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Archive for March 11th, 2024

The Martyred Emperor Yohannes IV of Ethiopia | ሰማዕቱ አፄ ዮሐንስ ፬ኛ ዘኢትዮጵያ

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 11, 2024

😈 The Genesis of Italo-Oromo Fascism – How Rome and The End Times Connect

🔥 Ethiopia: Where Two World Wars Began — and Where the Third Is Brewing

The First Italo-Ethiopian War was fought between Italy and Ethiopia from 1895 to 1896. It originated from the disputed Treaty of Wuchale, which the Italians claimed turned Ethiopia into an Italian protectorate. Full-scale war broke out in 1895, with Italian troops from Italian occupied Eritrea achieving initial successes at Coatit, Senafe and Debra Ailà, until they were reinforced by a large Christian Ethiopian army led by General Ras Alula Abanega.

The Battle of Adwa (29 February-1 March 1896) is of huge significance for Africa in that the decimation of the continent could not be completed. Ethiopia turned out to be the last man standing.

After this Italian defeat the Roman Italians, French and Germans begun infiltrating the Ethiopian state. They initially killed the great Christian Emperor Yohannes IV, his son Ras Mengesha and General Ras Alula – and gradually put the Oromo warlord Menelik ll and his Oromo /Oromara associates into power, who treasonously gave them the historical Ethiopian territories like Eritrea and Djibouti. Just like today, with the help of the Oromo Menelik II, the Romans were able to massacre and starve to death over a million Northern Ethiopian Orthdoox Christians who were the main forces behind the Italian humiliation.

Yes, with this the 1st World War started in Ethiopia – and a few years after the Ethiopia adventure, the Romans/Europeans had to pay a very heavy price for their Jihad against Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. Between 2014 and 2018, the total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded.

❖ የመንፈሳዊ ማንነትና ምንነት ያላቸው የአፄ ዮሐንስ እና የስጋ ማንነትና ምንነት ያላቸው የንጉሥ ምኒልክ ዕርቅ

👉 The Romans-Italians came back to avenge Adwa 1896

🔥 Second Italo-Ethiopian War (1935-1941)

Italians using Chemical Weapons on Ethiopian Christians

During the Second Italo Abyssinian war the invading Fascist Italians attempted to colonize Ethiopia to avenge the Adwa humiliation of 1896. However the Ethiopians fought tooth and nail to free their country from the white army.

When the Italian operation even with it’s superior weaponry, war planes and tanks started being defeated by Ethiopian patriots, Mussolini in a panic authorized the Italians to use mustard gas, a deadly chemical weapon that causes horrible burns. The League of Nations had banned it’s use but the Italians decided to break the rules of war.

The Fascists finally took Addis Ababa using this cruel cowardly illegal tactic and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians including women children and the elderly. This video also shows the two armies as they head to war and then images of Ethiopian civilians killed by the poisonous mustard gas. The wounded survivors are shown being treated for their burn wounds.

💭 Fascist Italy Trained Gala-Oromo & Oromara Soldiers in Occupied Northern Ethiopia (Eritrea)

Like 40 years earlier, and like today the traitor Gala-Oromo & Oromara Soldiers were associated with the enemies and the traitors mixed in disguise with the forces of Fascist Italy to Massacre, Gas and starve to death million of Ethiopian Christians.

The Romans brought another Oromo Ras Teferi a.k.a Haile Selassie into power. He too did the Italian job for them, massacring and starving to death millions of Northern Ethiopian Christians.

Yes, with this the 2nd World War started in Ethiopia – and a few years after the Ethiopia adventure, the Romans/Europeans had to pay another heavy price for their continued Jihad against Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. Between 1939 to 1945 some 75 million people died in World War II, including about 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians.

