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Posts Tagged ‘Wahabism’

A Documentary Exposes The Horror of Life in Saudi Arabia,

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 21, 2016

A Woman Beheaded In The Road. Five Headless Corpses Hanging rom Cranes.  Why DOES Britain Cosy up to This Kingdom of Savagery?


— Sight is one scene in a shocking documentary to be aired this week 

— It will shed the light on the strict everyday life in Saudi Arabia

 — Middle Eastern nation is one of the world’s bloodiest and most secretive 

— Yet Saudi Arabia remains one of Britain’s closest allies worldwide 

See more news on Saudi Arabia as the horror of daily life is revealed

The ITV film, Saudi Arabia Uncovered, contains harrowing footage of beheadings. A woman dressed in black is held down at the side of a public road by four Saudi policemen, after she has been convicted of killing her stepdaughter.

She is executed with a sword blow to the neck, as she screams: ‘I did not do it.’

We have all heard of the brutality of the Saudi regime, but what makes this documentary so chilling is that we see it on camera.

In another beheading scene, the executioner, dressed in the white robes typically worn by Saudi men, raises his curved sword above his head and brings it down in a single sweep.

What the film makes abundantly clear is that the country is a murderous dictatorship which refuses to tolerate dissent.

Yet Saudi Arabia remains one of Britain’s closest allies, not just in the Middle East but worldwide, as it has for nearly a century. We sell them arms. They sell us oil. The royal families of each country are close. Prince Charles has made numerous trips to the kingdom and, when King Abdullah died last year, flags at Westminster flew at half-mast in a highly unusual tribute to a foreign ruler.

Our leaders conveniently overlook the truth about the desert kingdom.

In Saudi Arabia, even a minor criticism of the regime can result in a lashing or long prison sentence. Beheadings, the film makes clear, are commonplace — so far this year, the country has been executing its people at the rate of almost one a day.

Ferocious moral codes are enforced by the religious police as they patrol the streets and shopping malls. Blasphemy is punishable by stoning or execution, theft by amputation. Anyone found guilty of insulting Islam faces ten years in prison or perhaps 1,000 lashes.

The outside world is kept in ignorance of most of this because it is impossible for foreign journalists to report from or film in Saudi Arabia without minders. Indeed, it is difficult to get into the country even as a tourist.

The brutality aside, secret filming in a Saudi mosque shows a preacher spreading grotesque anti-Semitic messages. ‘The Jews have abused, dictated and contaminated the land,’ he says. ‘So, oh Allah, stop them and spill on them the whip of torture, don’t let their flag fly high, and make an example of them.’

The film reveals how hatred is directed at other religions in Saudi schools. One of the secret cameramen asks a 14-year-old Saudi boy what he is taught at school. Back comes the reply: ‘The Christians should be punished with death until there are none left. They should be beheaded.’

But schoolchildren are not just taught to direct hatred at Christians and Jews. They are also instructed to turn on Shia Muslims, a substantial minority in Saudi Arabia.

The boy says chillingly: ‘We learn that the Shia are blasphemers. They should be punished by death. We should fight them in the name of Islam.’

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Rumors Denied that Kidnapped Priest Will be Crucified by ISIS on Good Friday

Secret operation rescues last group of Yemen Jews


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Terrorist and Ethnic Ripples in the Balkans: Republika Srpska, Kosovo, Macedonia and distant Syria

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on May 13, 2015

The Balkans in the last few days is showing further signs of a growing Salafi Islamist menace and the usual traits of Albanian nationalism. Ironically, the “old battleground in Kosovo,” whereby the Orthodox Christian Jerusalem was taken away from Serbia, is now showing a hidden danger to both Muslim Albanian dominated Kosovo and Republika Srpska in Bosnia. Therefore, terrorist sweeps took place in Albanian ruled Kosovo and the Republika Srpska.

In Macedonia the current crisis is hitting the headlines because of the numbers of people killed in clashes between the security forces of this nation and ethnic Albanians. Indeed, the government of this nation is at pains to keep information rather secretive because of fears of stoking the fire. However, it does appear that the terrorist attack in Macedonia was based on Albanian nationalism.

