀርመኗ ኤሰን ከተማ የቀድሞ ሙስሊም ታክሲ ነጂ በተሽከርካሪው ላይ ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ፤ “ኢየሱስም። እኔ መንገድና እውነት ሕይወትም ነኝ፤ በእኔ በቀር ወደ አብ የሚመጣ የለም። (የዮሐንስ ወንጌል ምዕራፍ ፲፬፥፮)” የሚለውን ጥቅስ በመለጠፉ ሰማኒያ ስምንት ዩሮ ከሃምሳ ተቀጥቷል

ከሃያ ዓመታት በፊት ከኢራን ወደ ጀርመን የመጣው የቀድሞ ሙስሊም፤ ጃሊል ማሻሊ እና ጠበቆቹ፤ “እገዳው እንደ ሃሳብን በነፃነት የመግለጽ እና የእምነት ነፃነትን የመሳሰሉ መሰረታዊ ሰብአዊ መብቶችን ይጥሳል፣ይህም ጥልቅ እምነትን ለሌሎች የማካፈል መብትን ይጨምራል። ክርስትናን የተቀበለው ጃሊል ጽሑፉን ለማስወገድ እስካሁን አልፍለገም”

ጃሊል ከቤተሰቡ ጋር ኢራን እያለ እስልምና ለእርሱ ትልቅ ትርጉም ነበረውው። “ከቤተሰቦቼ ሁሉ የበለጠ ሃይማኖተኛ ነበርኩ እና አብዝቼ እጸልይ ነበር። አይሁዶችን እና ክርስቲያኖችን እጠላ ነበር እናም እነሱን መግደል እመርጣለሁ። በዚህ መንገድ ጀነት የምገባ መስሎኝ ነበር።” ይላል ጃሊል ማሻሊ።

በዚያን ጊዜ ክርስትናን የተቀበለች አንዲት የቀድሞ ሚስቱ ጓደኛ ትጎበኘዋለች፤ ” የሆነ ወቅት ላይ ከእኔ ጋር መጸለይ ትችላለህን” ብላ ጠየቀችኝ። እኔ አጥባቂ ሙስሊም እንደመሆኔ በፍጹም አልፈልግም ነበር። ግን ፈቃደኛ መሆኔን አሳየኋት። እግዚአብሔር መከራዬን ይወስድልኝ እና ልጁም ለመሆን አንደምፈልግ ጠየቀችኝ። በእስልምና ሰዎች የአላህ ባሮች ብቻ ናቸውና የምትለው ነገር በፍጹም አልገባኝም ነበር።”

በሆነ ወቅት ላይ ተዓምር ተከሰተ፤ ” ህመሜ ጠፋ እና የሚገርመኝ ደግሞ ተመልሶ አልመጣም። ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ያንን እንዳደረገ ተናገረች እና በኢራን የተማርኩትን የፋርስ ቋንቋ መጽሐፍ ቅዱስን ሰጠችኝ።”

ለታክሲ ነጂው ይህ ረጅም ጊዜ የሚወስድ የውስጥ ትግል ይጀምራል። “ብዙ ጊዜ መጽሐፍ ቅዱስን አነብ ነበር ነገር ግን ቁርኣንንም ደጋግሜ አነሳለሁ። በመጨረሻም፣ መሀመድ እና ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ምን ያህል እንደሚለያዩ መደምደሚያ ላይ ደረስኩ፣ እግዚአብሔር በልቤ ውስጥ የሰጠኝን እሱን መካድ እንደማልችል ነው የተረዳሁት።”

ክርስቲያን ለመሆን ያደረገው ውሳኔ ሕይወቱን በእጅጉ ይለውጠዋል። “ከእንግዲህ የአላህን ፈቃድ ለማግኘት የተቻለኝን መሞከር የለብኝም። ከቀዶ ጥገናዬ በኋላ በጀርመን መኖር ቀጠልኩ። እዚህ ወደ እርሱ የሜወስደውን መንገድ ለሌሎች ለማሳየት ሕይወቴን ልጠቀምበት እፈልጋለሁ።” በጥንካሬ መልክ የቀድሞው ሙስሊም ወደ ውጭ ይመለከታል። “እርሱን (ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን)ገና የማያውቁ በጣም ብዙ ሰዎች አሉ።” ይላል።

