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Posts Tagged ‘Child Psychology’

Baby 2013: I Get So Emotional

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on November 8, 2013

Every time I think of her!


My Note: This amazing video proves the recent finding that babies could recognize voices, sounds or music they’ve heard while still in their mother’s womb. The video will bring you to tears! It looks like this cute one is almost nostalgic about the “good-old-days” when she enjoyed the voice of her mother from the, warm, comfortable and more peaceful and secured place which is a mother’s womb. Indeed, the results of the study below show that babies are capable of learning at a very young age and that the effects of learning remain apparent in the brain for a long time, and their memories could be stored, as in the emotional baby’s case, until they are 8 months old. 

The mother of the baby said that she sings out loud at home because she was embarrassed to sing in public. When her daughter was 8 months old, she began to notice different emotional reactions depending on the song.

Babies Remember Music They Heard in The Womb up to Four Months After They Are Born

Babies recognised Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star up to four months after birth

Children already recognize the tune of their mother’s favorite soap opera

Babies played music while still in the womb remembered the tune months later when part of the big, wide world.

And the more they had heard Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, before birth, the stronger their recognition afterwards.

What is more, the effect was visible until at least four months of age.

The finding suggests that mothers-to-be who develop a liking for Mozart, Vivaldi or Bach in the hope of boosting the development of their unborn child may not be wasting their time.

Finnish researchers gave 12 pregnant women a CD which and asked them to play it loudly five times a week during the last three months of pregnancy.

They were instructed to destroy the CD after giving birth to ensure any memory of the songs came from pregnancy.

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