🔥 Third Roman/ Italo-Ethiopian War from 1970 till Today

Edomite Romans + Ishmaelite Muslims vs Ethiopian Christians

👉 History repeating itself:

Oromos, Oromaras, Romans, Arabs, Turks and Iranians are bombing Axum Zion again. These evil forces use siege, rape, hunger & forced resettlement tactics in their Jihad against Orthodox Christians of Ethiopis. Their evil agents Menelik ll + Haile Selassie + Mengistu Hailemariam, Isaias Afewerki (actually his real father is Arab Muslim, called ‘Abdullah Hassan’) Debretsion (we suspect he too has Muslim ancestors) and Ahmed Ali all do the Italian job for the historical enemies of Ethiopia. What we are witnessing in Northern Ethiopia the continuation of the Antichrist’s Jihad campaign that begun in stages, 1400, 500 and 130 years ago:-

  • 😈 Menelik ll: Half Oromo + Half Amhara = Oromo (Crypto-Muslim / Man of the flesh)
  • 😈 Haile Selassie: Half Oromo + Half Amhara = Oromo (Crypto-Muslim / Man of the flesh)
  • 😈 Mengistu Hailemariam: Half Oromo + Half Amhara = Oromo (Crypto-Muslim / Man of the flesh)
  • 😈 Abiy Ahmed Ali ´= Half Oromo + Half Amhara = Oromo (Crypto-Muslim / Man of the flesh)

🐷 1. Menelik II. (1844 – 1913)

The genocidal Menelik II Oromo regime was installed by Anglo-Saxons + French + Italians + Germans – after murdering the last true Ethiopian and Christian Emperor Yohannes IV, on 10 March 1889.

💭 The Great Ethiopian Famine of 1888-1892

The great famine is estimated to have caused 3.5 million deaths. During Emperor Menelik’s Reign, Tigraywas split into two regions, one of which he sold to the Italians who later named it Eritrea. Only two months after the death of Emperor Yohaness lV, Menelik signed the Wuchale treaty of 2 May 1889 conceding Eritrea to the Italians. It was not only Eritrea that Menelik gave away, he also had a hand in letting Djibouti be part of the French protectorate when he agreed the border demarcation with the French in 1887. Some huge parts of Tigray were put under Gonder. The Southern part, places like present day Alamata, Kobo etc were put under Wello Amhara administration.

🐷 2. Haile Selassie (1892 – 1975)

The genocidal Haile Selassie Oromo regime was installed by Anglo-Saxons + French + Italians + Germans.

In 1943, at the request of the Emperor Haile Selassie, the Royal British Airforce bombed two towns – Mekelle and Corbetta. Thousands of defenseless civilians lost their lives as a result of aerial bombardment. It is recorded that ‘on 14th October [1943] 54 bombs dropped in Mekelle, 6th October 14 bombs followed by another 16 bombs on 9thOctober in Hintalo, 7th/9th October 32 bombs in Corbetta’.

Between 2 and 5 million’ people died between 1958 and 1977 as a cumulative result. Haile Selassie, who was emperor at the time, refused to send any significant basic emergency food aid to the province of Tigray,

🐷 3. Mengistu Hailemariam (1937 – )

1979 – 1985 + 1987

The genocidal and Antichristian Oromo Dergue regime was installed by the United States. Declassified CIA documents reveal that Dergue was an Oromo regime.

Due to organized government policies that deliberately multiplied the effects of the famine, around 1.2 million Christians of Northern Ethiopia died from this famine. Mengistu & his Children still alive & ‘well’ while Orthodox Christians are starving again.

🐷 4. Abiy Ahmed Ali (1976 – )

The genocidal and Antichristian fascist Oromo regime was installed by the United States.

2018 – Until today: over 1.5 million Orthodox Christians massacred by this evil monster. 😠😠😠 😢😢😢 Unlike the past famine there is no natural or man-made drought, rather, Abiy Ahmed Ali simply uses war and hunger as a weapon. Abiy Ahmed Ali sent his kids to America for safety and better life, while bombing & starving Christian kids to death.

  • Soldiers of the fascist Oromo regime of Abiy Ahmed are deploying rape and famine in their war in the Tigray region.
  • Genocide in Tigray: Over a million Christians Massacred
  • women, girls, even Nuns systematically raped
  • The already three-year-old siege of Tigray is Causing Starvation for Millions.
  • Six million People Silenced: Four months since the so-called “Peace Accord” was announced, yet Independent investigators, journalist or humanitarian workers can not gain access to Tigray. The genocidal regime of Abiy Ahmed and its collaborators, the TPLF + ELF + PP + EZEMA + ANM are exploiting the total media blackout, medieval-like siege and humanitarian blockade with aims to buy enough time to hide their genocidal acts, and other egregious crimes they all have committed on the Orthodox Christians of Tigray.

The region of Tigray is the cradle of Ethiopian Christianity and civilization.

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