ፀረ-ክርስቲያን እና ፀረ-አይሁድ ሙአዚን ጥሪ በብዙ ከተሞች ውስጥ ቀድሞውኑ ይሰማል። እስልምና ሰርጎ-ገብ በሆነ መንገድ ይተዋወቃል እና “ካፊሮች” በተዘዋዋሪ ዛቻ (በአረብኛ ቢሆንም) ማንም ባለስልጣን ይህንን አይቃወምም። ነገር ግን በታክሲ ውስጥ ፍጹም ሰላማዊ የሆነ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ጥቅስ መለጠፍ ያስቀጣል። ለዚህም ባለሥልጣናቱ በእርግጠኝነት አንዳንድ መደበኛ የሆኑ ምክንያቶችን ያገኛሉ። ክርስቲያኖች ጉዳዩን በቅርበት ሊከታተሉት ይገባል። ምክንያቱም በመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላይ መታመን በእርግጠኝነት በጀርመን ውስብስብ ችግሮች ሊያስከትል ይችላልና።

ለእስልምና ጨረቃ ልዩ መብቶች?

ይህ በብዙ ምክንያቶች አስደንጋጭ የሆነ ክስተት ነው። አንደኛ፡ መንግስት እራሱን ወደ የነጻነት ጠላቶች ቋጠሮ እየቀየረ በመሆኑ ነው። ጃሊል ማሻሊ እንዳለው፣ በተለጣፊው የሚያጉረመርሙትና የሚረበሹት ግለሰቦች የቱርክ-ሙስሊም ታክሲ ነጅ ባልደረቦች ብቻ ናቸው። “የቀድሞ ሙስሊም ስለነበርኩና አሁን ክርስቲያን ስለሆንኩ ከዳተኛ ይሉኝ ነበር። እናም ተለጣፊውን ካላነሳሁ ክስና ቅሬታ እንደሚያቀርቡብኝ ይዝቱብኝ ነበር።” ይላል ጃሊል። በተለይ ማሻሊን ያሳሰበው የክርስቲያኖችን የእምነት ነፃነት ለመገደብ የሚሞክሩት እነዚሁ አሽከርካሪዎች የራሳቸውን ታክሲዎች የቱርክን ባንዲራን ወይም ኢስላማዊውን ጨረቃን የሚያሳዩ ተለጣፊዎች ሲሞሏቸው መታየቱ ነው። ይህ የፖለቲካ ወይም የሃይማኖት ማስታወቂያ አይደለምን?ነገር ግን የኤሰን ከተማ ቃል አቀባይ ለWELT ጋዜጣ እንዳረጋገጡት የቱርክ ባንዲራ በታክሲ መስተዋት ላይ በይፋ እንዲሰቀል አይፈቀድም። ነገር ግን ቱርክ ዝም ተብለዋል ሙስሊሞቹን ለመክሰስ ማንም የሞከረ የለም።

ያለበለዚያ ጀርመን ሁል ጊዜ ለውጭ አገር ተስማሚ መሆን ትፈልጋለች ፣ ለማንኛውም የውጭ ነገር ጠንካራ አቀባበል ባህል ያላት ፣ ግን ያ እዚህ ላይ እንደማይተገበር ግልፅ ነው። ታክሲ ነጂው ጃሊል የሚከተለው የክርስትና እምነት ግን ባለሥልጣናቱን እንደሚረብሽ ግልጽ ነው። ክርስቲያኖች ፥ ይህ ለመረዳት አስቸጋሪ ቢሆንም ፥ ቀስ በቀስ በተለየ መንገድ ማሰብን መማር አለባቸው። እናስብ ማሻሊ ከቁርዓን የተወሰደ ጥቅስ ከታክሲው ላይ ለጥፎ ቢሆን ኖሮ፤ ለምሳሌ “አላሁ አክበር!” (አላህ ከሁሉም የበለጠ ታላቅ ነው)የሚለውን ጥቅስ፣ ማንንም ባለስልጣን በዚህ ባልተረበሸ ነበር። ለመከልከል ውይንም ለመክሰስ ማንም ባልደፈረ ነበር። እስልምናን ማስቆጣት አይቻልም። ይህ በብዙ የፍርድ ቤት ውሳኔዎች ታይቷል ፣ይህም ተመሳሳይ ወንጀሎችን የፈፀሙት ባላገሬው ጀርመን በሆኑበት ጊዜ ለሙስሊሞቹ የበለጠ ገር መስለው በተደጋጋሚ መታየታቸው ነው።

ኢስላማዊ ጨረቃ ይፈቀዳል ፥ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ግን ይከለከላል?

