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Ned Price Dodging The Genocide Question on the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on February 24, 2023

💭 የአሜሪካ መንግስት ቃል አቀባይ ኔድ ፕራይስ በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ እምነት ተከታዮች ላይ እየተካሄደ ስላለው የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ሲጠየቅ ስለ ሌላ ነገር በመቀበጣጠር ይመልሳል

በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ እምነት ተከታዮች ላይ ለተፈጸመው የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል አሜሪካ ከጀርባ እንዳለችበት አቶ ኔድ ፕራይስ አረጋግጦልናል

💭 የ፳፩/21ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን አስከፊው የጅምላ ጭፍጨፋ የፈጸመው አረመኔ የኖቤል የሰላም ተሸላሚ አብይ አህመድ አሊ ፥ ከሂትለር በኋላ በአሜሪካ አስተዳደር የሚደገፍ እጅግ ክፉው መሪነው።

አሜሪካ ግን ከዚህ አረመኔ ኦሮሞ አገዛዝ ጋር ለመስራት ፈቃደኛ ነች። ምክኒያቱም፤ አሜሪካ ፀረኦርቶዶክስ፣ ፀረኢትዮጵያ፣ ፀረግዕዝ ባጠቃላይ የክርስቶስ ተቃዋሚ ስለሆነች ነው። አሜሪካ፤ ብልጽግና ኦነግን፣ ሕወሓትን፣ ሻዕብያን፣ ብእዴንን፣ ኢዜማን፣ አብንን እና ሌሎች ብዙ ቡድኖችን በመጠቀም ነው በአክሱማዊቷ ኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ክርስቲያኖች ላይ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል በመፈጸም ላይ ያለችው። ለዚህም ነው “በስምምነት ስም” ሁሉም ነገር ታፍኖ እንዲቀርና ወደ ተጠያቂነት የሚወስዱ መረጃዎች እንዲጠፉ ከሁሉም ከሃዲ ቡድኖች ጋር አሜሪካ በመስራት ላይ ያለችው። አሜሪካም ተጠያቂ ናትና። ሰሜን እዝ ቅብርጥሴ ድራማ በጂቡቲ ተቀማጭነት ያለው የአሜሪካ ሰራዊት ያቀነባበረው ድራማ ነው። ጦርነቱም ልክ እንደጀመረ ወደ ባሕር ዳር እና አስመራ ተተኩሰው የነበሩት ሮኬቶች የአሜሪካ ሰራዊት (የእነ ደብረጽዮን ሰዎችም አሉበት) ከጂቡቲ የተኮሳቸው ሮኬቶች ናቸው። ፋሺስት ሙሶሊኒ ሰሜን ኢትዮጵያን በወረረበት ወቅት እንኳን የውጭ ሃገራት ጋዜጠኞች፣ አሜሪካውያን ጦር ግንባር ድረስ ተገኝተው ምስሎችን እያነሱ ይዘግቡ ነበር። ዛሬ ይህ ሁሉ ቴክኖሎጂ ባለበትና መላው ዓለም የአንዲትን ዝንብ እንኳን እንቅስቃሴ በቀላሉ ማየት በሚችልበት ዘመን ያው ለሦስት ዓመታት ያህል አንድም መረጃ ከትግራይ እንዳይወጣ ተደርጓል። ወደዩክሬይን ያለምንም ስጋት ሰተት ብሎ ለመግባት የበቃው ወስላታው የተመድ ዋና ፀሐፊ ጉቴሬዝ፤ “አብይ አህመድ ወደ መቀሌ እንዳትሄድ ብሎ ከለከለኝ!” ብሎ ሳይሄድ ቀረ። አይይይ! ይህ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ሁሉንም ተጠያቂ ስለሚያደርጋቸው እኮ ነው ሁሉንም ነገር ለመደባበቅና ጊዜ ለመግዛት በጋራ በመስራት ላይ ያሉት። አይይይ! ከእግዚአብሔር በቀልና ፍርድ የትም አታመልጧትም! እኛም ከቅዱሳኑ ጋር በጭራሽ አንለቃችሁም!

💭 Is America Behind The Genocide against Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia? Ned Price is confirming this!

💭 The Worst Mass Killing of The 21st Century by The Nobel Peace Laureate Abiy Ahmed Ali – who is The most evil ‘leader’ since Hitler is supported by the US adminstration.

☆ Since 2020 Genocide in Tigray: Over a million Orthodox Christians Massacred

☆ 200.000 Women, Nuns, Girls Raped in

☆ The Siege ofTigray is Causing mass Starvation for Millions

Think about it, Mr. Ned Price is telling us that America is working together with a brutal mass genocider who has slaughtered over a million Orthodox Christians. Think about it, Americans!

