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Posts Tagged ‘Eritrean Christian’

Europe: Police Dogs Used Against Christians Protesting Injustice – But Not Against The Islamic Grinches Who’re Trying to Ruin Christmas

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 16, 2016


When I saw this astounishing report that 1000 Muslims blocked London streets chanting Allahu Akbar to demand Islamic caliphate – I was in a comparative mode thinking of a shockingly radical measure taken by police in Hamburg last year against Eritrean (Ethiopian) Christians who blocked a street in a protest – and the green Muslim Grinches that are out there trying to ruin the Christmas atmosphere in London.

Back then, Eritrean refugees were forced by the police to end their protest concerning discriminatory actions taken in an asylum center where they domiciled. This news got no international attention. But, the local media, as usual, used and twisted the story to manipulate public opinion against African Christians, as follows:

Eritrean Refugees Attack Police Dogs

53 Eritrean “Refugees” punched and kicked police dogs in Hamburg, Germany because they were unhappy about the length of their stay in an initial reception center after they decided to block the Drateln Street in Wilhelmsburg. They protested over what they claimed was preferential treatment being given to Syrians in their center. Even the comments section of this story was more sympathetic towards the police dog than the Eritrean Christians. Amazing!

I was told then by one of the Eritreans from Hamburg, that, in the first reception center, refugees are normally kept for a couple of weeks, but – while the Syrians were transferred out of the camps and given apartments and houses – the Eritreans were kept there for up to six and more months.

Compared to Arab, Albanian or Afghani refugees, most Eritreans are quite, reserved and respectful of local laws and authorities, but this time their displeasure was understandable, as they were first provoked by the ‘experiment-addicted’, mostly anti-Christian authorities.

Anyways, to resolve the situation, the police came with German shepherd dogs and attacked the Eritreans. According to the police narration, a 35-year-old Eritrean hit one of the police dogs. The police dog jumped on the Eritrean, so he fell on the footpath. While lying on the ground he tried to fight off the dog, but the dog grabbed him by the wrist. The man was taken into custody. He suffered a slight injury to his wrist, but refused a medical examination.

You can find how hateful, indifferent and judgmental everyone was by reading the commentaries and the articles on this and other cases.

Can you imagine police dogs sent to grab those criminal Arab Muslims who molested and raped German women in Cologne? In fact, most of those molesters were set free by the police. Mind you, a year on and after, there were more than 1,000 criminal charges, but there have been few arrests and convictions.

Can you imagine police dogs – dogs are hated by Muslims – brought by the London police to scare off or grab those 1000 Muslim supremacists who blocked the streets of London demanding Islamic Caliphate during this Christmas season? 

Can you imagine the outrage if something of a sort happened?




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Eritrean Arabic Translator: Muslim Migrants Secretly Hate Christians, Seek to Outbreed Them

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on November 17, 2016


A translator who has lived in Germany since the 1990s has revealed that Muslim migrants believe “Germany should be Islamised”, and loathe their hosts, according to a new report.

Working with asylum seekers in migrant centres, the 39 year old translator says she learnt that Muslims seek to “destroy” Christians, through having more children, and preach hatred towards people of other faiths.

Catholic website, which has been looking into reports that Christians are discriminated against in German refugee camps, arranged a meeting with the Eritrean after being contacted by a German politician aware of the Catholic news agency’s work.

Grateful for the “open-minded reception and support” she was given by Germany after arriving as a refugee in 1991, the woman began to volunteer in asylum centres five years ago to “give something back”.

A Christian but presumed to be Muslim by migrants and other staff volunteering and working at the shelters, the translator of Arabic immediately discovered “Christians are oppressed, intimidated and harassed by Muslim refugees. This is normal.”

The woman has worked in several migrant centres and discloses that their security staff and other translators, who are almost all Muslim, are part of the problem.

They have mostly grown up here, are well-educated and are professionals, and they give a first impression of having a cosmopolitan outlook”, she says.

However this changes as soon as they are “among themselves”, the translator says. When migrant centre staff believe non-Muslims are out of earshot, “they then show their true face and how they want Germany to be Islamised. They despise our country and our values”.

Horrified by what she heard, but curious to learn more, she chose to continue concealing her religion and decided to check out study sessions in nearby mosques.

Pure hatred against non-believers is preached, and children are brought here from an early age here in Germany. It’s very similar in asylum housing, where Muslim boys refuse to play with Christians”, she informs the Catholic news agency.

Attempts to mediate, where the translator would say “You’re a Muslim, he’s a Christian. What difference does it make?” typically garner responses like “I don’t play with Christians. My parents hate them too”, she reports.

The Eritrean was also shocked by attitudes shown by the migrants when she brings up the topic of contraception methods with the women, who often have several children young.

Some women told me ‘We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here”, she recalls.

When the translator objected to this sentiment, and pointed out that it’s Christians who are helping them, she says she was told that defending Christians is a sin.

Since May 743 Christians have been subjected to attacks in Germany’s asylum system, with the vast majority of perpetrators being Muslim according to a report released last month.

416 of the victims reported having been physically assaulted, 44 sexually assaulted and 314 said they have received death threats. In addition, the perpetrators in 205 of the cases were guards at asylum homes — individuals who are paid to protect the migrants in their care.

Selected Comments

The muslim invasion of the non-muslim world began 1400 years ago when their own primitive societies failed them, and they invaded and conquered nearby non-muslim countries in order to leech of their more successful societies.

It is a pattern which muslims have repeated ever since, as soon as their host countries were no longer able to support their parasitic masters.

Jihad by out-breeding has never been a secret, and Muslim never made it a secret. It’s one of the simplest ways to make jihad for a Muslim, and for a Muslim guy, clearly the most fun way to make jihad. It’s the Westerners of all walks of life who don’t take Jihad by out-breeding seriously –by continuing to embrace infanticide like it’s going out style.

It is an attempt by the moslems to subjugate the Western World. The moslem invasion started when they were given the code word “High Horse” by Barack Hussein Obama.

The only “situation” being exploited is the ignorance of the westerners who allow the globalists govts to bring these lunatics to Europe and the US.

The wrong humans are breeding. They are the perfect example of parasites.


— IOM: 340 dead or missing in 4 shipwrecks in recent days

— MIGRANT CAMP ABLAZE: Angry clashes in Greece as mob launch fireworks at locals


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