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Archive for March 12th, 2024

Ethiopia’s Largely Unreported Hunger Crisis is an Unfolding Catastrophe

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 12, 2024

የኢትዮጵያ በብዛት ያልተዘገበ የረሃብ ቀውስ ስውር የሆነ አስከፊ እልቂት ነው

Millions in Tigray are experiencing emergency levels of hunger and children have lost years of education.

The founder and CEO of global school-feeding organization Mary’s Meals, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, has shared a rare and harrowing insight into the unfolding hunger catastrophe in Tigray, Ethiopia, following his recent visit there. “It’s as extreme as anything I’ve ever witnessed in terms of the current suffering and the potential for more deterioration unless there is a significant intervention,” he states.

As the Famine Early Warning System (FEWS) Net report predicted, Ethiopia is in crisis now, and Mary’s Meals has witnessed evidence of it regionally across its programs in Tigray following a recent team visit there.

“It’s hard to exaggerate just how serious the situation is in Tigray. People are already dying of hunger, and everything we’re hearing on the ground points to a well-founded fear of much worse to come if the world doesn’t respond. We’ve heard accounts of children who no longer feel the pain from hunger pangs, not because they have eaten, but because they don’t have the energy to feel pain anymore,” says MacFarlane-Barrow.

More than 91% of Tigray’s population has been “exposed to the risk of starvation and death,” according to the president of Tigray’s Interim Regional Administration, Getachew Reda, and millions are in desperate need of food aid. From 2020 to 2022, the region endured two years of deadly civil war that displaced millions, destroyed essential infrastructure and health services, and is estimated to have claimed the lives of upwards of 600,000 people. Interruptions to aid supplies in 2023, compounded by several failed rainy seasons in recent years resulting in severe drought, have left lives and livelihoods in ruins and accelerated the region’s humanitarian crisis. Currently, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) hunger projections suggest that the majority of Tigray is experiencing IPC Phase 4 emergency levels of hunger, with predictions that “some households will likely be in Phase 5 catastrophe/famine by July.”

In the biggest hospital in the region’s capital of Mekelle, Dr. Abraha Gebreegziabher, a local pediatrician, explains to Mary’s Meals that more and more children are dying from malnutrition in his hospital. “We are seeing three times as many cases of malnutrition as normal, and the mortality rate is five times higher. The number of children dying from malnutrition was quite stable for the last 13 years, but since the war, it’s doubled. Previous deaths were generally linked to other health conditions, but now malnutrition is a singular cause on its own,” he said.

At a time when journalists are struggling to gain access to the area, this situation is going largely unreported.

At stake are the lives of children, as years of disruption, conflict, displacement, drought, and disease mean that millions of children are out of school. Regional statistics suggest that more than half of all primary-age children in Tigray (53%) are not currently enrolled. The situation is made worse by serious staff shortages and damage to school buildings sustained during the conflict; approximately 15,000 teachers are still unaccounted for, and 95% of classrooms in the Central Zone of Tigray, an area where much of Mary’s Meals school feeding takes place, are damaged because of the war.

“It’s hard not to make comparisons between how the world was so moved to act nearly 40 years ago when Ethiopia was gripped by the infamous famine of the 1980s and the situation today that is virtually being ignored. We need to make sure that the terrible outcome Tigray is heading for doesn’t happen, but it will if we don’t act now,” MacFarlane-Barrow says.

Since 2017, Mary’s Meals has worked with a trusted local partner to mobilize local communities to serve nutritious school meals in places of education to generate long-term community-led growth and resilience through education and nutrition. During the conflict, while school feeding had to pause, Mary’s Meals continued working with its partner that pivoted to emergency feeding and other essential support for more than 30,000 internally displaced people sheltering in camps.

Last fall, Mary’s Meals reinstated school feeding as soon as schools began reopening. Today, it is providing meals to more than 45,000 children in Tigray every school day, having almost doubled the size of the program since Christmas. Additionally, Mary’s Meals partner is poised to extend the program to new schools and reach thousands more children, as funds allow. All of the schools where Mary’s Meals programs operate are in areas currently projected to be in Phase 4 emergency, the second highest category for food insecurity.