Atrocity comparisons tend to be odious, but the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has verified 7,199 civilian deaths in Ukraine. The number of combat deaths is in the tens of thousands.

By contrast, the number of casualties in Ethiopia might never be known. The best estimates have been put together by Jan Nyssen, a geographer at Ghent University in Belgium, who has calculated that up to 600,000 non-combatants died during the Tigrayan war between November 2020 and November 2022. Many of them starved to death. If one adds fighters who died in combat, the total number of deaths could approach 1 million.

At the Munich Security Conference a week ago, US Vice-President Kamala Harris accused Russia of committing crimes against humanity. But given the simultaneous near-planetary silence on Tigray, it is safe to conclude that not all crimes against humanity are equal.

To me, currently, there is no more concerning and life saving issue facing Americans and Europeans than what’s happening in Christian Ethiopia. Ukraine, Israel or Islamic states are less relevant. The account of world history we know today was created with a European world viewpoint at its core. Ethiopia is where the Two World Wars Began – and where the Third is brewing

Today, this evil world doesn’t want to talke about the fate of Ethiopian Christians, but The Almighty Egziabher God and His Holy Angels and Saints are in Northern Ethiopia.

The fact that the world today doesn’t even want to show a minimum degree of empathy with the Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia, tells us that this world is of Lucifer-Satan.

There is no other ‘Super Power” than The Supreme Almighty God Egziabher. Americans need to raise their voices and tell what this administration is doing is is very very wrong!! The administration knows exactly what’s happening to the Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia. Mr. Ned Price is openly telling us that the administration is working with the genocidal regime. In 2021 Ned Price used to say that the Biden Administration is working with the ‘People of Ethiopia’. Now, it is working ‘with the government of Ethiopia’.

Well, the journalist was supposed to ask a simpler question like; Why is the US working with the fascist Oromo regime of evil Abby Ahmed Ali that – together with the Eritreans, Amharas, Somalis, Arabs, Iranians and Turks – has massacred and starved to death over a million Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia in under two years?

💭 Why is The US protecting, aiding and trying to save the unsavable genocidal regime that has become a global pariah?” Why? Is America behind the genocide against Orthodox Christians of Ethiopia, Egypt, Armenia, Syria, Iraq, Serbia, Russia and Ukraine?

😈 This Antichrist Jihad started 1,400 years ago. In the seventh century, followers of the fake prophet Mohammad ‘migrated’ from Arabia to Axumite Ethiopia. Evil Mohammad wanted to exterminate Orthodox Christians of Axum, Ethiopia.

This Jihad continued throughout the time of the Ottoman Turk expansion and the Protestant reformation.

European interest in Ethiopian Christianity already existed in Luther’s era. Before and after 1517, Erasmus, Thomas More, Pope Clement VII, and others mentioned the Church in Ethiopia. Ethiopian expatriate communities existed in Rome, Venice, Cyprus, and Jerusalem. Luther himself mentions Ethiopia at least 85 times. Among these are references to ancient places and issues, while at least 15 refer to the then-contemporary empire of Christian Ethiopia.

Luther held the Ethiopian Church in great esteem. Uncorrupted by the Roman papacy, Ethiopian Christianity, according to Luther, possessed apostolic practices which were absent in Roman Catholicism and which Protestants would “adopt” through their own reading of Scripture: communion in both kinds, vernacular Scripture, and married clergy. Absent, meanwhile, within the Church in Ethiopia were European practices then under critique by various Protestant reformers: the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, indulgences, purgatory, and marriage as a sacrament.

For Luther, the Church of Ethiopia had more fidelity to the Christian tradition, and the practices mentioned above were marks of this fidelity. Thus, the Church in Europe needed to be reformed in the direction of the Church of Ethiopia. Possibly for Luther the Church of Ethiopia was proof that his reform of the Church in Europe had both a biblical and a historical basis.

But what we have seen and what we are currently seeing is the continuation of the Islamic Protestant Jihad on Orthodox Christianity.

A few days ago, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh rightly noted: “”Ukraine War Will Be Over Depending On How Many People Zelensky Wants To Kill”

This is exactly what happens in Ethiopia (The fascist Oromo regime exterminating may be up to three million Orthodox Christians) and what will happen in Ukraine (the Nazi regime of Zelensky exterminating upto 10 million Orthodox Christians of Ukraine, Russia and Moldova.)

💭 ‘Bolshevist’ Congressman Jamie Raskin Calls to Destroy ‘Orthodox Christian’ Russia by Jihad

💭 Anti-Orthodox Conspiracy: NATO ‘Ready to Act’ in KOSOVO if Tensions with SERBIA Escalate


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