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Fascist Abiy Ahmed May Stage a False-Flag Operation Like Hitler to Justify #TigrayGenocide

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on July 21, 2021

Fears that fascist Abiy Ahmed may set up a bomb attack at tomorrow’s rally in Addis Ababa & attribute it to Tigrayans to instigate a genocide against them. The international community should follow this closely!

🔥The Reichstag Fire — Hitler Consolidates Power🔥

The Reichstag Fire was an event that greatly aided the Third Reich’s plans to end German democratic rule.

On February 27th, 1933, the Reichstag, or German parliament building, burned. The Nazi Party blamed the fire on a Communist plot, though Nazi Party members may have played a role in the arson. Hitler used it as a pretext for imprisoning political opponents and abolishing citizen rights, such as freedom of the press and speech. Further emboldened by the blaze, the Nazis accelerated rearmament plans and expansion of the armed forces, part of Hitler’s broader effort to rebuild German military might.


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