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Elon Musk: Overpopulation Is False, ‘Earth Could Maintain a Population Many Times the Current Level’

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on April 28, 2022

💭 የሕዝብ ከመጠን በላይ መብዛት?

👉 ኢለን ማስክ፤- “የሕዝብ ቍጥር መብዛት ሐሰት ነው፣ ‘ምድር አሁን ባለው ደረጃ በብዙ እጥፍ ሕዝብን ማቆየት ትችላለች’

Mathematics prove that you can put the world’s population in the state of Florida, easily.

Although some climate change activists claim overpopulation is a serious problem that contributes to global warming and must be curtailed, investor and business giant Elon Musk said it is a “false impression” that there are too many people in the world, and added that the “Earth could maintain a population many times the current level.”

During a recent interview on WELT, German publishing titan Mathias Dopfner said to Musk, “You once told me about population decline — the decrease of reproduction rates, birth rate — is one of the most underestimated problems of our times. Please explain.”

Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, said, “Yes. Most people in the world are operating under the false impression that we’ve got too many people. This is not true. Earth could maintain a population many times the current level. The birth rate has been dropping like crazy.”

“So, unfortunately, we have these ridiculous population estimates from the U.N. that need to be updated because they just do not make any sense,” he said. “You can look and see, what was the birth rate last year, how many kids were born, and then multiply that by life expectancy – okay, so that’s how many people will be alive in the future.”

“Is the trend for birth rate positive or negative?” said Musk. “It’s negative. And that’s the best case, unless something changes for the birth rate. Take Japan, for example. I think the population is roughly 110 million. But last year, if you take the number of children born times the life expectancy – 85 years, very impressive life expectancy – then Japan would have, I think, around 68 million people, roughly half of the current population.”

“That doesn’t tell the whole story because you have an upside-down demographic pyramid,” Musk added. “We already have an upside-down demographic pyramid, where there’s a lot of old people, very few young people. So, the upside-down demographic pyramid is unstable.”


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Africa Ain’t Poor

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on September 24, 2009


What Africa needs is a new model of economics and development.

Despite all the setbacks and its history, Africa has the potential and power to shape its own destiny.

Africans should first believe in Africa. The person who preserved their talent was chastised, the one who invested their talents was rewarded.

All those preserved natural resources are God’s special bounty on earth for Africa and Africans. The challenge has always been to use them and to invest properly in the future. So far, we have been widespread plunder of the present and future generation, but, Africans have visions for a better life, and non-Africans should not look for wanting to bring a Saviour

In fact, there are many things to be positive about, including the development of microfinance institutions, the growth of the Internet and mobile phone, its wealth of human and natural resources, and biodiversity. Africa is not only what has gone wrong, as the international media often tries to depict. The ‘BBC’ had its own contribution to this particular conspiracy. Lately, the BBC is engaged in the “idle Africa Bashing” by broadcasting a very superficially and ignorantly researched documentary series, under the title, “Why is Africa poor?”

Bringing Solar Power to Africa’s Poor


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