🛑 The Ukrainian Famine Genocide Repeated Today in Ethiopia

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 23, 2020

🛑 Population Control Tool: Famine?

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on October 31, 2010

The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy. Special Report EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) March 10, 1981

🛑 Will Humanity Survive the Depopulation Agenda of the Global Elite?

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on May 3, 2014

“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” Dr. Henry Kissinger

“The world’s population needs to be reduced by 50%,” and “The elderly are useless eaters” Dr. Henry Kissinger

👉 History repeating itself:

Oromos, Oromaras, Romans, Arabs, Turks and Iranians are bombing Axum Zion again. These evil forces use siege, rape, hunger & forced resettlement tactics in their Jihad against Orthodox Christians of Ethiopis. Their evil agents Menelik ll + Haile Selassie + Mengistu Hailemariam, Isaias Afewerki (actually his real father is Arab Muslim, called ‘Abdullah Hassan’) Debretsion (we suspect he too has Muslim ancestors) and Ahmed Ali all do the Italian job for the historical enemies of Ethiopia. What we are witnessing in Northern Ethiopia the continuation of the Antichrist’s Jihad campaign that begun in stages, 1400, 500 and 130 years ago:-

  • 😈 Menelik ll: Half Oromo + Half Amhara = Oromo (Crypto-Muslim / Man of the flesh)
  • 😈 Haile Selassie: Half Oromo + Half Amhara = Oromo (Crypto-Muslim / Man of the flesh)
  • 😈 Mengistu Hailemariam: Half Oromo + Half Amhara = Oromo (Crypto-Muslim / Man of the flesh)
  • 😈 Abiy Ahmed Ali ´= Half Oromo + Half Amhara = Oromo (Crypto-Muslim / Man of the flesh)

🐷 1. Menelik II. (1844 – 1913)

The genocidal Menelik II Oromo regime was installed by Anglo-Saxons + French + Italians + Germans – after murdering the last true Ethiopian and Christian Emperor Yohannes IV, on 10 March 1889.

💭 The Great Ethiopian Famine of 1888-1892

The great famine is estimated to have caused 3.5 million deaths. During Emperor Menelik’s Reign, Tigraywas split into two regions, one of which he sold to the Italians who later named it Eritrea. Only two months after the death of Emperor Yohaness lV, Menelik signed the Wuchale treaty of 2 May 1889 conceding Eritrea to the Italians. It was not only Eritrea that Menelik gave away, he also had a hand in letting Djibouti be part of the French protectorate when he agreed the border demarcation with the French in 1887. Some huge parts of Tigray were put under Gonder. The Southern part, places like present day Alamata, Kobo etc were put under Wello Amhara administration.

🐷 2. Haile Selassie (1892 – 1975)

The genocidal Haile Selassie Oromo regime was installed by Anglo-Saxons + French + Italians + Germans.

In 1943, at the request of the Emperor Haile Selassie, the Royal British Airforce bombed two towns – Mekelle and Corbetta. Thousands of defenseless civilians lost their lives as a result of aerial bombardment. It is recorded that ‘on 14th October [1943] 54 bombs dropped in Mekelle, 6th October 14 bombs followed by another 16 bombs on 9thOctober in Hintalo, 7th/9th October 32 bombs in Corbetta’.

Between 2 and 5 million’ people died between 1958 and 1977 as a cumulative result. Haile Selassie, who was emperor at the time, refused to send any significant basic emergency food aid to the province of Tigray,

🐷 3. Mengistu Hailemariam (1937 – )

1979 – 1985 + 1987

The genocidal and Antichristian Oromo Dergue regime was installed by the United States. Declassified CIA documents reveal that Dergue was an Oromo regime.

Due to organized government policies that deliberately multiplied the effects of the famine, around 1.2 million Christians of Northern Ethiopia died from this famine. Mengistu & his Children still alive & ‘well’ while Orthodox Christians are starving again.

