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Posts Tagged ‘Drosnay’

France Erupts Again: Muslims Set Fire to a 16th-Century Catholic Church

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on July 11, 2023

🔥 ፈረንሳይ እንደገና ፈነዳች፤ ሙስሊሞች በ፲፮/16ኛው መቶ ክፍለ ዘመን የተሠራውን የካቶሊክ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሕንፃን በእሳት አቃጥሉት

🔥 Drosnay’s Half-Timbered Church: A Historic Landmark Lost to Fire

After a brief lull, sporadic incidents of violence have again been reported in France. A 16th century church was allegedly attacked in North-Eastern France. The massive fire turned the ancient church in Drosnay into ashes.

In a tragic turn of events, the historic half-timbered church in Drosnay, located in the Marne region of France, was destroyed by a fire on Friday, July 7. The heart-wrenching scene has left the villagers in shock and dismay as they mourn the loss of a cherished symbol of their community.

The Symbol of the Village Engulfed

The conflagration started late in the morning, quickly engulfing the timber-framed structure, which has long stood as a beacon of the village’s history and culture. As the flames rose and the smoke billowed, villagers and passersby watched in stunned silence as the church, a treasured historical heritage, was reduced to ashes.

Mathis Perard, a resident, witnessed the horrifying scene firsthand. “I saw the bell tower fall, and I was in front. It’s weird, and I’m in shock. It’s weird. There were a lot of people. For me, it was the symbol of our commune,” he lamented. For Perard and many others, the loss of the church represents more than just the loss of a building—it is the disappearance of an integral piece of their collective identity and history.

Firefighters Battle the Blaze

Many firefighters were dispatched to the scene when the alarm was raised, fighting valiantly to contain the blaze and prevent it from spreading to nearby structures. Despite their best efforts, the historic church could not be saved.

🛑 France is Burning Because it Permitted The Death Angel A. Ahmed of Ethiopia to Enter Paris

🔥 ፈረንሣይ እየተቃጠለች ያለው የኢትዮጵያው የሞት መልአክ ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ አሊን ፓሪስ እንዲገባ ስለፈቀደች ነው።

🛑 APRIL 15, 2019

Exactly one month after Macron visited the Ethiopian Church, a fire broke out under the eaves of Notre-Dame Cathedral’s roof. The fire engulfed the spire and most of the roof.

🛑 NOVEMBER 4, 2020

The Genocidal War against the followers of the Orthodox faith in northern Ethiopia and campaign in search of the Biblical Ark of the Covenant began.

The war that started on November 4, 2020 was an opportunistic conflict started to coincide with the US elections. This war sealed the fate of President Trump: he lost the manipulated US Election. Obama + Biden stole the election!

🛑 Netflix France released a movie called “Athena” in 2022!

“The tragic killing of a young boy ignites an all-out war in the community of Athena, with the victim’s older brothers at the heart of the conflict.”

😈 What now for Macron & Ahmed?


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