እስካሁን ድረስ፣ እዚህ ያሉት አብዛኞቹ ሰዎች አሁንም የመሠረታዊ ሕጋችን ሐሳብን በነፃነት የመግለጽ እና የሃይማኖት ነፃነትን የሚያረጋግጥ ነው ብለው ያስባሉ። ወይስ የሆነ ነገር ተቀይሯል እና እስካሁን አላስተዋልነውም? ማሻሊ ከኢራን መጥቶ እዚህ በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ማመን፣ ማለትም ከእስልምና የወጣ ሰው መሆኑ ትኩረት የሚስብ ነው። በኢራን የሙላህ ኢስላም አምባገነንነት ሥርዓት በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ላይ ያለውን እምነት በታክሲ ውስጥ ይፋ ለማድረግ ፈጽሞ አስቦ አያውቅም ነበር። ቢያንስ የሞት ፍርድ ካልሆነ ከባድ የእስር ቅጣት ይጠብቀዋል። በእስልምና እንዲህ ነው የተጻፈው። ነገር ግን በጀርመን ውስጥ ደህንነት ተሰምቶት ነበር።

ጃሊል ማሻሊ እንዲህ ብሏል፦ “ጀርመን ውስጥ በመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ጥቅስ ምክንያት እንዲህ ዓይነቱን ቅጣት እቀጣለሁ ብዬ በጭራሽ አስቤው አላውቅም። “በኢራን ይህ ነገር በእኔ ላይ መድረሱ አያስገርምም። ነገር ግን በጀርመን፣ ነፃነት ከምንም በላይ ክቡር በሆነባት ሀገር? ለእኔ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ጥቅሱ የምሥክርነት መንገድ ነው።”

“ኢየሱስ ሕይወቴን ስለለወጠው ለማንም ልመክረው የምችለው ከሁሉ የተሻለው ነገር ይህ ነው። ለዚያም ነው ማየት ለሚፈልግ ማንኛውም ሰው በመኪናዬ ላይ ተለጣፊው ያለኝ። ችግር ለመፍጠር አልፈልግም, ነገር ግን ምንም ስህተት አልሰራሁም። ሁሉም ሰው እምነቱን በነፃነት የሚገልጽባት ለዚህች ሀገር አመስጋኝ ነኝ። ኢ-ፍትሃዊ ቅጣት ይግባኝ በማለት በዚሁ መቀጠል እንደምችል ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ” ሲል ጃሊል ማሻሊ ተናግሯል።

  • ☪ አለምን እያናወጠ ያለው የእስማኤል እና የኤሳው ህብረት ቀጥሏል!
  • ❖ የሥጋ ሰዎች በመንፈስ ያሉትን በማሳደድ አንድ ሆነዋል!
  • The Union of Ishmael and Esau that is shaking the world continues!
  • People of the flesh are united in persecuting those of the spirit!

💭 The city of Essen has fined the German taxi driver Jalil Mashali because of a Bible text on his vehicle.

This was confirmed on Tuesday by Sofia Hoerder, spokeswoman for the legal human rights organization ADF International, when asked by Reformatorisch Dagblad. The fine was 88.50 euro; much less than the expected 1,000 euros.

Mashali received a letter from the city of Essen in October 2023 threatening him with a fine if he did not remove the sticker reading “Jesus – I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” from his taxi. According to the city, this is religious advertising. It is considered inappropriate as taxis have a public function.

Both Mashali and ADF International believe the ban violates basic human rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of religion, including the right to share deeply held beliefs with others. The Christian convert has so far refused to remove the text.

Mashali is appealing the fine to the city of Essen, supported by the human rights organisation. Until then, the taxi driver will not pay, Herder argues.

If the administrative body does not withdraw the fine, the case may be taken to court.


The Iranian Muslim Jalil Mashali (51) moved to Germany for a surgery in 2001. There he became a Christian, he tells during a visit by a reporter in Essen.

Passengers rush to their trains; taxis drive to and fro. Dark clouds hang over Essen West train station. At any moment, the rain could erupt.

At the stroke of half past nine, a yellow Volkswagen Caddy drives into the taxi rank. A cross hangs from the interior mirror; the Christian radio station ERF Plus sounds softly in the background. Mashali sits in front.


“I was born in 1972 in the Iranian metropolis of Ahvaz and grew up in a family of 10 children,” Mashali begins his story. “My father died in 1980 during the Iraq-Iran war. I was eight years old at the time. Because our family had lost the breadwinner, I had to start selling cigarettes, water and falafel on the streets.”

At the age of 13, Mashali is hit by a bus and has to undergo 17 operations on his leg. Yet he picks up his life in the years that follow. He marries, has two sons and earns a living as a civil servant at Ahvaz city hall.


