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ፕሬዝደንት ጆ ባይደን ሕፃኗን ልክ እንደ እንሽላሊቱ አጋሩ ኦባሳንጆ አስደነገጣት

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on July 15, 2023

💭 ፕሬዝደንት ጆ ባይደን ሕፃኗን ልክ እንደ እንሽላሊቱ አጋሩ ኦባሳንጆ አስደነገጣት

“Joe Biden’s Dementia Has Gotten So Bad That He’s Now Confusing Babies With Ice Cream Cones”

💭 President Joe Biden was caught on video getting unusually close to a young toddler on Thursday at the end of his five-day European trip.

The video, which surfaced on social media on Friday, showed Biden leaning into a young girl, nibbling and pretending to gobble the toddler up as she was held in her mother’s arms.

The mother, who observed Biden’s behavior, smiled as she took her phone out to capture the interaction.

However, the child appeared horrified, giving Biden the side eye and turning her head away as he attempted to lean in again.

The incident in Finland is just the latest example of Biden appearing to get too close for comfort with women and children.

A Nevada lawmaker claimed Biden sniffed her hair and kissed the back of her head while he was vice president in 2014. Biden said he tried to “make a human connection” in his defense.

“I’ve always tried to be, in my career, I’ve always tried to make a human connection. That’s my responsibility, I think. I shake hands, I hug people, I grab men and women by the shoulders and say, you can do this,” Biden said in the video shared to Twitter at the time. “It’s the way I’ve always been. It’s the way I’ve tried to show I care about them and I’m listening.”

On the 2020 campaign trial, he was caught on video sniffing a baby’s hair in Oakland, California. Biden has become so notable for these repeated instances of sniffing hair that Saturday Night Live mocked him for it.

“President Biden promised to nominate the first black woman to the Supreme Court,” SNL’s Michael Che joked. “But I hope it’s not because he wants to sniff a new type of hair.”

The latest example saw critics labeling Biden as “creepy” or “disgusting.”

“Biden should be in a nursing home, not leading the free world,” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted.

👉 Courtesy: Breitbart

🐦 “Birds of a feather flock together / ተመሳሳይ ላባ ያላቸው ወፎች አንድ ላይ ይበራሉ። 🐦

💭 What Happened During the Last DAYS of Biafra? Can You See the Parallel with Tigray?

😈 Joe Biden’ s friend and African Union High Representative for The Horn of Africa, Olusegun Obasanjo was Nigeria’s head of state from 1976 to 1979 and later as its president from 1999 to 2007.

☆ The Reptile Olusegun Obasanjo Scares Away The Little Ethiopian girl

☆ The Reptile Queen Elizabeth Scares Away Child

☆ 50 Years after the Biafra Christian Genocide, the reptilian Genocider is sent to Ethiopia as a peacemaker. The Reptilians who awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to his genocider brother-in-arms to Abiy Ahmed Ali, because he made an alliance with the Eritrean dictator Isaias Afwerki. His pact with notorious Isaias, which won Abiy Ahmed a Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, was essentially a war pact.

☆ Now, Olusegun Obasanjo might as well be awarded the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize for the latest genocide pact between the fascist Oromo regime of Ethiopia and the traitor ‘Tigray People’s Liberation Front’ (TPLF).

☆ They are all working together for a common luciferian cause of exterminating ancient Christians! We recently see this in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Armenia and Ethiopia.

☆ Group Presents Life Crocodile To Reptile Obasanjo

☆ The Biafran Pogroms and Genocide (1967-1970) claimed

an estimated number of 3.5 million Christian lives

💭 Ethiopia’s Tigray, a New Biafra?


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