🐷 4. Abiy Ahmed Ali (1976 – )

The genocidal and Antichristian fascist Oromo regime was installed by the United States.

2018 – Until today: over 1.5 million Orthodox Christians massacred by this evil monster. 😠😠😠 😢😢😢 Unlike the past famine there is no natural or man-made drought, rather, Abiy Ahmed Ali simply uses war and hunger as a weapon. Abiy Ahmed Ali sent his kids to America for safety and better life, while bombing & starving Christian kids to death.

  • Soldiers of the fascist Oromo regime of Abiy Ahmed are deploying rape and famine in their war in the Tigray region.
  • Genocide in Tigray: Over a million Christians Massacred
  • women, girls, even Nuns systematically raped
  • The already three-year-old siege of Tigray is Causing Starvation for Millions.
  • Six million People Silenced: a year and half since the so-called “Peace Accord” was announced, yet Independent investigators, journalist or humanitarian workers can not gain access to Tigray. The genocidal regime of Abiy Ahmed and its collaborators, the TPLF + ELF + PP + EZEMA + ANM are exploiting the total media blackout, medieval-like siege and humanitarian blockade with aims to buy enough time to hide their genocidal acts, and other egregious crimes they all have committed on the Orthodox Christians of Tigray.

The region of Tigray is the cradle of Ethiopian Christianity and civilization.

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በኢትዮጵያ ምክኒያት መንግስት በመንግስት ላይ ይነሳል፣ ከባድ ጦርነት ይሆናል፣ አሜሪካ ትጠፋለች | ዲ/ን ቢንያም ፍሬው

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 12, 2024

❖ “ኢትዮጵያ” ከፊል ሱዳንንም፣ ደቡብ ግብጽን እና ከፊል የመንንም ታጠቃልላች። ለጊዜው ከፍተኛ መከራ እና ስቃይ በማየት ላይ ያሉት ‘ትክክለኛዎቹ’ ኢትዮጵያውያን ዘ-መንፈስ ብቻ መሆናቸውን ሁሉም በማወቅ ላይ ይገኛሉ። በጉ ከፍዬሎች የሚለይበት ዘመን ላይ ነን

👉 የከበረ ምስጋና ለ፦ ዲያቆን ቢንያም / Diyakon Binyam Frew

👉 ቀደም ሲል የቅረበ፦

💭 ሰሞኑን በህልሜ በተደጋጋሚ በሰማይ አስር ኪሎሜትር ርቀት ላይ ግዙፋትና ነጫጭ የሆኑ አውሮፕላኖች በየደቂቃው ሲበርሩ ታይቶኛል፤ በዛሬው ሕልሜ ጨምሮ። ምን ሊሆን ይችላል? ከዩክሬይን ጋር በተያያዘ በአውሮፓ ጦርነት ሊቀሰቀስ ይሆን? ሕገወጧ ቱርክ ልትጨፈጨፍ ይሆን?

ለማንኛውም፤ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነኝ፣ ክርስቲያን ነኝየሚል ጤነኛ ዜጋ ሳይውል ሳያድር ይህን የኦሮሞ አገዛዝ ገርስሶ፤ ኦሮሚያ + ሶማሌየተባሉትን ክልሎች ማፈራረስ አለበት። በኢትዮጵያ ጦርነት ከተካሄደ ከእንግዲህ ወዲህ በሰሜኑ ክፍል ሳይሆን በእነዚህ ሁለት የኢትዮጵያ ግዛቶች መሆን አለበት። አፄ ዮሐንስ ዛሬ ቢኖሩ ይህን ነበር የሚያደርጉት።

💭በአማራ-ኦሮሚያ ልዩ ዞን የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቅ ወርዶ የክርስቶስ ተቃዋሚ ቱርክ ባንዲራ ተሰቀለ

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on December 6, 2021

ትንቢተኛው የግሪኩ አባ ዘወንጌል‘ | ቱርክ የምትባል አገር አትኖርም፤ በቅርቡ ትፈራርሳለች

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