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EU, Le Pen: “Meloni Must Say Clearly if She Will Support Von Der Leyen For A Second Mandate”

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on March 25, 2024

🛑 የአውሮፓ ህብረት ፣ ማሪ ሌፔን “ሜሎኒ ቮን ዴር ላይንን ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ የምትደግፍ ከሆነ በግልፅ መናገር አለባት”

ከቆሻሻው ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ አሊ ሞግዚቶች አንዷ የሆነቸው የጣልያን ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ጆርጂያ ሜሎኒ የአሜሪካው የግራ ዘመም አስፐን ኢንስቲትዩት/ ተቋም አባል ነች።

የቢል እና ሜሊንዳ ጌትስ ፋውንዴሽን እና የጆርጅ ሶሮስ ኦፕን ሶሳይቲ ፋውንዴሽን የአስፐን ኢንስቲትዩት ደጋፊዎች ጥቂቶቹ ናቸው። ሜሎኒ እንደ ትሮጃን ፈረስ ይሠራል።

እና የአውሮፓ ኮሚሽን ፕሬዝንደንት ኡርሱላ ቮን ደር ላየን ልክ እንደ ብዙዎቹ የአውሮፓ ህብረት የረጅም ጊዜ ፈላጭ ቆራጮች መርዝ እና ግድየለሽ ነች።

በዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀሉ አዶልፍ ሂትለርን ያስናቀውን ጥቁሩን ሂትለር ጋላ ኦሮሞውን ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ አሊን ጨምሮ ሁሉም ነፍሳቸውን ለዲያብሎስ የሸጡ የሉሲፈራውያን ግሎባል/ሉላዊ ካባል አባላት ናቸው።

እባቧ ብሪታኒያ ብቻ ነች ከአረመኔው ግራኝ ጋር በግልጽ ብዙም የማትቀራረበው። በዘመነ ዳግማዊ ግራኝ እስካሁን ድረስ አንድም የብሪታኒያ ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር ኢትዮጵያን አልጎበኘም፣ ግራኝም ብሪታኒያን በጭራሽ አልጎበኘም። ምስጢሩ ምን ይሆን? ውስጥ ለውስጥ የሚዘወሩት የንጉሣውያኑ ቤተሰቦች ስለሆኑ ይሆን? ወይንስ ተጠያቂነት ከሚያመጣው መቅሰፍት ለመሸሽ?

😈 አንድ የዓለም ሥርዓት ግሎባሊስቶች/ ሉላውያን ፤ እስከ ዘር ማጥፋት ድረስ መስማማት፡ የላባ ወፎች አብረው ይጎርፋሉ

👉 ማሪ ሌፔን የምታረጋግጥልንም ይህን ነው፡-

😈 One World Order Globalists Cosying up to The Genocider: Birds of a feather flock together

My Note: Giorgia Meloni is a member of the left-leaning Aspen Institute.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the George Soros’s Open Society Foundations are some of the supporters of the Aspen Institute.

Meloni acts like a Trojan horse.

And Ursula Von Der Leyen is poison and incompetent just like a lot of the EU Dinosaurs.

All, including the genocidal Galla-Oromo PM of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed Ali. are members of the Luciferian Global Cabal, who have sold their soul to the devil.

👉 This is what Marie Le Pen confirms:

💭 “Today on the Italian right the only candidate who I am sure will oppose the president of the European Commission and her re-election is Matteo Salvini”

Giorgia Meloni must clearly tell the Italians if she will support Ursula von der Leyen for the second mandate at the helm of the European Commission. The leader of the French Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen, said this in a video contribution to the “Winds of Change-Towards a Europe of Cooperation” event underway in Rome.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was called out by French populist Marine Le Pen on Saturday during a video address to the ‘Winds of Change’ convention for not coming out against the second term of European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen.

Failing to live up to her reputation as a populist firebrand, Giorgia Meloni has governed from the centre since coming into power in 2022 and has sought to deepen Rome’s ties with Brussels rather than opposing the globalist agenda of the likes of Von der Leyen.

Specifically calling her out for this, former presidential candidate and the leader of the National Rally in France, Marine Le Pen said in a video address to a convention of the Identity and Democracy (ID) party in Rome on Saturday: “A message for Giorgia: will you support a second mandate for Von der Leyen or not? I believe so. You must the truth to the Italians, you must tell what you will do.”

Le Pen said that her party in France, which is a member of the ID group in the European Parliament, will “fight with all possible forces to prevent a second mandate for Von der Leyen.”

The French populist went on to say that she believes only Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and his League party will actually stand up to Von der Leyen’s attempts at a second term following the European Parliament elections in June.

While delivering some wins for conservatives like banning lab-grown meat and introducing further crackdowns on surrogacy births, the central issue that saw her come to power, reducing illegal migration, has only continued to grow worse under her leadership.

Indeed, in 2023, according to information from the Interior Ministry, 155,754 migrants arrived in Italy in 2023, a fifty per cent increase over the previous year when 103,846 illegals were recorded reaching Italy.

Meloni had promised a hardline approach towards illegal migration, particularly the people smuggler-operated boats which dump hundreds of thousands of illegals on Italy’s shores every year. Prompting hysterical reactions, Meloni had suggested instituting a naval blockade in the Mediterranean to stop the migrant boats from crossing the sea from North Africa.

However, rather than taking a stop-the-boats approach, Meloni has so far sought to inculcate herself within the Brussels structure and has been a key ally of Ursula von der Leyen’s in negotiating large handouts to countries such as Tunisia last year and more recently Egypt, in exchange for their government’s supposed commitment to help prevent people smuggling operations.

The cosying up to Von der Leyen and the failures of her government to crack down on illegal migration have led to many on the populist right branding Meloni as a globalist in populist clothing. The Italian prime minister has so far not made her intentions on who her party will back for the next European Commission president, despite supposedly more centrist parties like the Républicains in France — who are in the same voting group as the EU chief — already vowing not to support Von der Leyen.

💭 Since the beginning of the genocidal Jihad in the Northern Ethiopian regions of Tigray, Amhara and Afar in November 2020 till today:

  • ❖ – 1.5 Million Orthodox Christians were brutally Massacred
  • ❖ – 200.000 Orthodox Christian Women, children and nuns were Raped and abused
  • ❖ – Over a Million female Ethiopian slaves are sold to Arab countries
  • ❖ – 20 million Ethiopian are forced to experience food insecurity

by the fascist Islamo-Protestant Oromo army of the prosperity gospel heretic PM Abiy Ahmed Ali and his Arab, Israeli, Turkish, Iranian, European, American, Russian, Ukrainian, African allies.

♀️ Female European Ministers Meet Black Hitler Who Massacred Over a Million Orthodox Christians

☆ Yesterday Nazi Ukraine – 🐺 Today Fascist Oromo of Ethiopia

😲 Just Unbelievable – Reel Mockery! What a wicked world!

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