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Posts Tagged ‘Atmosphere’

Scientists Have Discovered a Huge Chunk of The Sun Has Broken Off | The Day After The Polar Vortex

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on February 10, 2023

🌞 የሳይንስ ሊቃውንት እጅግ በጣም ብዙ የሆነ የፀሀይ ቁራጭ አግኝተዋል | ከዋልታ አዙሪት በኋላ ያለው ቀን፤ ብርድ፣ በረዶ፣ ብርርርር

በፈረንጆቹ2004 ዓመት ላይ ‘ተነገ ወዲያ / The Day After Tomorrow’ የተሰኘው የአደጋ ፊልም የተነበየልን ይህን መጭውን ጊዜ ነው። በተለይ ሰሜን አሜሪካ በበረዶ የተሸፈነ ሰው-አልባ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ስጋት አለኝ።

ወደ ጠፈር ሮኬት ተኳሹ አቶ ኢለን መስክም በዚህ ጉዳይ ዙሪያ ይናገራል።

❖❖❖[የሉቃስ ወንጌል ምዕራፍ ፳፩፥፳፭፡፳፮]❖❖❖

በፀሐይና በጨረቃም በከዋክብትም ምልክት ይሆናል፤ በምድር ላይም አሕዛብ ከባሕሩና ከሞገዱም ድምፅ የተነሣ እያመነቱ ይጨነቃሉ፤ ሰዎችም ከፍርሃትና በዓለም የሚመጣበትን ከመጠበቅ የተነሣ ይደክማሉ፤ የሰማያት ኃይላት ይናወጣሉና።

❖❖❖[Luke Chapter 21፡25-26]❖❖❖

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”

🌞 ‘Scientists have been left stumped after a piece of the sun’s surface broke off and began circling the sun’s north pole like a vortex.

Earlier this week, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope made an unprecedented observation that has made scientists both concerned and excited.

Space weather forecaster Tamitha Shov shared a video sequence showing the intense whirlwind.

“Talk about polar vortex! Material from a northern prominence just broke away from the main filament & is now circulating in a massive polar vortex around the north pole of our star,” she said.

“Implications for understanding the sun’s atmospheric dynamics above 55° here cannot be overstated!” reported that a medium-sized, powerful solar flare even knocked out a shortwave radio over the Pacific Ocean on Tuesday (February 7).

According to NASA, an eruptive solar prominence, also known as a filament, is a large, bright feature that extends outwards from the sun’s surface.

Prominences are anchored to the sun’s surface and extend outwards in the sun’s hot outer atmosphere – called the CORONA.

👉 Source

🌞 The Sun’s Corona – 😷 Coronavirus. Wow!

💭 Elon Musk is also saying that something weird is happening, that the next Ice Age Is coming!

Mr. Musk knows something and should be investigated meticulously.

❄️ In the 2004 disaster movie ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ – starring Dennis Quaid and Jack Gyllenhaal – the phrase “polar vortex” quickly entered into all of our vocabularies right after Christmas, when one of the so-called “persistent, large-scale cyclone[s] located near either of a planet’s geographical poles” froze our collective noses off. But did you know that a polar vortex is partially to blame for the severe weather that takes place in The Day After Tomorrow? The movie’s director, Roland Emmerich must feel so vindicated right now.


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