Macedonia should worry the most because in Bosnia, Cyprus, and Kosovo, the West sided with the Muslim side on each occasion against Orthodox Christians. On top of this, just like in the current crisis in Syria, it was clear that in Bosnia the governments of America and Turkey – and others – understood the need to utilize international jihadists. This is because these two nations, and others, enabled the international Islamist menace to military arm itself in order to butcher Orthodox Christian Serbs in Bosnia. Not surprisingly, revenge attacks against internal Bosnian Islamist forces and international jihadists was met by brute force (this reality took place alongside ethnic nationalism). Also, beheading people became an Islamist calling card just like Takfiri forces in Iraq and Syria are beheading Alawite Muslims (Syria), Shia Muslims (Iraq and Syria) and loyal Sunni Muslims in both nations.

Meanwhile, in Muslim Albanian controlled Kosovo security forces arrested many Islamist Albanian Takfiris. The Special Court acknowledged that 32 individuals were arrested based on having direct or indirect links to ISIS (IS – Islamic State) and al-Nusra in Syria.

Balkan Insight reports: “According to the Special Prosecution, some of the suspects joined armed groups in Syria, deemed to be terrorist organizations by the United Nations. The Kosovo daily Koha Ditore published the names of those accused on Friday.”

The seriousness of the Takfiri Islamists threat towards Albanian Muslim dominated Kosovo was made abundantly clear by elites in Pristina last year. This was based on a statement released by Pristina whereby militant Islamists were deemed a “threat to national security.” In this ironic sense, militant Islamist forces utilizing Syria based on Gulf petrodollars – and the intrigues of nations like America, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – are now a threat to indigenous Islam in Albanian and the Orthodox Christians of Kosovo (this embattled Christian community is also threatened by Albanian nationalism) and Bosnia.

Similar to Muslim Albanian led Kosovo, the Republika Srpska is also clamping down on Takfiri Islamists. Balkan Insight reports: “Police in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, RS, have arrested 30 persons suspected of involvement in Islamist radical activity and of posing a possible security threat, RS police confirmed on Thursday.”

Dragan Lukac, Interior Minister of the Republika Srpska, stressed “the entity police raided 32 locations across Republika Srpska and seized quantities of weapons, ammunition, bullet proof vests, uniforms and other military equipment.”

Once more, the arrests by the Bosnian Serb entity of suspected Takfiri Islamists is also linked to the destabilization policies of outside nations aimed towards the secular government of Syria. Clearly, the Takfiri Islamist menace towards secular Syria based on the intrigues of the usual players is creating terrorist and sectarian alarm bells throughout parts of the Balkans.

Recently a Takfiri Islamist killed a police officer in Zvornik on April 27, 2015. This reality, and security sweeps in Republika Srpska and in Albanian Muslim dominated Kosovo, is highlighting the terrorist and sectarian ripples emanating from Syria because of the intrigues of outside nations. Sadly, this reality is based on the intrigues of international jihadist networks, several NATO powers and major Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Obviously, for the people of Bosnia – irrespective if Catholic, Muslim or Orthodox Christian – the hands of outside nations aimed at overthrowing the government of Syria also draws major parallels to nations involved in the Bosnian crisis that erupted in the 1990s.

Returning to the crisis in Macedonia the BBC reports: “Last month, about 40 ethnic Albanians from Kosovo briefly took over a Macedonian police station in the village of Gosince near the border, demanding the creation of an Albanian state in Macedonia.”

Currently in Macedonia it appears that Albanian nationalism is the main component but Takfiri Islamist forces will be waiting for vacuums to emerge. Therefore, the recent violence in Macedonia needs to be dealt with immediately before sinister forces enter the equation to a much higher degree. Also, the Takfiri terrorist ratlines entering Syria based on the intrigues of Turkey must be eradicated and the same applies to keeping Gulf petrodollars out of the Balkans when based on religious militancy.



