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Posts Tagged ‘Antichristian Beast’

Eritrean Arabic Translator: Muslim Migrants Secretly Hate Christians, Seek to Outbreed Them

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on November 17, 2016


A translator who has lived in Germany since the 1990s has revealed that Muslim migrants believe “Germany should be Islamised”, and loathe their hosts, according to a new report.

Working with asylum seekers in migrant centres, the 39 year old translator says she learnt that Muslims seek to “destroy” Christians, through having more children, and preach hatred towards people of other faiths.

Catholic website, which has been looking into reports that Christians are discriminated against in German refugee camps, arranged a meeting with the Eritrean after being contacted by a German politician aware of the Catholic news agency’s work.

Grateful for the “open-minded reception and support” she was given by Germany after arriving as a refugee in 1991, the woman began to volunteer in asylum centres five years ago to “give something back”.

A Christian but presumed to be Muslim by migrants and other staff volunteering and working at the shelters, the translator of Arabic immediately discovered “Christians are oppressed, intimidated and harassed by Muslim refugees. This is normal.”

The woman has worked in several migrant centres and discloses that their security staff and other translators, who are almost all Muslim, are part of the problem.

They have mostly grown up here, are well-educated and are professionals, and they give a first impression of having a cosmopolitan outlook”, she says.

However this changes as soon as they are “among themselves”, the translator says. When migrant centre staff believe non-Muslims are out of earshot, “they then show their true face and how they want Germany to be Islamised. They despise our country and our values”.

Horrified by what she heard, but curious to learn more, she chose to continue concealing her religion and decided to check out study sessions in nearby mosques.

Pure hatred against non-believers is preached, and children are brought here from an early age here in Germany. It’s very similar in asylum housing, where Muslim boys refuse to play with Christians”, she informs the Catholic news agency.

Attempts to mediate, where the translator would say “You’re a Muslim, he’s a Christian. What difference does it make?” typically garner responses like “I don’t play with Christians. My parents hate them too”, she reports.

The Eritrean was also shocked by attitudes shown by the migrants when she brings up the topic of contraception methods with the women, who often have several children young.

Some women told me ‘We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here”, she recalls.

When the translator objected to this sentiment, and pointed out that it’s Christians who are helping them, she says she was told that defending Christians is a sin.

Since May 743 Christians have been subjected to attacks in Germany’s asylum system, with the vast majority of perpetrators being Muslim according to a report released last month.

416 of the victims reported having been physically assaulted, 44 sexually assaulted and 314 said they have received death threats. In addition, the perpetrators in 205 of the cases were guards at asylum homes — individuals who are paid to protect the migrants in their care.

Selected Comments

The muslim invasion of the non-muslim world began 1400 years ago when their own primitive societies failed them, and they invaded and conquered nearby non-muslim countries in order to leech of their more successful societies.

It is a pattern which muslims have repeated ever since, as soon as their host countries were no longer able to support their parasitic masters.

Jihad by out-breeding has never been a secret, and Muslim never made it a secret. It’s one of the simplest ways to make jihad for a Muslim, and for a Muslim guy, clearly the most fun way to make jihad. It’s the Westerners of all walks of life who don’t take Jihad by out-breeding seriously –by continuing to embrace infanticide like it’s going out style.

It is an attempt by the moslems to subjugate the Western World. The moslem invasion started when they were given the code word “High Horse” by Barack Hussein Obama.

The only “situation” being exploited is the ignorance of the westerners who allow the globalists govts to bring these lunatics to Europe and the US.

The wrong humans are breeding. They are the perfect example of parasites.


— IOM: 340 dead or missing in 4 shipwrecks in recent days

— MIGRANT CAMP ABLAZE: Angry clashes in Greece as mob launch fireworks at locals


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The Left’s Stealth Religious War: Church of Liberalism vs. Christianity

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on July 4, 2016


Much of my wife Mary’s and my time is spent traveling the country, helping to elect conservatives to the House and Senate. I am chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee.

