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Archive for November 12th, 2012

Parents Pointed Out Genocidal Crimes of The United Nations

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on November 12, 2012


Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate on behalf of all true Christians of the world expresses support to parents’ organizations of the 193 UN member states. In these days parents have turned to the UN Committee on the so-called rights of the child with a radical protest. Committee session was held from 17 September to 5 October 2012 in Geneva. Parents’ organizations published a document entitled “Global protest against the UN policies”. The protest is directed against brutal removals of children from their families. It is connected with an internet petition.

The UN is to blame for millions of children having irretrievably lost their loving parents! Mental damage caused to children and parents is incalculable and inexpressible!

Please watch the video with English subtitles



Eugenics Still Alive and Well in 2012


Wouldn’t it be great if politicians and other public figures actually told us what they believe rather than talking out of both sides of their mouths?

For example, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg actually did say what she believes about life-ending abortions in July 2009. Justice Ginsburg said:

Frankly I had thought that, at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.

What the good justice is talking about is called “eugenics.” Eugenics is not a happy thought — it is a movement of extremists who claim that humankind can be improved through selective breeding and sterilization. It is what Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany practiced in the extermination of millions of Jews as they sought to create the “perfect human being.”

One of the early advocates of eugenics in the United States was Margaret Sanger, founder of what was to become Planned Parenthood. Sanger believed that birth control, sterilization, and abortion would eliminate disease, crime, and the burden of children born to the socially and eugenically unfit. In December 1921, Sanger said:

Birth Control is thus the entering wedge for the Eugenic educator … the unbalance between the birth rate of the ‘unfit’ and the ‘fit’ is admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization[.] … The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the overfertility of the mentally and physically defective.


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Why Is The World Silent on Saudi Atrocities?

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on November 12, 2012

The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, but violent behavior takes away souls. If the upright man is rewarded on earth, how much more the evil-doer and the sinner! (Proverbs 11:30-31)

Ethiopian Woman Tells of Sex Slavery in Saudi Arabia


I would never wish any woman to work in Saudi Arabia, the stories I hear are horrific and I know how we are treated. We are slaves to whatever they want

An Ethiopian woman revealed that she was the victim of sex slavery after she attempted to find work as a domestic worker in Saudi Arabia.

For H, who asked that her identity remain anonymous, her ordeal began after she took a boat to Yemen, where after two months she was able to cross into Saudi Arabia and was hired by what she told was a “nice couple” for a “decent salary.”

But that is when her horrific experience began. She continues to look down at her hands, ever moving, as she retells what she was forced to endure at the hands of her Saudi bosses.


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Saudis the World’s 3rd Laziest Folks

Saudi Arabia’s population is the third most slothful in the world, new research has found, with 68.8 percent of adults failing to do enough physical exercise to keep themselves healthy.

Only in Malta and Swaziland do adults exert themselves less than Saudi Arabia, and women in the Gulf state are the world’s least active females, according to data published in the Lancet medical journal.

Kuwait and the UAE also rank in the top ten with 64.5 percent and 62.5 percent of adults respectively not meeting the recommended level of activity. Malta is the laziest country in the world with 71.9 percent of the population deemed inactive, while in Swaziland the proportion is 68.3 percent.

Nine eastern Mediterranean countries featured in the list with those over 15-years old in Libya considered the most active of the region (45.8 percent inactive), ahead of Lebanon (46.8 percent), Iraq (58.4 percent) and the UAE (62.5 percent).

The Lancet report follows weeks after a report published by BMC Public Health ranked Qatar, the UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain among the world’s top ten fattest nations.

The average person in Kuwait, the second fattest country in the world behind the US, weighs in at approximately 77.5 kg, 15.5kg heavier than the global average, said the report.

Gas-rich Qatar was ranked third globally with the average adult consuming just over 3,000 calories per day, followed by the UAE in fifth place (3017 calories) and Bahrain in tenth position (2889 calories).




The Saudis are bulldozing Islam’s heritage. Why the silence from the Muslim world?

My response: Pride, denial, jealousy and hatred, I guess. Where do they learn that from? From Satan, their master! Like their master they too refuse to repent or change. We know about Satan’s injured pride, denial and jealousy which is leading him on a quest for revenge against both God and His Son against children of God and his followers; a quest we can be sure is doomed to fail soon.

Book details: Hatred’s Kingdom

Imagine that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem – the traditional site of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus – has been taken over by Cromwellian Puritans. The new owners of the shrine plan to send bulldozers in, replacing the old church with a monstrous building resembling a concrete spaceship. This is so pilgrims can pray without being distracted by “superstitious” icons. Also, the Old City will be buried under hotels that make Vegas look like Venice.

It wouldn’t happen, would it? Christians would fight to the death to preserve Jerusalem. So would Jews and Muslims. And, for once, they’d have the support of secular politicians and scholars, horrified by the prospect of an act of cultural vandalism unprecedented in modern times.

Unprecedented until now, that is. The long-cherished ambition of Saudi Arabia’s ruling Wahhabi sect to smash up the ancient buildings of Mecca and Medina is nearing fruition.

In Mecca, the house of one of Mohammed’s wives has been demolished to make space for public lavatories. His birthplace may disappear, too, as part of King Abdullah’s scheme to complement the skyscrapers and shopping malls with a Grand Mosque fashioned from the same materials as a multi-storey car park in Wolverhampton.

As for Islam’s second holiest place, the city of Medina, a recent article by Jerome Taylor in the Independent revealed a megalomaniac plan to pull down three 7th-century mosques. Taylor added: “Ten years ago, a mosque which belonged to the Prophet’s grandson was dynamited. Pictures of the demolition that were secretly taken and smuggled out of the kingdom showed the religious police celebrating.”


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