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Saudi Embassy Linked With Terrorist Funding in Ethiopia

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on October 29, 2012

My note: Not surprising, at all! What’s irresponsible and disgraceful is we still send our beloved sisters, export fresh fruits and vegetables to the twisted satandom of Saudi Arabia. How is that possible?

The wife of a senior Ethiopian politician was on Monday charged with funneling money from the Embassy of Saudi Arabia to Islamist terror groups, at a hearing at the Ethiopian Federal High Court, on Monday.

Habiba Mohammed, wife of former Minister for the Civil Service Junedin Sado, was one of 29 Muslim activists accused of criminal conspiracy to commit unspecified acts of terrorism — charges that could attract the death penalty.

Those arrested were accused of belonging to, or supporting, the “Solution Seekers of the Muslim Community’s Problems”, a group that the prosecution contended is a terrorist organization. Lawyers for the accused denied the charges.

A predominantly Christian country, Ethiopia has positioned itself as a bulwark in the U.S.-led war on terror in East Africa and has promulgated laws, such as the anti-terrorism proclamation 652 of 2009, which have an unusually broad definition of terrorism.

According to the prosecution, Ms. Habiba allegedly tried to steal 1.5 million Ethiopian Birr (approximately Rs. 45 lakh) from the Islamic Council of Ethiopia. He also allegedly received more than 50,000 ETB from the Saudi Arabian Embassy to fund “illegal activities” amongst Ethiopia’s Muslim population.

She was arrested in July this year and the money was recovered from her car, according to local media reports. The Embassy of Saudi Arabia could not be reach for comment.

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Christians Persecuted Throughout The World

Imagine the unspeakable fury that would erupt across the Islamic world if a Christian-led government in Khartoum had been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Sudanese Muslims over the past 30 years. Or if Christian gunmen were firebombing mosques in Iraq during Friday prayers. Or if Muslim girls in Indonesia had been abducted and beheaded on their way to school, because of their faith.

Such horrors are barely thinkable, of course. But they have all occurred in reverse, with Christians falling victim to Islamist aggression. Only two days ago, a suicide bomber crashed a jeep laden with explosives into a packed Catholic church in Kaduna, northern Nigeria, killing at least eight people and injuring more than 100. The tragedy bore the imprint of numerous similar attacks by Boko Haram (which roughly translates as “Western education is sinful”), an exceptionally bloodthirsty militant group.

Other notable trouble spots include Egypt, where 600,000 Copts – more than the entire population of Manchester – have emigrated since the 1980s in the face of harassment or outright oppression.

Why is such a huge scourge chronically under-reported in the West? One result of this oversight is that the often inflated sense of victimhood felt by many Muslims has festered unchallenged. Take the fallout of last month’s protests around the world against the American film about the Prophet Mohammed. While most of the debate centred on the rule of law and the limits of free speech, almost nothing was said about how much more routinely Islamists insult Christians, almost always getting away with their provocations scot-free.

Innocence of Muslims, the production that spurred all the outrage, has been rightly dismissed as contemptible trash. What, though, of a website such as “Guardians of the Faith”, run by Salafist extremists in Cairo? Among many posts, it has carried an article entitled “Why Muslims are superior to Copts”. “Being a Muslim girl whose role models are the wives of the Prophet, who were required to wear the hijab, is better than being a Christian girl, whose role models are whores,” it declares. “Being a Muslim who fights to defend his honour and his faith is better than being a Christian who steals, rapes, and kills children.” Hateful messages breed hateful acts. Is it any surprise that mobs have set fire to one church after another across Egypt in recent years?

The deeper truth masked by all the ranting – and, it should be added, by the blinkers of many Western secularists – is that Christians are targeted in greater numbers than any other faith group on earth. About 200 million church members (10 per cent of the global total) face discrimination or persecution: it just isn’t fashionable to say so. In 2010, I set out to write a chronicle of anti-Christian persecution on several continents. Published in my book, Christianophobia, the results of my research are even more disquieting than I expected.

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