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RT ክርክር | ኢትዮጵያ ከ 150 ዓመታት በፊት የተሠረቁትን ንብረቷን እንድትመልስ እንግሊዝን ጠየቀች

Posted by addisethiopia / አዲስ ኢትዮጵያ on April 29, 2018

የማርያም መቀነቱን ምልክት ላለማየት፣ የነጎድጓዱን ድምጽ መልዕክት ላለመስማት አሻፈረኝ እያሉ ነው፤ የእንግሊዙ ጋዜጠኛ ትዕቢትና ግትርነት “የ ሌባ ዓይን ደረቅ መልሶ ብ ያደርቅ!” ያሰብላል

ኤግዚቢሽ የተዘጋጀው በለንደን ከሚገኘው የኢትዮጵያ ማኅበረሰብ ጋር በመመካከር ነው….መብታችን ነው፡ ኢትዮጵያ እንደ ኢራቅና ሶርያ ህግ አልባ ልትሆን ስለምትችል እዚህ መቆየት አለበት….ቅብርጥሴ.”

ምን እያዘጋጁልን እንደሆነ ልብ በሉ!

የቀማኞቹ የዔሳውና እስማኤል ዘሮች እኛን ከማታለል፣ እርስበርስ ከማዳቆስና ከማባላት አያርፉም

ትንቢተ ሚክያስ ምዕራፍ ፪:

በመኝታቸው ላይ በደልን ለሚያስቡ ክፋትንም ለሚያደርጉ ወዮላቸው! ኃይል በእጃቸው ነውና ሲነጋ ይፈጽሙታል።

በእርሻው ላይ ይመኛሉ፥ በግዴታም ይይዙታል፤ በቤቶችም ላይ ይመኛሉ፥ ይወስዱአቸውማል፤ ሰውንና ቤቱን፥ ሰውንና ርስቱንም ይነጥቃሉ።

ስለዚህ እግዚአብሔር እንዲህ ይላል። እነሆ፥ በዚህ ወገን ላይ በክፉ አስባለሁ፥ ከዚያም አንገታችሁን አታነሡም፤ ዘመኑም ክፉ ነውና ቀጥ ብላችሁ አትሄዱም።

በዚያ ቀን በምሳሌ ይመስሉባችኋል፥ በጽኑ ልቅሶም ያለቅሱላችኋል፤ እነርሱም። ፈጽመን ጠፍተናል፤ የሕዝቤን እድል ፈንታ ይሰፍራል፥ እርሱንም የሚከለክል የለም፤ እርሻችንን ለዓመፀኞች ይከፍላል ይላሉ።

ስለዚህ በእግዚአብሔር ጉባኤ መካከል በዕጣ ገመድ የሚጥል አይኖርህም።

ትንቢት አትናገሩ ብለው ይናገራሉ፤ በእነዚህ ላይ ትንቢት አይናገሩም፥ ስድብም አይርቅም።

የያዕቆብ ቤት የተባልህ ሆይ፥ በውኑ የእግዚአብሔር መንፈስ የማይታገሥ ነውን? ወይስ ሥራው እንደዚች ናትን? ቃሌስ በቅን ለሚሄድ በጎነት አያደርግምን?

ነገር ግን ከቅርብ ጊዜ ጀምሮ ሕዝቤ እንደ ጠላት ሆኖ ተነሥቶአል፤ ቀሚስንና መጐናጸፊያን ገፈፋችሁ፤ ሳይፈሩም፤ የሚያልፉትን ከሰልፍ እንደሚመለሱ አደረጋችኋቸው።

የሕዝቤንም ሴቶች ከተሸለሙ ቤቶቻቸው አሳደዳችኋቸው፤ ከሕፃናቶቻቸውም ክብሬን ለዘላለም ወሰዳችሁ።

በዚህ ዕረፍት የላችሁምና ተነሥታችሁ ሂዱ፤ በርኵሰት ምክንያት ክፉ ጥፋት ታጠፋችኋለች።

Ethiopia Demands UK Return Pillaged Treasure Taken 150 Years Ago (DEBATE)

Ethiopia is calling for the return of valuable artefacts plundered by British forces 150 years ago. The East African treasures are currently on display at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

The country has demanded that all of the looted antiquities be sent back to Ethiopia on a permanent basis, refusing an offer of a long-term loan by the V&A Museum.

Among the treasures are a gold crown and chalice seized by British forces during the Battle of Maqdala in 1868 after troops ransacked the fortress of Emperor Tewodros II. The items were sold to raise money for the British military and were first exhibited in 1872.

Crown, probably made in Gondar, Ethiopia, around 1740 © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

The V&A announced in February it was staging an exhibition with the looted treasure, reigniting the diplomatic row. Addis Ababa first requested the artefacts back in 2007, according to Ethiopian Minister of Culture and Tourism Hirut Woldemariam.

Tristram Hunt, director of the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), says the exhibition was organized in consultation with the Ethiopian community in London and remains “committed to continuing the important and wide-ranging dialogue with colleagues at the Ethiopian Embassy in London.”

The issue remains a bone of contention between the two nations, as commentators from both sides outlined to RT.

British broadcaster Jon Gaunt pointed to Iraq and Syria where antiquities have been looted by ISIS, suggesting unstable nations like Ethiopia can not be tasked with looking after their own treasures.

This argument was refuted by Ethiopian political commentator Awol Allo, blasting it as “condescending” and a “colonial narrative.” Allo said people should be able to visit Ethiopia and see the national treasures there.

Selected Comments:

I would punch that brit right between its beard and his eyes. These are thief eyes, on what ground is UK entitled to keep stolen goods. Oh, it was 200 years ago, but as everybody know stolen goods are still stolen, even after 2000 years, so they should be returned with apologies.

The British looted & stolen many things from Poor countries around the world & now they must return to the real owners.

The British museums would be empty if they decide to gave back artefacts. What about all the Great British Countryside Mansions paid for by African Slaves blood.

So, would Britain feel the same way if Ethiopia had important looted British historical artifacts on display in an Ethiopian museum? I think not. Looted history should be returned to the owners when at all possible. Theft is theft..time does not turn a theft into a legal transfer by virtue of the thief managing to hold onto it for a few generations.

Shame on the British Empire! An ancient Christian Empire looted of its Royal regalia by a professed Christian State. They even stripped the crowns from the bodies of the Emperors in their burial vault. How would the British have felt if a group of marauding Ethiopians exhumed the body of Queen Victoria and stripped the rings from her fingers? Send the loot back now!

Unless the British create ISIS in Ethiopia in the near future, there is no terrorist in Ethiopia. Ethiopian is a peaceful country. Just give the item back without any excuse …

I have a theory the U.K. wants to put Zera Yacob, Crown Prince and heir to Haile Selassie on the Ethiopian throne. He was educated at Eton. Presumably they will then return the regalia. All part of the U.K. elite’s plan to reassert control over the Horn of Africa. Al Shabaab will fulfill a similar role in Somalia. British Empire Mk ll.



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