Islam means a lot to Mashali during this period. “I was the most religious of all my family and prayed a lot. I hated Jews and Christians and preferred to kill them. That way, I thought I would enter paradise.”

In 2001, Mashali moves to Essen for medical treatment. “I kept having a lot of problems walking and was in a lot of pain. On the advice of a cousin, I then went to Germany. Possibly, they could do something for me there.”


In the hospital, the taxi driver is experiencing a tough time. “After surgery, the pain was so severe that morphine hardly helped. I wanted to drive my wheelchair to the fourth floor of the hospital and jump down.”

At that time, he is visited by a friend of his ex-wife. “She had become a Christian and asked if she could pray with me. I didn’t want to, as I was a faithful Muslim. Still, I allowed it. She asked if God would take away my suffering and called me His child. I didn’t understand any of that. In Islam, people are only servants of Allah.”

A miracle happens. “My pain was gone and, to my surprise, did not come back either. She said Jesus had done that and gave me a Bible in Persian, the language I had learnt in Iran.”


For the taxi driver, this is when a long period of internal struggle begins. “I often read the Bible but also picked up the Quran again and again. Eventually, I came to the conclusion of how different Mohammed and Jesus were. God gave into my heart that I could no longer deny Him.”

The decision to become a Christian changes his life dramatically. “I no longer have to try my best to find favour with Allah. After my surgery, I continued to live in Germany. I want to use my life here to show others the way to Him.” With a wistful look, the ex-Muslim looks outside. “There are so many people who do not yet know Him.”


Although he has it much better in Germany than in Iran, things are not going well for Mashali either. The taxi driver pulls up his trouser leg a little. A prosthesis becomes visible. “This does not always make my work easy, and climbing stairs is also difficult,” he says. To make ends meet, Mashali has to work 10 to 12 hours daily. “It’s tough, but God provides my bread every day. I don’t deserve that. In my prayers, I am not always faithful. Yet He gives what I need. That is grace.”

He tries to share something about the Christian faith with everyone, whoever gets into his taxi. “With Muslims, I am alert. Some of them react aggressively. That is why it is sometimes better to keep my mouth shut. As Zechariah wrote: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.”

Islamic Crescent is Okay, Jesus Christ Not?

So far, most people here still assume that our Basic Law guarantees freedom of expression and freedom of religion. Or has something changed and we just haven’t noticed it yet? It is interesting that Mashali comes from Iran and came to faith in Jesus Christ here, i.e. a convert from Islam. In the mullah dictatorship of Iran, he would never have thought of making his faith in Jesus Christ public in a taxi. He would at least be given a serious prison sentence, if not the death penalty. This is how it is written down in Islam. But he felt safe in Germany.

Otherwise our country always wants to be foreigner-friendly, with a strong welcoming culture for everything foreign, but that obviously doesn’t apply here. The Christian faith that the driver professes is obviously disturbing. Christians must – even if this is difficult to understand – gradually learn to think differently. Let’s assume that Mashali had attached a quote from the Koran to his taxi, such as “Allahu akbar” (Allah is greater), then it is very likely that no authority would have bothered with him. You wouldn’t have dared to do that. You can’t make Islam angry. This is already shown by the many court verdicts, which seem to be much more lenient than when the perpetrators of comparable crimes are local Germans.

The anti-Christian and anti-Jewish muezzin call can already be heard in many cities. Islam is advertised in a penetrating way and the “infidels” are indirectly threatened (albeit in Arabic), no authority objects to this. But an absolutely peaceful quote from the Bible in a taxi is punished. The authorities will certainly find some formal justification. Christians should follow the matter closely. Because relying on the Bible can certainly cause complications in our country

Special rights for the Islamic Crescent?

This is shocking for several reasons. Firstly, because the state is apparently turning itself into a stooge of enemies of freedom. According to Mashali, only individual Turkish-Muslim colleagues were bothered by his sticker. “They called me a traitor because I used to be a Muslim and became a Christian. And they threatened that they would complain about me if I didn’t remove the sticker.” What particularly bothers Mashali is that the same drivers who are trying to restrict religious freedom for Christians have decorated their own taxis with stickers depicting the flag of the Turkish state or show the Islamic crescent. Isn’t this political or religious advertising? But. A spokeswoman for the city of Essen also confirmed to WELT that the Turkish flag is not officially allowed to be displayed on the outside of a taxi. But it has no consequences.