On a rare stop back home in Florida, we decided to enjoy a day at our favorite, New Smyrna Beach. After multiple stops for gas, banking, and Walmart, we were finally on our way. It brought back fond childhood memories of hot summer family trips to the beach; mom, dad, fat Aunt Nee, and five kids all crammed into a station wagon with no air conditioning. The ritual included picking up Aunt Nee from her house and several stops for select foods to take with us. I remember the excitement I felt after all the stops and we were finally headed to Carr’s Beach, the only Maryland beach open to blacks.

Back to present day. Before we left home, Mary said, “Don’t forget a book to read.” Scanning our bookshelves, Ann Coulter’s book published in 2006, Godless, caught my eye.

In her book, Coulter said, “If a Martian landed in America and set out to determine the nation’s official state religion, he would have to conclude it is Liberalism, while Christianity and Judaism are prohibited by law.” Coulter said liberalism is the state-sanctioned religion and is a godless one. Ten years later, liberalism has become the state-mandated religion. Remarkably, practicing Christianity hasbecome illegal.

Coulter says that despite liberals claims of being non-religious, liberalism has all the attributes of a religion. Coulter exposes the “Church of Liberalism,” in which “its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade) … its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free) … its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).”

I would include the LGBT agenda as a sacrament of the Church of Liberalism.

Seemingly overnight in America, our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and parental rights have been taken away. Obama’s DOJ says it will prosecute anyone who speaks badly about Islam. Christians are being persecuted and even jailed for not obeying sacraments of the Church of Liberalism. Federal judges have decreed that parents are not allowed to opt out even their preschool childrenfrom LGBT indoctrination in school curricula.

Just like the Hitler Youth, the Obama administration has indoctrinated students to become Church of Liberalism spies. Students are instructed to report family members who make racist and politically incorrect comments around the dinner table.

My dad and Mary’s mom taught us that the Democrats were for the little guy, the working man. Our parents are clueless regarding how far to the left their party has moved, becoming a godless cult – home of the Church of Liberalism.

The Church of Liberalism’s control of our government will dramatically increase if liberal zealot Hillary Clinton becomes president. Americans have been beaten down, forced to embrace the sacraments of this religious cult. A perfect example is ESPN awarding the Arthur Ashe Award to Bruce Jenner, a man in drag.

C’mon, folks: you can imagine what most of the men in that hall at the awards event were thinking. For the most part, pro sports is a celebration of maleness. And yet those high-testosterone pro-athletes knew they had better smile and applaud Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner or be forced into sensitivity training and risk losing their livelihood.

Typical of religious cults, the Church of Liberalism does not tolerate opposing points of view. Church of Liberalism zealots used the federal government to silence the Tea Party. The Church of Liberalism seeks to punish and silence Fox News. The Church of Liberalism brands all opposition, “hate speech” enabling them to use government to silence Christian pastors and close down Christian churches.

Decades of the Church of Liberalism controlling public education has reaped masses of dumbed down Americans, brainwashed into embracing the Church of Liberalism’s tyranny. Dummies believe that Church of Liberalism zealots are good guys, advocates for the disenfranchised, defending them against mean, selfish, and racist Christians and Conservatives.

For example, Obama routinely trashes and rules against Christianity while forcing Christians to submit to the sacraments of the Church of Liberalism. Obama displays his utmost respect for Islam. And yet Obama’s administration has made it quite clear that speaking badly about Islam or any of the sacraments of the Church of Liberalism could land you in jail.

Think about this, folks. Church of Liberalism zealots are free to outrageously blame Christians and law-abiding American gun owners for a massacre they had nothing to do with. We have suffered numerous incidents of Islamic terrorists attacks, killing Americans on U.S. soil. And yet, our federal government threatens to jail anyone caught speaking badly about either of these two religions (Church of Liberalism and Islam).

Christians are being banned from many jobs and jailed for not submitting to sacraments of the Church of Liberalism.

Folks, the America we knew is gone. Prayer, repentance, and a regime change should be our first baby steps toward restoring our nation. This is one of the many reasons why my battle cry is “Never Hillary!”


Obama Blocking Admittance Into U.S. Of Syrian Christian Refugees In Favor Of Sunni Muslims


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