Mashali does not have many passengers today. “Normally, it is busier,” he says as he deftly steers his car through the busy streets of Essen. He has barely finished speaking when a message appears on the dashboard.

“A customer,” Mashali calls out. At a drab flat, he stops his car. A man of about 70, wearing a blue coat and hat, gets in. He is barely seated when the taxi driver begins to narrate. “I risk a fine of up to 10,000 euros because I have Bible text on my taxi. The government says it is religious advertising, and that is forbidden.” The man replies: “Whatever the city says will be fine, won’t it?” Mashali shakes his head. “I don’t agree with that.” The elderly man hums something unintelligible. Then, more clearly, “This is where I have to get out”. He presses a tenner into the taxi driver’s hands and then bolts down a side street.

“That I risk such a high fine in Germany because of a Bible text is incomprehensible to me,” says Mashali. “That this would happen to me in Iran is not surprising. But in Germany, a country where freedom is paramount? For me, the Bible verse is a way of witnessing.”

“Jesus is the best thing I could recommend to anyone because he changed my life. That’s why I have the sticker on my car for anyone who is interested to see. I’m not looking to cause trouble, but I haven’t done anything wrong. I am grateful for this country where everyone should be free to share their faith. I hope to be able to continue to do so by appealing the unjust fine,” said Jalil Mashali.

“In a free society, the government should not be silencing peaceful expressions of faith. Jalil’s actions are protected by the basic human right to freedom of religion, which includes the right to share one’s deeply held convictions with others. The state must refrain from unjustly interfering with this freedom.”


A 1998 law is the reason for charging Mashali, according to the city of Essen. At the time, the Federal Court ruled that taxis have an important public function. Therefore, religious texts are considered inappropriate.

According to Mashali, the problem lies deeper. “Germany has lost its Christian roots. See that church over there?” Mashali points to a building spray-painted with graffiti. “Church services used to be held there, but now it is empty. That’s because people don’t need God anymore.”

In the proceedings, Mashali is being assisted by a lawyer from Austria. The latter has taken on the case free of charge. It is not yet known when a verdict will be delivered. What if it is decided that the text is banned? “Then I will take it down. God also commands us to be obedient to the government. Until then, I hope it may be a blessing.”

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Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 5, 2024

ገብርኤል 🧕 ማርያም ❖ ኡራኤል ❖ ጊዮርጊስ ❖ ተክለ ሐይማኖት ❖ መርቆርዮስ 😇 ዮሴፍ ❖ መድኃኔ ዓለም

🏃‍ በስኮትላንድ ግላስኮው በተካሄደው የዓለም የቤት ውስጥ አትሌቲክስ ሻምፒዮና የተሳተፉ ኢትዮጵያውያን አትሌቶች ሁለት የወርቅ፣ አንድ የብር እና አንድ ነሃስ በድምሩ አራት ሜዳሊያዎችን አግኝተዋል።

  • 🔵 በ ፰፻/ 800 ሜትር ሩጫ ጽጌ ዱጉማ የወርቅ ሜዳሊያ
  • 🔵 በ ፲፻፭፻/1500 ሜትር ሩጫ ፍሬወይኒ ሃይሉ የወርቅ ሜዳሊያ
  • 🔵 በ ፴፻/ 3000 ሜትር ሩጫ ጉዳፍ ፀጋይ የብር ሜዳሊያ
  • 🔵 በ ፴፻/ 3000 ሜትር ሩጫ ሰለሞን ባሬጋ የነሐስ ሜዳሊያ

አስገኝተዋል። አክሱማዊቷ ኢትዮጵያ በሰበሰበችው ሜዳሊያ ብዛትም ከአፍሪካ ፩/1ኛ፣ ከዓለም ደግሞ ፭/5ኛ መሆን ችላለች።

🏃‍ ሆኖም፤ ከሁለት ዓመት በፊት በ ቤልግራድ ሰርቢያ በተካሄደው የ2022ቱ ታሪካዊ የዓለም የቤት ውስጥ አትሌቲክስ ሻምፒዮና አክሱማዊቷ ኢትዮጵያ ከዓለም ፩/1ኛ ለመሆን በቅታ ነበር። እኅቶቻችን በሁሉም መስክ ጀግኖች እየሆኑ ሲመጡ፤ ወንዶቹ ግን ተዳክመዋል! አረመኔውን ግራኝን ለመድፋት የሚነሳ አንድ ጀግና ወንድ እንኳን ጠፍቷል!

Posted in Ethiopia, News/ዜና, Sports - ስፖርት | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »